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Copyright 2002 St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Inc.  
St. Louis Post-Dispatch

August 1, 2002 Thursday Five Star Lift Edition


LENGTH: 14451 words


U.S. SENATE - Democrat


AGE: 68

HOME: Rolla


POLITICAL CAREER: Never elected to public office; appointed to U.S. Senate in 2000


What would you do to help your district?

Missourians want elected officials who will put aside partisan politics and work together to seek common solutions to the different challenges facing our state and nation. I will continue to work with senators of both parties, as I have done in the past, to address crucial needs such as:

* Strengthening our economic and national security.

* Providing prescription drug coverage for seniors.

* Strengthening Social Security and Medicare.

* Passing a strong patients' bill of rights.

* Increasing the minimum wage.

* Expanding health care options for the uninsured - especially children.

* Providing a new national commitment to improving education that focuses on reducing class size and improving classroom conditions.

Legislation you would seek?

One of our top priorities must be to make health care more accessible and affordable. We can help achieve this objective by adopting legislation that will:

* Create a prescription drug benefit under Medicare.

* Provide individuals with tax credits to offset health and long-term care insurance costs.

* Give small businesses tax credits to encourage them to offer health insurance to their employees.

* Provide 100% deductibility of health insurance costs for the self-employed.

* Expand the CHIPs program that provides health coverage to low-income children, and fight cuts to such vital programs as Medicare and Medicaid.

Why are you qualified for this office?

In my time in the Senate, I have been a forceful and effective advocate for Missouri's working families and have demonstrated an ability to reach across party lines to get things done.

DARREL D. DAY - Did not respond.


U.S. SENATE - Republican


AGE: 50

HOME: Jefferson City

OCCUPATION: Dental Specialist (Endodontist), Joseph A. May, D.D.S.

POLITICAL CAREER: Secretary, vice president and president of the Greater Jefferson City Dental Society. Re-elected president for 2002.


What would you do to help your district?

First, I would not exchange my vote for bad legislation to get my legislation passed in Congress. Secondly, I would have the moral fortitude to demand that all bills be homogenous in one form without riders. Votes would be cast with the best interest of my Missouri constituents. And I would promote, support and defend the U.S. Constitution.

Legislation you would seek?

Repeal NAFTA and replace with trade tariffs on foreign imports to protect our labor force, farmers and manufacturers in Missouri and the United States. This would create skilled jobs, provide new tax revenue and encourage the return of manufacturers that have moved their manufacturing plants outside the U.S. We need to keep skilled jobs in Missouri, not abroad.

Why are you qualified for this office?

After 10 years of college and 20 years of private practice, our campaign has developed a conservative vision for the future, where Missouri will be more productive, develop creative ideas, help those in real need, protect our labor force and farmers from unfair practices from foreign imports, and make Missouri a better place to live and support one's family.


AGE: 45

HOME: Chesterfield

OCCUPATION: Teacher, attorney

POLITICAL CAREER: Missouri Legislature, 1985-1992; Missouri House Minority Leader, 1988-1992; Congress, 1993-2000; Assistant House Majority Leader, 1999-2000; Chairman, House Small Business Committee, 1997-2000.


What would you do to help your district?

In order to be effective you have to be independent, understand how the system works and know how to work together with people on both sides of the aisle. I believe my accomplishments in welfare reform, national security, health care, small-business issues and urban revitalization show I have the experience and ability to be effective.

I'm optimistic that we can change Washington if we elect senators who will stand up for the common sense values of the heartland. I would appreciate the opportunity to stand up for those values in the Senate as I did for eight years in the House if the people want me to.

Legislation you would seek?

I'll fight for Missouri first by strengthening our national and homeland security; increasing access to quality, affordable health care, including an immediate Medicare prescription drug benefit for seniors; increasing funding and local control for public schools; helping create jobs and reducing taxes, including permanent repeal of the death tax and marriage penalty.

Why are you qualified for this office?

I served 16 years in the Legislature and Congress and believe my record shows I've been effective on issues such as national defense, health care and jobs, which is why I'm asking voters to compare my record with Mrs. Carnahan's and determine who has the experience and ability to be more effective in the Senate.


AGE: 44

HOME: Granby

OCCUPATION: Truck driver

POLITICAL CAREER: Never elected to public office


What would you do to help your district?

My primary goal is to restore white Christian America by the repeal of NAFTA to restore our manufacturing base and to repatriate non-whites to their country of origin, be it Africa, Asia or Mexico. Under current conditions, whites shall become a racial minority within 50 years, and extinct in 150 years, and this trend must be combatted by any and all means necessary.

Legislation you would seek?

Deporting non-whites to their Third World places of origin.

Why are you qualified for this office?

I am the only overtly White Nationalist candidate predominantly concerned with preserving our race and people running for election.


AGE: 44

HOME: St. Joseph

OCCUPATION: Real estate agent, author-publisher

POLITICAL CAREER: Never elected to public office


Legislation you would seek?

I have documented proof in a book I published of my insight into problems in Missouri that I sent to Gov. Mel Carnahan. He attempted to cover, which I was forced to expose to U.S. Sen. John Ashcroft just before the mysterious plane crash. See my Web site and book for full details.

Why are you qualified for this office?

I have tried to work with then-Governor Mel Carnahan - letters written back and forth concerning severe problems in the district, primarily Buchanan, where I live. Gov. Carnahan referred matters to Gary Kempker of the Department of Safety. He wrote me a letter and told me to hire a lawyer. He is paid by the state to handle these problems. Gov. Holden moved Kempker to another department immediately or soon after Gov. Carnahan's death.


AGE: 75

HOME: St. Louis County

OCCUPATION: Semi-retired manager of ranch and cattle business, self-employed

POLITICAL CAREER: Alderman, City of St. Louis, 1968-1972

What would you do to help your district?

Further increases in drug benefits to Medicare recipients. Prevention (coverage) will prevent further medical problems and higher expenses in the future. Increased educational benefits for students that will lead them through community colleges and into a publicly funded four-year college degree. There must be a reallocation of dollars spent to fight the drug culture by emphasizing drug treatments, not incarceration.

The judicial system has been damaged by the use of paid informants by the Justice Department; the trials are not fair.

Legislation you would seek?

No response received.

Why are you qualified for this office?

I am educated on an academic level, as well as having practical experience in politics with legislators of both political parties for 20 years.


U.S. SENATE - Libertarian

EDWARD JOSEPH MANLEY, III - Did not respond.


AGE: 35

HOME: St. Louis County

OCCUPATION: Interviewer, a major St. Louis medical school

POLITICAL CAREER: Normandy Township Committeewoman, St. Louis County; Libertarian Central Committee, 1996 and 2000.


What would you do to help your district?

A district - or a state - is its people. As a U.S. Senator, my goal would be to help the people of Missouri. I'd help Missourians by introducing legislation to repeal the federal income tax and let them keep the money they work so hard to earn. I'd help Missourians by introducing a blanket repeal of the more than 20,000 "gun control" laws - more accurately called "victim disarmament" laws - that threaten Missourians with prison if they dare to defend themselves from criminals. I'd help Missourians by introducing a blanket repeal of the laws that enable the "War on Drugs" and destroy Missouri's families, imprisoning thousands of Missourians for "crimes" that have no victims.

Legislation you would seek?

