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Copyright 2002 The San Diego Union-Tribune  
The San Diego Union-Tribune

April 1, 2002, Monday


LENGTH: 853 words

HEADLINE: The real costs of missile defense


Add up Congressional Budget Office numbers on missile defense and you find that, at $238 billion, it is now the Pentagon's largest program.

If cost projections for previous major weapons systems are an example, you can double that $238 billion. The Bush administration's plans for a "layered," three-tiered system will make it easily the most expensive project ever.

So what, you say, security has no price. But the trouble with national missile defense (NMD), as people like Nobel Prize-winning physicist Steven Weinberg point out, is that it's likely to be money down the drain, and particularly useless against terrorists.

Governments make choices. In a democracy, those choices presumably reflect what the people want. But popular support for NMD is based on what government is not saying, not what it is saying.

Little by little we are learning about NMD's real costs. A few days ago, we learned that doctors are turning away Medicare patients, who represent a rising segment of our population, because government has cut Medicare payments to doctors.

Choices. Five years before the baby boomer population hits Medicare, government is undermining the program, cutting payments to doctors by 5.4 percent this year, a planned 17 percent over three years.

Doctors' groups point out that the number of family practitioners who refuse Medicare patients today stands at 17 percent, rising each year.

Choices. Not only have plans for Medicare prescription drug coverage been dropped, but Medicare patients soon won't even have doctor coverage.

And there is Social Security. Under current Bush plans, Social Security surpluses will be spent on the defense buildup, instead of being used for paying down the debt, meaning less money will be available for paying for the boomers' retirement.

No way to avoid it, says the administration: The costs of Sept. 11.

Wrong. National missile defenses would not have prevented Sept. 11.

Governments are bad -- not just this government but all of them -- at linking things up. They don't like to talk about trade-offs and opportunity costs, the things we forfeit to get what government wants to give us.

How many people, for example, make a connection between NMD and immigration?

Yet there is a link. If we must dip into Social Security to pay for NMD, then we will need more young workers to pay for the retired boomers. Since Americans aren't making babies, we must import them.

To argue for NMD is really to argue for increased immigration, and vice versa. Choices.

We accuse our European friends of spending too much on welfare and not enough on defense. America spends nearly twice as much on defense annually as all the European NATO members together. Surely that indicates Europe's misguided priorities.

Or does it point to our own? To be developing at enormous cost a marginal program like NMD while undermining Medicare says something about our own priorities. There are serious doubts NMD ever will save a life.

Doctors turning away Medicare patients cost lives every day.

Weinberg has real doubts about NMD. Unlike politicians, physicists deal in science, not campaign contributions and local subcontractors. Weinberg has consistently pointed out the problems with NMD promises over the years, and Sept. 11 has only reinforced his views.

In a long article in the New York Review of Books, he lays out the weaknesses of the NMD concept.

Missile defenses are easy to defeat, he writes. The attacker, surrounding his warhead with decoys, "always has the last move." NMD also hurts security in another way, "by taking money away from other forms of defense.

But the decoy problem, say NMD defenders, is solved by a "boost phase" intercept -- attacking missiles near the source of launch -- the lowest of Bush's three-tiered system.

The problem with that, says Weinberg, is threefold: Having the right information about the launch, getting close enough to hit it at liftoff, and avoiding horrible mistakes.

The new twist to the problem comes from Sept. 11. Bush says NMD will help protect against terrorism.

But Sept. 11 shows terrorists don't need missiles. The ballistic missile, says Weinberg, "is not just one among the many vehicles that might be used by terrorists or a rogue state to attack us with nuclear weapons -- it is the least likely vehicle (his italics). Why use a missile, he asks, "when they could use many other means to deliver nuclear weapons anonymously?"

The real danger we face, Weinberg writes, is the spread of nuclear material that can be set off without missiles, a danger the Bush administration, by undermining the Non-Proliferation Treaty, has increased.

Few politicians are willing to face the scientific truth. As Weinberg puts it, Bush is pursuing "a missile defense undertaken for its own sake, rather than for any application it may have in defending our country."

Let's not forget the cost of pursuing NMD for its own sake -- little things like Medicare, Social Security and increased immigration.

Goldsborough can be reached via e-mail at

GRAPHIC: 1 DRAWING; Scott Cunningham

LOAD-DATE: April 3, 2002

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