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Summary of Key Differences in Fast Track Proposals

  1. Labor standards:

  2. Environmental issues:

  3. On investment, the Principal Negotiating Objective in Thomas et al. proposal does not address key concerns revealed by experience with NAFTA Chapter 11. A key concern is that investment provisions give foreign investors greater rights in the U.S. than domestic investors, and threaten valid health, safety and other regulations.

    The Rangel/Levin proposal addresses these concerns while still preserving effective investor-state mechanism so that U.S. investors can protect their investments overseas.

  4. The Thomas et al. proposal includes an objective that a country enforce its existing environmental law.

    The Rangel/Levin proposal includes this objective, and also provides for a rule preventing countries from gaining a competitive advantage by derogating from or waiving their environmental standards.

  5. Enforcement:

  6. Role of Congress