Government's overwhelming power in America over the last century has been built on the income tax - a tax that did not exist until 1913 and that did not apply to most Americans until World War II. The income tax made the explosion of government intrusion into our lives that characterized the last century possible. My first priority in the Senate would be the repeal of the federal income tax, because it would make many other issues of unwarranted government power moot.

Why are you qualified for this office?

I'm a working Missourian who understands the challenges that working Missourians face and who is willing to stand on principle in order to make it possible for them lead better, freer lives.

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CLAIRE MCCASKILL - Incumbent, is unopposed.


STATE AUDITOR - Republican


AGE: 72

HOME: Concordia

OCCUPATION: Chief executive officer, International Consultants

POLITICAL CAREER: Never elected to public office

What are your three main goals?

1. Safety of public funds during these perilous and difficult financial times is the key issue in this election. Who can do it best: a Wall Street professional or a politician?

2. Protect state and local public money from loss by unstable and weak banks, bonds or other shaky investments during the current state financial crisis through better audits and advanced technology and oversight.

3. Upgrade the state auditor's office and make it a more family-friendly place to work to increase efficiency, accuracy and safety of public funds during these critical financial times in Missouri.

Why should you be elected rather than your opponent(s)?

As a former member and seat owner of two of the nation's registered stock and commodities exchanges, and as a licensed pit broker for a major securities firm, I have the knowledge and the experience to protect state and local public funds from the financial markets. Many Missourians have lost money in the markets. Let's not let that happen to public funds. Elect a professional instead of a politician.


AGE: 41

HOME: University City

OCCUPATION: Associate general counsel, Washington University

POLITICAL CAREER: Never elected to public office


What are your three main goals?

My decision to run for auditor can be boiled down to two simple questions: What happened to Missouri's budget? Why were we not informed of this crisis? Missourians deserve an auditor who is committed to seeking out waste, fraud and abusive spending in state government and making sure your tax dollars are being spent effectively. As auditor, I will tell Missourians how, where and why their money is being spent.

Why should you be elected rather than your opponent(s)?

I am a committed candidate seeking to represent the hard-working people of Missouri. My background includes years of volunteer service dedicated to bettering the lives of Missouri's children and our community. As associate general counsel at Washington University, my responsibilities include making sure the medical school complies with federal and state regulations relating to Medicaid and Medicare funding. This serves as an excellent training ground for the state auditor.


STATE AUDITOR - Libertarian

ARNOLD J. TREMBLEY - Is unopposed.

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AGE: 45

HOME: St. Louis

OCCUPATION: US. Rep- resentative, District 1

POLITICAL CAREER: Missouri House of Repre- sentatives, Missouri Senate and U.S. House of Representatives.

Legislation you would seek?

The preservation of Social Security and Medicare.

What would you do to help your district?

No reply.

Why are you qualified for this office?

I am the only candidate with the experience necessary to represent this district.


AGE: 41

HOME: St. Louis

OCCUPATION: Small Business Development Manager, self employed

POLITICAL CAREER: Never elected to public office

Legislation you would seek?

Universal health care: Develop a plan that is affordable for workers and employers. Provide a safety net for the uninsured, poor, unemployed, disabled and self-employed and provide prescription drug benefits through Medicare that would make prescription drug purchases affordable. We must stop the Republican assault on social programs and protect Social Security. Also, we must protect seniors from excessive tax burdens.

What would you do to help your district?

Missouri is ranked No. 49 in the nation when it comes to spending money on education. I would propose legislation that would allow for more monies allocated in our district for education at the federal level. We need more teachers, smaller classrooms, new schoolhouses, and safer schools. On economic development, St. Louis has a dependent population of over 200,000 people. Our plan for the future must include job creation in service industries and manufacturing industries. We must provide opportunities for employers and would-be employers to do business in our region and employ our people.

In our district one in two children live in poverty compared to one in seven nationally. I would propose legislation to create more social assistance programs for the poor, extend the time for welfare-to-work mothers to complete their job training, provide more day-care service so parents can work and provide for their children and provide more assistance with housing needs.

I would continue the effort to develop the region's transportation system by allocating money to build highways, roads and develop more public transportation, i.e. MetroLink.

Why are you qualified for this office?

I am a leader who will provide real leadership for our people first over politics and special interest.






JIM HIGGINS - Is unopposed.

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JOHN HOGAN - Is unopposed.


TODD AKIN - Incumbent, is unopposed.


DARLA R. MALONEY - Is unopposed.

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AGE: 35

HOME: St. Louis County

OCCUPATION: chef/farmer

POLITICAL CAREER: Never elected to public office


Legislation you would seek?

Senior citizens must have true cost-of-living adjustments. Government programs that are designed to buy votes increase 7 percent-plus a year, and seniors receive maybe a 2 percent increase, which usually covers some of the Medicare increase. If someone retires and goes back to work to make ends meet, they are taxed for Social Security, but receive no extra benefit. This is fraud!

What would you do to help your district?

The North American Free Trade Agreement must be repealed immediately. Our nation's industrial base is leaving rapidly, and the result will not only be the loss of high-paying, skilled jobs, but the loss or reduction of pensions, and full dependence for all of our basic needs from foreign sources. Being self-sufficient is basic for national security.

Why are you qualified for this office?

After talking with many people in the district for over a year since Dick Gephardt said on television that anyone who makes over $50,000 a year is rich, I have found that 90 percent of the people I talk to agree with my conservative values and the other 10 percent don't vote. I have the determination and understanding of both the urban and rural areas.


AGE: 61

HOME: Shrewsbury

OCCUPATION: Member of Congress

POLITICAL CAREER: From 1971 through the end of 1976, I served on the St. Louis Board of Alderman, representing the 14th ward.


Legislation you would seek?

I will work to pass legislation that will improve the lives of people in my community. In particular, I will work to halt the skyrocketing cost of prescription drugs for all Americans and provide a Medicare drug benefit for every senior. I will also make education a priority by providing increased resources so that students have access to more high-quality teachers and innovative programs that inspire learning - investments that would benefit children and our area for decades.

What would you do to help your district?

I will continue to work with elected officials, community leaders, and concerned citizens to pass legislation that will benefit our region. In particular, my focus will be to secure federal funding for our area's roads, schools and police. Additionally, I will work with business and civic leaders to encourage the economic growth and development of my district.

Why are you qualified for this office?

My record in Congress demonstrates that I have the initiative, the ideas and the experience to improve the quality of life for families in St. Louis city, St. Louis County, Jefferson County and Ste. Genevieve County.




AGE: 45

HOME: Affton

OCCUPATION: Former federal government computer and network analyst and active-duty Army veteran

POLITICAL CAREER: Never elected to public office


Legislation you would seek?

I will return control of the federal government to the public and bring federal government and private sector technology jobs to the 3rd District. I seek to make the 3rd District the computer-based education capital of the U.S. I plan to get the money back and strengthen Social Security.

What would you do to help your district?

I am against dogs and the deceased voting and want voting data bases merged with the driver's/non-driver's card so I can ask the 3rd District to create a legal mandate of how the 3rd District stands on the issues, then fight the bureaucrats and put the mandate in place. I want St. Louis to have a stock exchange so we can have the trading revenue, learn how it works and build a better stock exchange than the one in New York while breaking up the Wall Street monopoly.

Why are you qualified for this office?

