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Copyright 2002 The New York Times Company  
The New York Times

August 27, 2002, Tuesday, Late Edition - Final

SECTION: Section C; Page 1; Column 2; Business/Financial Desk 

LENGTH: 1306 words

HEADLINE: Next Big Health Debate: How to Help Uninsured


Concerned that millions of workers are losing their health insurance coverage at a time when health costs are surging, employers and Congressional leaders say the next great health care debate will be over how to help the uninsured.

Senator John B. Breaux of Louisiana, an influential moderate Democrat, and leaders of the nation's largest pension plans are trying to drum up support for universal health insurance, a proposal that has received little attention, except from labor unions and liberals, since the collapse of the Clintons' health plan.

The House Republican leaders -- Speaker J. Dennis Hastert and Dick Armey, the majority leader, who is retiring -- have been working on a package of less sweeping measures, including tax credits for the uninsured, in hopes of defusing the issue before the Congressional elections this fall.

Kate Sullivan, health policy director of the United States Chamber of Commerce, predicts that the issue will heat up next month when the Census Bureau announces the number of uninsured for last year, which may climb above 40 million -- from 38.4 million in 2000 -- and when the Kaiser Family Foundation reports the latest double-digit increases in health costs.

On costs, "the 2003 and 2004 projections are going to be much worse than the 2002 projections," said Helen Darling, president of the Washington Business Group on Health, a group of large employers.

One of the nation's largest purchasers of health care, the California Public Employees Retirement System, or Calpers, which covers 1.2 million people, recently agreed to 25 percent increases in health premiums for next year. The state's $1.58 billion in spending for the Calpers health budget is expected to double in three years, said William Crist, an economist who is president of Calpers.

As retirees are forced to spend more of their funds, higher payments for health care "are essentially taking away pensions," he said. Mr. Crist, who said he was "trying to get support for coalitions working toward a political base for universal coverage," recently sent invitations to other big state pension plans to join the National Coalition on Health Care, a Washington-based group that favors universal insurance.

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Group Insurance Commission, the New York State Teachers' Retirement System and the New York employees retirement fund -- which is run by H. Carl McCall, the state comptroller and candidate for governor -- have all joined the coalition.

Paying for the uninsured is making health care even more expensive for private employers and government programs. Corporations, consumers and taxpayers end up covering the escalating health costs of people who lost jobs in the economic slowdown or who risk going without expensive insurance.

"The uninsured should be a big issue in the coming year," said Bruce E. Bradley, director of managed care plans at General Motors.

Adding to the urgency, employers are passing along more of those costs to workers and retirees, and they are increasingly angry and frustrated about those costs.

"We need to do something about the coming meltdown in health care financing," said Larry Atkins, coordinator of the Corporate Health Care Coalition, which includes big companies that supported the Clinton health plan in 1994. "I think the issue is going to pop up in the 2002 elections."

At the Heritage Foundation, a conservative research center, Robert Moffett, a health policy expert, said: "The climate is increasingly ripe for a re-examination of old ideas about health insurance." Heritage is promoting its own longstanding proposal for universal coverage, to be financed by tax credits.

Lack of, or inadequate, coverage is cited along with problems with Medicare as the two "most important health care issues for government action" in a public opinion survey published on the Internet this month by Health Affairs, a policy journal.

"These findings suggest that this issue may emerge as an important one in the post-2002 Congressional election term," said the survey director, Robert J. Blendon, a researcher at the Harvard School of Public Health.

Charles E. Grassley of Iowa, the ranking Republican on the Senate Finance Committee, said incremental or piecemeal measures still had the best chance of paring the numbers of uninsured. He suggested "a combination of something like medical savings accounts, tax incentives and refundable credits for individual insurance policies."

But Tom Daschle of South Dakota, the Senate majority leader, said recently that "many of us have concluded that incremental approaches to health care are not the solution."

A Senate aide said Democrats were expected to work on "a dual track -- seeking to expand the Child Health Plus subsidies to parents," as New York and a few other states have done, as well as "laying down markers for a debate next year on universal coverage."

Labor unions, which have long supported universal coverage, are preparing for tough bargaining over health benefits in the coming months and possibly strikes, said Gerald Shea, assistant to the president of the A.F.L.-C.I.O., John J. Sweeney.

"Wages are being traded for continuing health coverage," Mr. Shea said. Union workers at Hershey Foods walked out for seven weeks in the spring over a demand by the company that employees pay more for their health benefits.

Rob McGarrah, an A.F.L.-C.I.O. senior policy aide, said, "Universal coverage is back on the table."

Senator Breaux, who headed a bipartisan commission on overhauling Medicare and is active in the politically charged debate over a Medicare prescription drug benefit, has been discussing approaches to universal coverage with a number of colleagues, including Mr. Grassley and Senator George V. Voinovich, a conservative Republican from Ohio.

As Mr. Breaux noted, coverage is available now for the elderly in Medicare, for veterans from the Department of Veterans Affairs, for the poor under Medicaid and for millions of workers in employer-sponsored health plans.

"As a nation, it is very important to have national insurance for everybody," he said in an interview.

Each existing program has "its own bureaucracy and rules and regulations and duplication of the others," he said, adding: "We need to get a lot more younger and healthy people in the insurance pool, hopefully reduce the costs for the people who have insurance now."

Existing programs could be reorganized and continued, he suggested, with the government making sure that health care is "delivered properly and also that it is paid for." He mentioned subsidies for low-income people that would be adjusted according to income.

Both companies and their employees get tax advantages for their health costs, he noted, saying: "There is a lot of money in the system already. I think we can rearrange it and spend it more wisely."

Deductions for medical expenses reduce state and federal tax collections by $140 billion a year, Mr. Moffett of the Heritage Foundation said.

The White House and many Republicans, including Senator Grassley and Representative Bill Thomas, chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, want to provide tax credits, which they say would make insurance affordable for many uninsured people.

Democrats in the Senate have opposed the credits. "Tax credits would undermine the good employment-based coverage on which most Americans depend, forcing them to rely on the often-volatile individual insurance market," Senator Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts said.

In a compromise within the recently passed trade bill, however, both House and Senate voted to include a modest tax credit measure and new federal money to help pay for health care for workers who lose jobs as a consequence of future trade pacts.

GRAPHIC: Photo: Senator John B. Breaux, who has been examining approaches to universal health insurance. (Associated Press)(pg. C2)
Graph: "Without Coverage"
Although the percentage of Americans without health insurance fell as the economy boomed, the number is expected to grow to more than 40 million people, from 38.4 million in 2000.
Graph tracks AMERICANS WITHOUT HEALTH INSURANCE Percentage of total population, nonelderly since 1990.
(Source: Employee Benefit Research Institute)(pg. C2)      

LOAD-DATE: August 27, 2002

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