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Copyright 2001 The Atlanta Constitution  
The Atlanta Journal and Constitution

April 8, 2001 Sunday, Home Edition

SECTION: News; Pg. 3B

LENGTH: 957 words

HEADLINE: ON WASHINGTON: The Georgia Connection;
A weekly report on the people and activities linking Georgia and Washington.

BYLINE: Melanie Eversley, Ernie Freda


McCain seeks Lewis' help to pass campaign finance bill in House Now that the debate over reforming campaign finance moves over to the House, the issue's head cheerleader, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), has gone to the Georgia delegation for help.

About noon Wednesday, McCain popped over to the office of Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) to ask him to persuade members of the Congressional Black Caucus to vote for the controversial measure. Black Caucus members Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) and Albert Wynn (D-Md.) in particular have been opposed to overhauling the rules on campaign finance and have argued that limitations on "soft money" will hurt minority candidates.

Lewis did as McCain asked, but he said he wasn't able to persuade Wynn or Waters to change. Still, he added, his intention to vote for the bill remains strong.

"My position is very, very simple: We've got to put a limit on the amount of money being spent," Lewis said. "Too many people come into Congress and they spend all their time battling for dollars. This is a start. I think the time is right for us to pass this bill."
Collins proposes cut in capital gains rates

Saying that investment would receive a boost if capital gains tax rates were reduced, Rep. Mac Collins (R-Ga.) introduced a bill to slice the rates in half.

Collins' bill, called the Tax Rate Reduction Act, would reduce the top capital gains tax rate from 20 percent to 10 percent and drop the lower rate from 10 percent to 5 percent for taxpayers in the 15 percent income tax bracket. Additionally, the measure would repeal the five-year holding rule.

"From past rate reductions, we know that the economy responds to the lowering of rates," Collins said.

Rep. Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.) has been named vice chairman of the House Armed Services Committee's morale, welfare and recreation panel.

Chambliss attended the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the 116th Bomb Wing facility and dedication of the new fitness center Friday at Robins Air Force Base in Middle Georgia.

"To steal or commit this degree of gross error is intolerable under any circumstances, but the fact that these people took the money from America's schoolchildren makes these offenses worthy of the full contempt of the entire nation."

--- Rep. Charlie Norwood (R-Ga.), on admissions by officials that the Department of Education lost an estimated $450 million in the past three years to theft, fraud and mismanagement.

Rep. Jack Kingston (R-Ga.) will appear on the ABC "Politically Incorrect" program that will air in Atlanta about 12:05 a.m. Tuesday. Y:Yes X:Did not vote N:No
KEY HOUSE VOTES ESTATE TAX Voted 274-154 to gradually repeal estate and gift taxes by 2011. A yes vote was to approve. Y:Jack Kingston (R-1st) Y:Sanford Bishop (D-2nd) Y:Mac Collins (R-3rd) N:Cynthia McKinney (D-4th) N:John Lewis (D-5th) Y:Johnny Isakson (R-6th) Y:Bob Barr (R-7th) Y:Saxby Chambliss (R-8th) Y:Nathan Deal (R-9th) Y:Charlie Norwood (R-10th) Y:John Linder (R-11th)
CHINA RESOLUTION Voted 406-6 to urge condemnation of China's human rights policies at a current meeting of the U.N. Commission on Human Rights in Geneva. A yes vote was to approve. X:Jack Kingston (R-1st) Y:Sanford Bishop (D-2nd) Y:Mac Collins (R-3rd) Y:Cynthia McKinney (D-4th) Y:John Lewis (D-5th) Y:Johnny Isakson (R-6th) Y:Bob Barr (R-7th) Y:Saxby Chambliss (R-8th) Y:Nathan Deal (R-9th) Y:Charlie Norwood (R-10th) Y:John Linder (R-11th)
CUBA RESOLUTION Voted 347-44 to denounce Cuba for repressing its citizens and urged the U.N. Commission on Human Rights to formally condemn the island state. A yes vote was to approve. X:Jack Kingston (R-1st) X:Sanford Bishop (D-2nd) Y:Mac Collins (R-3rd) X:Cynthia McKinney (D-4th) N:John Lewis (D-5th) Y:Johnny Isakson (R-6th) Y:Bob Barr (R-7th) Y:Saxby Chambliss (R-8th) Y:Nathan Deal (R-9th) Y:Charlie Norwood (R-10th) Y:John Linder (R-11th)
KEY SENATE VOTES CAMPAIGN FINANCE Voted 59-41 to pass the McCain-Feingold bill, which would bar from federal campaigns the unlimited, unregulated "soft money" that unions, corporations, business groups, individuals and others give to political parties. A yes vote was to approve. Y:Max Cleland (D) Y:Zell Miller (D)
TAX CUT Approved 65-35 a budget for fiscal 2002 that would limit President Bush's tax cut to $1.2 trillion over 10 years, $400 billion less than he wanted. A yes vote was to approve. Y:Max Cleland (D) Y:Zell Miller (D)
PRESCRIPTION DRUGS Approved 51-50, with Vice President Dick Cheney casting the tie-breaking vote, a GOP amendment to the above legislation saying that up to $300 billion could be provided for new prescription drug subsidies as part of an overall revamping of Medicare. A yes vote was to approve. N:Max Cleland (D) Y:Zell Miller (D)
MEDICARE SPENDING Rejected 50-50 (ties lose, under Senate rules) a Democratic bid to shift $158 billion over 10 years from tax cuts to a Medicare prescription drug benefit. A yes vote backed the shift. Y:Max Cleland (D) N:Zell Miller (D)
DEFENSE SPENDING Approved 84-16 an amendment increasing defense spending by $8.5 billion in fiscal 2002, to at least $327 billion, taking the money out of President Bush's tax cut. A yes vote was to approve. Y:Max Cleland (D) Y:Zell Miller (D)
FARM SPENDING Approved 51-49 a Republican budget amendment that would boost farm spending by $64 billion over the next 10 years. A yes vote was to approve. N:Max Cleland (D) Y:Zell Miller (D)
CONTACT YOUR LEGISLATORS AT THE U.S. CAPITOL * ZIP codes: House 20515, Senate 20510 Capitol operator: 202-224-3121 * Sources: Roll Call Report Syndicate, Associated Press

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LOAD-DATE: April 09, 2001

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