I am an active-duty Army veteran with 23 years of federal service, 16 of which were in developing federal government computer systems at the mapping agency and Army, while I completed degrees at night in computers and networks at Washington and Webster universities, then started on a Webster MBA and an UMSL doctorate in education. It means I can bring technology jobs to the 3rd District. No other candidate knows federal government technology better, desires to return control of the government to the public and is pro-business, jobs, education, union and tax cuts.


AGE: 48

HOME: St. Louis County

OCCUPATION: State Representative, 99th District

POLITICAL CAREER: State Representative, four terms.

Legislation you would seek?

Conservative representation on Republican principles of less government and less taxes, i.e. support repealing the death tax and marriage penalty.

What would you do to help your district?

When elected, I shall work in a bipartisan manner with all of the Missouri Congressional delegation to enact legislation that will give benefit to the residents of the 3rd Congressional District with represent ation of lower taxes, less government and pro-life.

Why are you qualified for this office?

Experienced and qualified by serving four terms in the Missouri General Assembly and a voting record that reflects Missouri's values.



DANIEL BYINGTON - Is unopposed.

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DONALD M. DEICHMAN - Is unopposed.


KENNY C. HULSHOF - Incumbent, is unopposed.


JOHN MRUZIK - Is unopposed.

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AGE: 54

HOME: St. Louis

OCCUPATION: Legislator, Missouri Senate

POLITICAL CAREER: State representative from 1978 election until 2001; senator since 2001.

What would you seek to improve your district?

I will be working to pass legislation for greater access to health care for those working who cannot afford it, more neighborhood preservation and historic tax credits, stronger elder abuse laws, improved housing money, and dollars to come back to the community for neighborhood improvement, day care, job creation and more opportunities for our youth as well as tax relief for senior homeowners living on fixed incomes.

Lack of experience in the new legislature: The most likely effect of term limits will be that the voters will be more disenfranchised because the real power will no longer be with the elected officials, since they will not be able to build up longevity, expertise and experience. The power shifts to the un-elected bureaucrats, the lobbyists and the executive branch. The new Legislature will be a vast arena of on-the-job training. The people will not be well served.What would you do to ensure revenue to meet state needs? Missouri's financial troubles are a mix of a slow economy, the Hancock restrictions and being one of the lowest tax states in America. We need a public debate on what citizens want in terms of services, education, health care, childhood and elderly protections and neighborhood and general economic development and then have the Legislature make the changes. We need to revise Hancock and restructure our tax code to address these and many other unmet needs.

Why are you qualified for this office?

I have a long record of accomplishment, of fighting for and passing laws that make a difference in people's day-to-day lives - senior citizens' prescription drug programs, mammogram insurance, improving health care (especially cancer), protecting children and our environment, addressing lead poisoning, domestic violence, anti-stalking, passing nuisance property laws and fighting for distressed communities, whereas my opponent has no such record of active fighting for such things.


AGE: 56

HOME: St. Louis

OCCUPATION: Full-time legislator

POLITICAL CAREER: State Representative, 1982-2002; 4th Ward Democratic committeeman, 1988-2000.

What would you seek to improve your district?

In these difficult economic times, I will work harder than ever on the state's $19 billion budget to ensure:

* That taxpayers' dollars are spent fairly and wisely.

* That we protect our most vulnerable citizens and improve the lives of our working families.

* That we invest in economic development that creates jobs that pay a living wage.

* That we continue to invest in both higher and elementary and secondary education - our future.

Lack of experience in the new legislature: When possible, elect candidates with experience in the General Assembly. With so many freshmen, voters will need to be more involved than ever, contacting legislators about issues that concern them. I will put my 20 years of experience in the House, 18 years on the budget committee and 17 years as chair of the Municipal Corporations Committee to work in the Senate to ensure the 4th Senate District's interests are served.

What would you do to ensure revenue to meet state needs?

I supported use of the Rainy Day fund and would consider it again as a short-term solution. However, our budget woes are not short-term. I propose that the governor appoint a citizen/business/academic/government commission to thoroughly review our tax structure. This has not been done in decades. I want to serve on this commission and take the legislative lead on its recommendations.

Why are you qualified for this office?

My experience in the Legislature, including 18 years on the Budget Committee and 17 years as chair of the Municipal Corporations Committee, which considers all St. Louis legislation, lends the broadest perspective to the challenges facing our city, region and state, as well as the opportunities to meet those challenges in the next four years and beyond.



AGE: 51

HOME : St. Louis County

OCCUPATION: Executive Director of Mid-County Partners for Progress

POLITICAL CAREER: Elected state representative in 1993 special election; elected to school board, 1985 through 1994.


What would you seek to improve your district?

Health-care quality and accessibility.

Lack of experience in the new legislature: The Senate will be the most experienced body, which is the main reason to elect someone who has seven years of experience in the House and someone who has passed significant legislation.

What would you do to ensure revenue to meet state needs?

Current revenues are not sufficient in meeting the needs of the residents of Missouri. I would favor an increase in taxes as a last resort. I would re-prioritize the state's spending patterns and methods, and spend less on prisons and more on education, youth empowerment and welfare-to-work programs and social services.

Why are you qualified for this office?

My experiences serving for seven years in the Missouri House of Representatives and passing major legislation gives me a broader and more comprehensive perspective of the legislative process, thereby rendering me more knowledgeable and effective in getting things done.


AGE: 46

HOME : Northwoods

OCCUPATION: Automation System Analyst, Diamler Chrysler

POLITICAL CAREER: Elected alderman, city of Northwoods, 1996 and 1998; elected state representative, 70th District, in 2000.

What would you seek to improve your district?

* Education - Create legislation to encourage greater parental involvement in our schools, give teachers the tools they need, empower local school boards to make decisions critical for our children's future, and ensure every student receives an equal opportunity.

* Racial profiling - Create a Police Citizen Review Board with the power to investigate racial profiling and incidents that may have resulted in unwarranted use of force.

* Urban renewal - Create legislation to attract new development and stimulate redevelopment of the core areas of the region, encourage local businesses to expand, and create jobs that pay a living wage.

* Senior citizens - Create legislation to freeze property tax assessment to those over 65 and lower the cost of prescription drugs.

* Home ownership - Create legislation to initiate programs to encourage homeownership to help stabilize neighborhoods.

Lack of experience in the new legislature: In the past two years, when there were many new legislators, myself included, we learned the process and what is important to our state as a whole. This year, together with the veteran legislators, we balanced the budget in a tight fiscal year. I have every confidence that the new legislators will quickly learn and be successful in being voices for their constituents.

What would you do to ensure revenue to meet state needs?

State revenue is insufficient to meet important needs. State revenue could be increased in several ways. One is stimulating the economy by getting businesses to move to our state, and better training to enhance the skills of our work force. Another is building up our state's transportation system to improve commerce and attract tourism.

Why are you qualified for this office?

Two terms as alderman in Northwoods, one term as state representative, and a great deal of involvement in community organizations have given me a thorough understanding of the needs of my district.


AGE: 63

HOME: Bel-Nor


POLITICAL CAREER:Never elected to public office

What would you seek to improve your district?

Our baby boomers are rapidly moving into the age of entitlements. That fact, in conjunction with the already existing drag on our Medicare system and retirement system, makes this a top priority. In my district, we enjoy a wonderful and productive aging population that deserves and must have our leadership maintain their standard of living. As senator, I will propose legislation to help stem the tide and reduce the prohibitive costs of prescription medication for our current seniors.

Lack of experience in the new legislature:

Quite honestly, I do not believe that the voters are making these statements. These are statements put out in the public arena by career politicians who are trying to build a foundation for term limits to be reversed. The voters asked for term limits for a host of reasons, mainly productivity, and we must live by the will of the people. Frankly, the resume-building politicians of past years have not exactly endeared themselves to the average voters, or we would not have term limits in the first place. I believe a commitment to the community, vision and integrity are the main foundations for effective and productive legislative activity. I think the average voter wants positive results from us, not our resumes.

What would you do to ensure revenue to meet state needs?

I think that we are closer than we realize to meeting our financial responsibilities in the state and balancing the budget. The political wrangling and divisive politics that plagued the last two sessions made it nearly impossible to get a clear view of our state budget. However, I do believe there is light at the end of the tunnel. We simply need a vision that correctly identifies and follows the will of the people and their priorities. This is about leadership and working to usher in an age of collective partnerships across party lines.

Why are you qualified for this office?

Leadership, vision and integrity are my campaign slogans. However, the real catalyst for my campaign is my passion to return the process back to the people of the community and a commitment to the original intent of public service, which is to serve the people and people only. I will partner with our various communities and lead them to create a district that embraces our diversity and spurs on economic growth while preserving our great neighborhoods.

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JOAN BRAY - Is unopposed.




AGE: 58

HOME: Clayton

OCCUPATION: Senate district director for State Sen. Betty Sims

POLITICAL CAREER: Never elected to public office


What would you seek to improve your district?

Life is actually pretty good for most of the 24th District. We have outstanding public schools and premier private and parochial schools. We have beautiful neighborhoods and wonderful green space. Economic development is key to keeping the strong communities we have. We have to invest in the future. This will bring new jobs and dollars to our region.

Lack of experience in the new legislature:

One of the strongest leaders in the Missouri House, Catherine Hanaway, came in as a freshman and took charge of the Republican Party. I don't think being a freshman necessarily means not being able. New people are often willing to question things in a new manner.

What would you do to ensure revenue to meet state needs?

Revenue can be increased with economic development and investing in our future.

Why are you qualified for this office?

I am a balanced, respectful, consensus builder who listens well, and I have worked with the citizens in the 24th District as senate district director for eight years. I think this makes me the most qualified to serve the 24th.


AGE: 65

HOME: Ladue

OCCUPATION: Teacher, Westminster Christian Academy

POLITICAL CAREER: Republican Committeeman for Clayton Township, 2000 to present.


What would you seek to improve your district?

To reinvigorate and improve our education system, people over the age of 50 who hold master's or Ph.D. degrees should be eligible for a fast-track teacher certification process. This would enable otherwis e-retired professionals to share their knowledge and experience with our children, helping to alleviate our pressing shortage of teachers.
Property tax assessments should be adjusted fairly and predictably. Senior citizens are under severe financial stress, and we should freeze the assessed valuation and property taxes of senior citizens aged 65 and older whose annual income is less than three times the federal poverty level.

Lack of experience in the new legislature: Our legislature is intended to be a citizen legislature. I don't believe that professional politicians are the only people who should be making our laws. My experience in the private sector as an executive and teacher leads me to believe that individuals undertaking new responsibilities in the legislature are not unlike those making professional career changes in private or public industry.

What would you do to ensure revenue to meet state needs?

Legislators must thoroughly examine the costs and benefits of state programs before voting to take more money from taxpayers. Government is responsible to taxpayers to prudently manage, control and re-allocate expenditures, reducing the need for and frequency of increased taxes.

Why are you qualified for this office?

Based on my 32 years as an international executive at Monsanto, managing businesses with multimillion dollar budgets, and nine years of junior and senior high school teaching and coaching experience, coupled wit h 10 years of service on the board and as president of the Friendship Village retirement communities, I am the most qualified to provide the leadership, integrity, creativity and fiscal discipline needed by the Missouri General Assembly and the people of Missouri as we face a multitude of new challenges in the 21st century.



DICK ILLYES - Is unopposed.

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DONALD D. MEYER - Is unopposed.




AGE: 55

HOME: Wildwood

OCCUPATION: Attorney, Quinn, Ground and Banton

POLITICAL CAREER: State representative, 12 years; Rockwood School Board member, 4-plus years.


What would you seek to improve your district?

I would seek a tax freeze, promote family values, cut ineffective state programs, protect innocent life, cut red tape and restrictions on small business, improve roads and improve the educational system. I would also seek to mandate life sentences for drug dealers, rapists, child molesters and repeat offenders, plus promote ethical conduct by officeholders and tougher enforcement of pollution laws in cases endangering the public.

Lack of experience in the new legislature: My background would bring to the Senate knowledge and experience in the educational system, criminal justice process, small business, legislative process, civil justice system, budgetary processes and life in general.

What would you do to ensure revenue to meet state needs?

All state programs need to be systematically evaluated to cut ineffective programs and to develop plans for improving services for those agencies that are effective and necessary.

Why are you qualified for this office?

Besides having a better education (including college and graduate degrees), a broader background, more practical experience and better qualifications, I would serve the public and their interest and refuse meals, gratuities, trips, entertainment, etc, from lobbyists - avoiding even the appearance of impropriety.


AGE: 50

HOME: Washington

OCCUPATION: Automobile salesman, Bud Anderson Auto Group, Union, Mo.

POLITICAL CAREER: Washington City Council, 1982-88; Franklin County Commissioner, 1989-92; and State Representative, 109th District, 1993-2002.


What would you seek to improve your district?

1. Property tax relief for senior citizens.

2. Increased funding for higher education, Amtrak, tourism, economic development and nursing homes.

3. Extending Franklin County Auto Emission Tests from every year to every other year.

4. Stopping the production of meth and further regulating the sale and distribution of chemicals used to manufacture meth. Also, more funding is needed for the Highway Patrol lab for faster processing and for city and county law enforcement agencies to concentrate on finding and busting meth labs.

Lack of experience in the new legislature: They should carefully compare each candidate's qualifications and experience. They should also try to meet and talk to as many of the candidates as possible.

What would you do to ensure revenue to meet state needs?

State revenues are not sufficient to meet all of our needs.

However, in my opinion, Gov. Holden has mishandled the budget situation by not treating all departments fairly, especially higher education.

Why are you qualified for this office?

My many legislative accomplishments and awards; my many local accomplishments; my proven record of 24/7/365 full-time constituent services; returning over $28,000 in unused office expenses to the state; and my superior voting attendance record.


AGE: 52

HOME: Gerald

OCCUPATION: Quality control auditor, Boeing Group

POLITICAL CAREER: Gasconade County R-2 School Board; Franklin County Central Committee vice chairman; state representative, 1988 to present; House Republican Caucus Secretary, two terms.


What would you seek to improve your district?

Reform the property tax system and cap the tax for senior citizens; replace Highway 47 bridge and upgrade our highways; increase technical education opportunities and bring high-tech manufacturing jobs to Missouri; increase mental health funding; remove MTBE from gasoline; fully fund the school foundation formula.

Lack of experience in the new legislature: The freshman class will bring not only new ideas but also a new enthusiasm to the legislative process, which has grown very stale. This may make up for the lack of experience. Let's give term limits a chance to work.

What would you do to ensure revenue to meet state needs?

The state budget problems are on the spending side of the equation. Budget reforms such as sunsets and zero-based budgeting need to be used in the legislative process.

Why are you qualified for this office?

My common-sense conservative family values mirror the values of the 26th District, along with my record of public service at the state and local levels. I will retire from my position at Boeing to serve the citi zens as a full-time state senator.

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AGE: 29

HOME: St. Louis

OCCUPATION: Youth specialist, State of Missouri, Division of Youth Services

POLITICAL CAREER: Never elected to public office

What would you seek to improve your district?

1. Seek to bring more resources by way of jobs.

2. Seek the assistance of the current business district and retain them through tax incentives.

3. Research for untapped economic development funding streams.

4. Meet with neighborhood organizations that drive the community.

5. Work with my colleagues, the community and consistently survey the landscape of the 58th District.

Lack of experience in the new legislature: There will be novice state representatives who have walked the halls of the Missouri Capitol. Some have held state positions and have delved into the political process. I have a protraction of time as a state employee and have already established relationships with the members of the General Assembly. My involvement with the political process enables me to hit the ground running. I have a vast amount of experience in tracking legislation, following up on the status of a bill, as a community member and college student. I worked on behalf of Lincoln University to secure funding for the advancement of the university and worked in other capacities in state government.

What would you do to ensure revenue to meet state needs?

Education, health-care needs and the cost of prescription drugs are important needs of the people. In order to increase revenue, the likelihood of increased taxes is probably a necessary evil. However, any tax requires the vote of the people.

Why are you qualified for this office?

I am the most politically experienced and astute qualified candidate, who is connected to the community and running solely on my own merit without the politically lineage of a family name.


AGE: 37

HOME: St. Louis

OCCUPATION: State representative, 58th District, State of Missouri

POLITICAL CAREER: Elected 58th District state representative in a special election on March 26 due to the early retirement of my stepfather, Louis Ford.

What would you seek to improve your district?

Legislation that would help us stabilize the state's budget - this is foremost in my mind. Without adequate funds for our people, we all suffer. Medical attention for our seniors is a must. I would also like to see improvement in our school system. Our future will be in the hands of our children.

Lack of experience in the new legislature: Look to a candidate with some experience. I have spent six weeks in the legislature participating in the process, meeting and working with my colleagues. I am conscious of the issues we face in our state. It's a plus for me having a political family - that's a world of experience.

What would you do to ensure revenue to meet state needs?

Some solutions must be made, a higher tax on items not necessary for survival, cigarettes for one. Research has proven that tobacco is one of the leading causes of cancer. Dollars spent on cancer treatment are at an all-time high. Also, higher taxes on liquor and the gambling casinos. Our state's revenue is definitely not taking care of its inhabitants. We deserve more.

Why are you qualified for this office?

I am prepared and qualified because of my community work as a youth. I have been involved in helping others for most of my life and I'm ready for the challenge.


AGE: 57

HOME: St. Louis

OCCUPATION: College instructor, English and law, Harris-Stowe State College, East Central College

POLITICAL CAREER: St. Louis School Board, 1997 and 2001

What would you seek to improve your district?

1. End abuse and neglect of the elderly and ill in nursing homes and extended care facilities.

2. Decrease taxation of pensions and Social Security and property taxes for seniors.

3. Adequately fund Medicare and Medicaid and health care and prescr iption drugs.

4. Tougher laws and enforcement against drunken driving.

5. Fight animal abuse vigorously, especially on factory farms.

6. No public monies for sports stadiums without a vote of the people.

7. Economic development and education (which I know something about, having been on the board of education for two terms).

Lack of experience in the new legislature: How much worse could the new Legislature be than the one we've had the last few years? Maybe new faces will lead to new and better ideas and procedures. I'm virtually the only candidate in my race with elective office experience and a public record of accomplishment. I was always against term limits, but for the Legislature, maybe it wasn't such a bad idea.

What would you do to ensure revenue to meet state needs?

State revenue is insufficient to meet important needs. I'd like to see the Hancock Amendment repealed or modified to allow new sources of revenue. I'd also like to change the tax structure to decrease taxes for those individuals making less than $100,000, and increase taxes for those individuals making more than $100,000. Also to lower taxes for seniors and eventually do away with property taxes altogether.

Why are you qualified for this office?

I'm the only candidate with an elective office record of experience and accomplishment. I've received endorsements such as that of the Missouri chapter of the National Organization for Women. I will lead on important issues not just vote on them. I'm the best candidate to bridge the economic and racial diversity of our district. I believe I'm the only one of the four candidates who won't be told how to vote by the power brokers who elected them. And I'm very proud of my main issue of elimination of abuse and neglect in nursing homes.


AGE: 34

HOME: St. Louis


POLITICAL CAREER: Appointed commissioner of Cathedral Square Special Business District.


What would you seek to improve your district?

1. State incentives for residential and commercial development for all economic brackets.

2. Legislation to improve the infrastructure in city schools.

3. Tax relief for seniors and grandparents who have custody of grandchildren for such things as medications and health care.

Lack of experience in the new legislature: Term limits guaranteed that there are no career politicians and that there is a constant source of fresh voices and new insights. It limits voting by name recognition and encourages voters to choose the best-qualified candidate.

What would you do to ensure revenue to meet state needs?

State revenue is sufficient to support current state projects if allocated properly. By eliminating fiscal waste and providing incentives for residential and commercial developments, funds can be increased to meet the future needs of the state.

Why are you qualified for this office?

I am the best candidate because of my proven record to build and rebuild the diverse community in which I live and serve.



ISAIAH HAIR, JR. - Is unopposed.


ROBIN WRIGHT JONES - Is unopposed.


SANDRA CHANCE - Is unopposed.

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BOB HILGEMANN - Incumbent, is unopposed.

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AGE: 48

HOME: Richmond Heights

OCCUPATION: Lawyer, self-employed

POLITICAL CAREER: Ferguson-Florissant School Board, 1986-1992.

What would you seek to improve your district?

Supporting public education with programs to attract and retain excellent teachers; changing the property tax system to protect older adults from losing their homes; assuring that the state fulfills its role in safeguarding the integrity of pension and retirement funds; strengthening gun laws, particularly provisions to keep guns away from children; protecting the public from high prescription drug costs; requiring insurance plans to equitably cover mental illness.

Lack of experience in the new legislature: It is important to elect people who can translate career and community involvement into legislative leadership. While we are losing memory and experience, we will gain new perspectives and ideas.

What would you do to ensure revenue to meet state needs?

The economic downturn has created a gap between the state's revenues and needs. First, we must change the Hancock Amendment to effectively deal with these downturns. We must also look at inequities in the tax structure. Finally, we must reexamine our budget priorities. All of these steps should be taken before deciding if and how revenue should be raised.

Why are you qualified for this office?

My 25 years as a social worker, lawyer and child advocate, former school board member and community volunteer have given me an understanding of legislative issues, a wide network of citizens to call on for advice and support for those issues, and the ability to provide leadership.


AGE: 30

HOME: Clayton

OCCUPATION: Attorney, Reinert & Rourke, P.C.

POLITICAL CAREER: Never elected to public office

What would you seek to improve your district?

I will take charge to freeze property tax rates for senior citizens and will fight for prescription drug relief and health care for all of Missouri's citizens. Finally, I will work tirelessly to ensure that students have safer schools in which to learn.

Lack of experience in the new legislature:

We need a candidate who is able to hit the ground running. As an attorney, I have the legal education, experience and know-how to draft effective legislation that will benefit our citizens. In addition, through my life experiences, I have firsthand knowledge of the struggles of working families in our community. Finally, I look forward to working in the Legislature with a diverse new class of representatives.

What would you do to ensure revenue to meet state needs?

We must focus on how and where the money is spent. Through a common sense approach focusing on accountability, we can identify where goverment is not working and fix it. This will reduce wasteful spending and will free up money for the most important programs, namely prescription drugs and education. It's time to cut the fat.

Why are you qualified for this office?

Coming from a single-parent, blue-collar household, I know firsthand what it means to struggle to overcome the obstacles in life through hard work, education and a commitment to family.


MICHAEL J. HOWARD - Is unopposed.

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CHRIS SCHUSTER - Is unopposed.



AGE: 35

HOME: Creve Coeur

OCCUPATION: Assistant Attorney General (on leave), State of Missouri

POLITICAL CAREER: Never elected to public office


What would you seek to improve your district?

I'll propose legislation to hire new teachers to reduce class sizes. Most students learn better when class sizes are smaller and they are able to receive individual attention. Over the next decade, we'll see an exodus of teachers from the profession as baby boomers reach retirement, causing class sizes to balloon if we fail to hire enough new teachers. My bill will address this potential scarcity of educators in five ways. First, it will improve opportunities for retired teachers to return to the classroom without losing their benefits. Second, it will provide funds to recruit retirees from other fields as well (i.e., engineering) to fill vacancies in core subjects where the need is most acute, such as science and math. Third, it will streamline the certification process so that qualified people from other professions may pursue teaching careers. Fourth, my bill will offer incentives to encourage our best and brightest minds to pursue teaching careers. Finally, it will increase the minimum salary for starting teachers so that our schools can compete with industry in the battle for our state's top college students.

What would you do to ensure revenue to meet state needs?

I believe state revenue is sufficient to meet important needs. Missouri is a low-tax state and I want to keep it that way. We cannot and should not tax our way out of this budget shortfall. Raising taxes during a recession is not the way to stimulate economic growth. I'm more concerned about the spending side of the equation. I've seen how pork-barrel spending is often tied to interest-group contributions, and legislators who've taken tens of thousands of dollars from PACs with an interest in state business won't be able to make those tough choices. But since I'll be free of any influence from these interests, I'll be able to stand firm against wasteful spending that benefits the few at the expense of the many.

Lack of experience in the new legislature: I share their concern. There are two distinct reasons that such a dearth of institutional expertise can adversely affect the Legislature. First, it can lead to the passage of ineffective and even harmful legislation by inexperienced legislators unfamiliar with state issues. Second, it may well alter the delicate balance of power between legislators and lobbyists who provide legislators with information about pending legislation. If elected, I believe that I'll be able to avoid either of these potential pitfalls. First of all, I have years of experience in public service: I served as an Assistant Attorney General for the State of Missouri from 1998-2002. I worked in the litigation division, where my work defending the state against frivolous claims saved millions of dollars in taxpayer money. I also handled special projects relating to consumer protection. I won't be vulnerable to the second potential problem for an important reason. Unlike my opponent, I've taken a pledge not to accept a single penny from any special interest group, and therefore I will not be beholden to anyone but the voters of the 82nd District.

Why are you qualified for this office?

I've got experience and I've got integrity - in fact, I've taken a pledge to refuse special-interest money, which will ensure that I'm responsive to the regular people of the 82nd and their needs, not the desires of the special-interest groups.


AGE: 37

HOME: Creve Coeur

OCCUPATION: Medical doctor, Western Anesthesiology Associates

POLITICAL CAREER: Former two-term City Council member in Creve Coeur.

What would you seek to improve your district?

There are a variety of issues that concern people of the 82nd District: from putting an end to the state's budget fiasco and doing what we can to ensure that it never happens again, to maintaining quality schools and helping seniors through cutting costs of prescription medicine. As the father of two young boys, I'm deeply concerned about resolving the state budget crisis to avoid any cuts in education funding. As a doctor who was appointed by the governor as Missouri's Senior Prescription Drug Commissioner, I'm also very concerned about developing a program that provides meaningful relief from the outrageously high cost of prescription drugs.

Lack of experience in the new legislature:

When you look at the variety of issues and needs confronting legislators in Jefferson City, I think it's clear that voters would prefer independence and a willingness to stand up to special interests over po litical experience. Experience in politics isn't nearly as important as a deep commitment to do what's right for people.

What would you do to ensure revenue to meet state needs?

First and foremost, we owe it to taxpayers to be as fiscally responsible as we can. But that responsibility must be accompanied by a commitment to set real priorities. For example, I'm a die-hard Cardinals' fan and we should do all we can to keep them in St. Louis. But using state dollars to fund new ventures for a private business should not eclipse the needs we have to improve education, provide prescription drug relief to seniors, or improve roads.

Why are you qualified for this office?

A deep commitment to help meet needs of people - as a doctor, I've done that my entire adult life.




AGE: 29

HOME: Creve Coeur

OCCUPATION: Business administration, Worldcom Inc.

POLITICAL CAREER: Never elected to public office

What would you seek to improve your district?

I would work to introduce legislation to limit the size and scope of our state government. A limited government would lead to a growing private sector, less regulation in every corner of our lives, better performing schools, police and courts protecting us, and an increase in jobs due to the reduction of excessive and discriminatory controls.

Lack of experience in the new legislature:

If voters are referring to a lack of experience in taking the fruits of our labor and regulating the lives of individuals, which is the prevailing attitude among the current Legislature, then I would say the voters need not worry about the freshman class.

What would you do to ensure revenue to meet state needs?

State revenue is currently at unconstitutional levels and should be drastically reduced.

Why are you qualified for this office?

I am most qualified to serve because I understand that the real purpose of limited government is to protect the rights of individuals and not any one special group of people, which it does today.


AGE: 34

HOME: St. Louis County

OCCUPATION: Product Design Engineer, Siegel-Robert, Inc.

POLITICAL CAREER: Never elected to public office


What would you seek to improve your district?

We need real reform and accountability in our public schools. I will work to achieve it and fight to get our schools a fair share of the state funding they are not getting now. I would also seek to cut taxes for all Missouri taxpayers.

Lack of experience in the new legislature:

Every new member will bring his or her life experiences. This will be an opportunity to take a fresh look at Missouri's problems. I will bring my leadership experience as a naval officer and as a businessman. I am used to tackling new problems and I look forward to this one.

What would you do to ensure revenue to meet state needs?

Missouri's revenues are about the same as they were last year. This should not be a crisis and shows a lack of leadership, that we have not dealt with it better. There are areas that can be cut without impacting services in the short term. If we can reduce the budget growth by only 1 percent or 2 percent annually, the long-term savings will be enormous.

Why are you qualified for this office?

I share the values of our community and my leadership experience as a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, naval officer, engineer and raising a family will allow me to effectively represent those values in Jefferson City.


AGE: 53

HOME: Creve Coeur

OCCUPATION: Registered dental hygienist, Creve Coeur Periodontics, Inc.

POLITICAL CAREER: Never elected to public office


What would you seek to improve your district?

Fiscal accountability; tax relief for families and businesses; a health care agenda that emphasizes early health promotion and disease prevention; an improved prescription plan for seniors; full staffing/funding for community health centers; a prepared and improved work force; state bioterrorism preparedness; and expanded educational opportunities.

Lack of experience in the new legislature:

On one hand, there should be concern that there will be many inexperienced leaders, which will increase the influence of lobbyists and long-term staffers in decision-making at the Capitol. However, new legis lators will bring enthusiasm and fresh ideas to the Legislature. Voters will have the opportunity to see how term limits really work.

What would you do to ensure revenue to meet state needs?

Our state has a spending problem. We need to evaluate how we spend our taxpayers' money using a performance-based budgeting process. Some states have implemented a sunset review process for fiscal accountability and cost-savings.
We also need to promote more personal responsibility for our actions. The results could save us a lot of money.

Why are you qualified for this office?

I understand and have worked to influence the legislative process and have the leadership experience to effectively serve a constituency based on my job-related and volunteer activities.

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BARBARA FRASER - Incumbent, is unopposed.

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STELLA ANN MADISON - Is unopposed.




AGE: 45

HOME: Wildwood

OCCUPATION: Engineer, Monsanto

POLITICAL CAREER: Rockwood School Board, 1994-1996.


What would you seek to improve your district?

I would support legislation that would reduce the tax and regulation burden on families and businesses in my district.

Lack of experience in the new legislature: With so many running for the General Assembly, it is important for voters to send people to Jefferson City who understand government and, if possible, have served in an elected capacity so that they can hit the ground running to be an effective voice for the citizens they represent.

What would you do to ensure revenue to meet state needs?

Missouri's state revenue is sufficient to meet important needs of the state. Rep. Catherine Hanaway, minority leader in the House, convened a Blue Ribbon Panel last year to look at the state's budgeting process. I had the opportunity to serve on that panel. In short, we found not a revenue problem but a spending problem. The state must bring its budget under control and stop trying to raise people's taxes at every opportunity.

Why are you qualified for this office?

I bring a combination of more than 20 years of business experience, a proven track record from my service on the Rockwood School Board, the conservative values of the people in my district and the endorsements of the Republican leadership in west St. Louis County.


AGE: 49

HOME: Wildwood


POLITICAL CAREER: Never elected to public office

What would you seek to improve your district?

Many important issues are facing our state and nation at this time. Critical issues facing the future of the citizens of Missouri are the quality of the education our children receive; health care and pre scription drug costs, and what can be done to help contain them; and the need to increase our initiatives regarding homeland security.

Lack of experience in the new legislature: The voters approved term limits to bring new people and ideas to the Legislature. The result is this great new freshman class. These new representatives will be given the opportunity to charter the future of Missouri, and I would like to be part of that opportunity.

What would you do to ensure revenue to meet state needs?

Fiscal responsibility is a critical issue facing the state. All expenditure requests need to be evaluated and prioritized prior to committing to their funding, rather than increasing taxes.

Why are you qualified for this office?

As a resident of west St. Louis County most of my life, I have watched this area grow and develop over the years while proudly serving my country and state as an active-duty member with the Air Force and the Missouri Air National Guard, and now while I am recalled to active duty with the Air Force as a result of the Sept. 11 attacks, and I wish to my service as your state representative.


AGE: 48

HOME: Chesterfield

OCCUPATION: Director, Regional Division, SBS Enterprises, Inc.

POLITICAL CAREER: Never elected to public office


What would you seek to improve your district?

If elected, I would strive to make Missouri a premier education state by rewarding excellent teachers and schools and requiring accountability. I would seek to stop and reverse the bloated state budget by slowing government spending and eliminating waste, not raising taxes. I would cap the growth of property taxes to 5 percent and support small-business activity in my district and the state, making our state attractive for businesses to locate here, growing the tax base and increasing revenue. I will promote Missouri tourism as well as the Missouri film office, whose budget was eliminated this year. I am strongly opposed to partial-birth abortion and would seek to end that practice.

Lack of experience in the new legislature:

Term limits have been a mixed bag. It has solved some problems while creating others. I believe there are many honest and talented people who, when elected, will learn quickly and represent their district admirably. I do not foresee any crises as a result of term limits.

What would you do to ensure revenue to meet state needs?

Over-taxation of hard-working citizens is unsound, and I would seek to cut the tax rate in Missouri, allowing each wage earner to keep and spend more of his or her own money. Missouri is lagging behind other states in the recession's recovery, largely due to recent administrations that have been on the biggest spending spree in the history of our state.

Why are you qualified for this office?

I have had the honor of being an entrepreneur and local small-business owner for more than 16 years and have consistently demonstrated an ability to use integrity and common sense to make tough decisions and achieve results.


AGE: 52

HOME: Chesterfield

OCCUPATION: Community volunteer

POLITICAL CAREER: Rockwood School Board, 1997 and 2000.


What would you seek to improve your district?

I would concentrate on local control of our tax dollars and a limit on the growth of government. We need a legislator who is familiar with the issues in this community and represents the values of the 84th District.

Lack of experience in the new legislature: I tell voters that if they select the right people for the legislature, they can tackle the business of government in a new way. Some of the good-old-boy practices will be stopped and a fresh approach to government will begin. This past session of the Missouri Legislature was nothing to be proud of. Everyone has to start someplace, and term limits were mandated by the voters.

What would you do to ensure revenue to meet state needs?

State revenue is sufficient to meet the needs of Missouri Priorities and good planning is needed to make the best decisions about the budget. We were hit hard by the events of last year including Sept. 11, and the effects will remain with us for some time to come, but with a new Legislature and fresh new ideas, we will be able to concentrate on the issues at hand.

Why are you qualified for this office?

I am the most qualified to serve the citizens of the 84th District because I have lived here for 18 years and raised my family here, and through my experience and service to the community, I understand the needs of this community better than any of the other candidates.


AGE: 55

HOME: Chesterfield

OCCUPATION: Owner, Interior Design, Home Furnishing Business, Color Concepts

POLITICAL CAREER: Never elected to public office


What would you seek to improve your district?

Health care, education and fiscal responsibility are, of course, very real and important issues in our state that I would pursue. I also feel it is important that we reserve the rural and agricultural traditions of Missouri with necessary legislative support.

Lack of experience in the new legislature: As in any large corporation or organization, major change in management brings about a period of adjustment, but, if qualified leadership is in place, those same changes can invigorate and stimulate new and creative solutions and direction.

What would you do to ensure revenue to meet state needs?

The revenue that our state receives needs to be reprioritized and evaluated department by department to eliminate waste and reallocate funds so that we do not need to add an additional tax burden on the citizens of Missouri. We need to leave money in the private sector where jobs and progress are created. That will generate more tax revenue.

Why are you qualified for this office?

I have been an independent business owner for the past 15 years. In my business I have learned to balance all areas of my business, and make sound decisions based on understanding all aspects of a job, listening to and understanding the needs of my clients and determining resources that will offer the best solutions. I can implement these abilities into being an effective representative for the people of the 84th District.



ANTHONY S. GIANINO - Is unopposed.

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AGE: 39

HOME: Chesterfield

OCCUPATION: Self-employed

POLITICAL CAREER: Never elected to public office

What would you seek to improve your district?

I will write legislation to eliminate the excessive tax load on Missouri citizens. I would also write legislation to allow the freedom of speech for churches and private institutions to voice and publish their political, cultural, philosophical beliefs and issues at their will to the public.

Lack of experience in the new legislature: Freshman legislators who lack so-called experience means absolutely nothing at all. What they should be focused on is repealing bad laws that undermine any freedoms and liberties that our society should have. It does not take experience to limit and decrease the size of Missouri state government.

What would you do to ensure revenue to meet state needs?

I will never increase revenue for our overblown and mismanaged Missouri state government budget. I will work extremely hard to decrease the size and scope of spending in the budget. It takes every dollar earned to raise a family today, and they truly need it, but not Big Brother state government. Governments should have to compete to earn their money.

Why are you qualified for this office?

I am qualified to serve my district because I have a vast and informed political and philosophical grounding in the concepts of a limited government and how it should operate in order to safeguard a free society under a free republic form of government; rule of law, not rule by the masses in a democracy.


AGE: 55

HOME: Chesterfield

OCCUPATION: Marketing director, England & Company Case Management and Rehabilitation Services, Inc.

POLITICAL CAREER: State Representative, 86th District, 2001-2002; Ladue School Board, 1989-1992.

What would you seek to improve your district?

1. Effective and efficient government with limited taxes.

2. Results-oriented education: Build accountability with funding that rewards achievement, expand options for families by providing access to schools that match student abilities and needs, and send gambling revenues directly to classrooms.

3. Support policies that foster a vibrant business environment and attract jobs.

4. Ensure that roads, highways and bridges meet economic, population and safety demands.

Lack of experience in the new legislature: Because half the districts in Missouri will be represented by new members, it is critical to re-elect experienced legislators who are deserving. I am the ranking Republican on the House Education Committee with leadership responsibility for researching all education bills and debating them on the House floor. My legislative class of 42 Republicans and Democrats elected me their vice president.

What would you do to ensure revenue to meet state needs?

Streamline government by merging departments and weeding out non-essential and non-productive programs. Privatize essential services when government bureacracies have proved ineffective. Prioritize appropriation line items so funding of programs is not allocated on an arbitrary basis. Establish zero-based and performance-based budgeting. Require fairness and relief from inequitable and/or overburdensome property taxes.

Why are you qualified for this office?

I have two years of legislative experience serving on the Appropriations, Education, Insurance, Workers' Comp. and Labor committees and have provided my district with responsive representation, accessibility, good service and hard work.

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MARILYN MORTON - Is unopposed.


CATHERINE L. HANAWAY - Incumbent, is unopposed.

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ELIZABETH THEISS - Is unopposed.


NEAL C. ST. ONGE - Incumbent, is unopposed.

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GEORGE D. WEBER - Is unopposed.


JACK JACKSON - Is unopposed.

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SCOTT SIFTON - Is unopposed.


KATHLYN FARES - Incumbent, is unopposed.

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M. JULIE MAGUIRE - Is unopposed.




AGE: 39

HOME: Ballwin

OCCUPATION: Chiropractic physician, self-employed

POLITICAL CAREER: State Representative, 92nd District, 2000-2002


What would you seek to improve your district?

I fought diligently to make changes in our property assessment system. While we made some progress this year, I am committed to the voters of the 92nd District and the 100,000-plus people statewide who signed my property tax reform petition to continue to fight for real tax reform.

Lack of experience in the new legislature: Term limits are a double-edged sword. Although many good legislators and their experience will be lost, new leaders with fresh ideas and energy have emerged and will emerge quickly. The learning curve in Jefferson City is now two years instead of eight to 12 years. The rapid assimilation of legislative acumen levels the playing field for everyone.

What would you do to ensure revenue to meet state needs?

Historically, revenues are cyclical. The Legislature must first exercise great restraint in spending before asking the taxpayers for more of their hard-earned dollars. Increasing taxes during an economic downturn serves to stifle the economy and restrain personal growth. We must foster an environment that encourages a friendly, less cumbersome business environment. Missouri must become more competitive by encouraging business to thrive.

Why are you qualified for this office?

Because of term limits I have one thing that will be a premium during the new legislative session - experience in the legislative process and the political acumen to make positive change.


AGE: 37

HOME: St. Louis County

OCCUPATION: Sales, Great Central Lumber

POLITICAL CAREER: Never elected to public office

What would you seek to improve your district?

The quality of life of my constituents should only be heavily impacted by the Legislature in three areas. First is taxes. Lower taxes allow people to keep more of their money and spend how they see fit. Second is education.The public education system needs to be improved - this does not take more money and higher taxes. Third is public safety. One of the few legitimate functions of government is to protect the citizens.

Lack of experience in the new legislature: Citizens do not need to worry too much about this issue. Term limits keep our General Assembly a citizens' legislature by allowing real people to sacrifice a portion of their lives for public service. This avoids deep corruption that comes from serving too long. Keeping the Legislature functioning and keeping our laws from conflicting is and always has been a legislator's function.

What would you do to ensure revenue to meet state needs?

Due to revenue decline, state spending cannot continue at the historic levels. This does not necessitate increased revenue, but a decrease in spending.

Why are you qualified for this office?

We, as citizens, want to see lower taxes, smaller government, excellent public education and protected freedoms, and these are the things that are important to me that I will work diligently for.

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WILLIAM J. KONECNIK - Is unopposed.




AGE: 35

HOME: Manchester

OCCUPATION: Freelance writer, self-employed

POLITICAL CAREER: Neve I have served my country in the Marine Corps, I have raised and educated five children, I have been married for 37 years, I have been president and chairman of many community organizations, I have worked in business management and business ownership for over 30 years, and I want to use this experience to serve the people of the new 98th District.


AGE: 37

HOME: Washington

OCCUPATION:    Small-business owner, Nieves Enterprises International
POLITICAL CAREER: Never elected to public office


What would you seek to improve your district?

1. Hold our state government accountable to send gambling money directly to our schools.

2. Hold our state government accountable to use road tax money for roads.

3. Mandatory enforcement of laws to shut down meth production.

4. Ease the tax burden placed on our seniors.

Lack of experience in the new legislature: If we continue to send only trained politicians to Jefferson City, nothing will change. At this point (early July), I have had meaningful conversations with over 1,500 voters in the new 98th District and our district is crying out for fresh, energetic new blood. It is time for change!

What would you do to ensure revenue to meet state needs?

Our state budget has gone from $9 billion to $19 billion in less than 10 years. We don't have a shortage of money going to Jefferson City; we have a shortage of accountability in Jefferson City. We need to see to it that Jefferson City handles our money in a common-sense way, as we would have to in a family budget or small business.

Why are you qualified for this office?

I represent, more so than my opponent, the energetic new blood with a real-life history of proven leadership and service that our district is asking for.

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HAROLD R. SELBY - Is unopposed.

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GENE SCOTT - Is unopposed.


KEVIN THRELKELD - Is unopposed.

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AGE: 40

HOME: Hillsboro

OCCUPATION: Small-business owner, self-employed

POLITICAL CAREER: Never elected to public office

What would you seek to improve your district?

I would seek legislation on issues having to do with education, transportation, skilled employment and health.

Lack of experience in the new legislature:

I would tell the voters that on a personal basis, I have the ability to listen to the voice of the citizens and follow through with good legislation.

What would you do to ensure revenue to meet state needs?

I believe that in the changing times, we must be more prepared to address the needs of the people.

Why are you qualified for this office?

I know the people of the district, I am not a single-issue candidate, and will work with every group to achieve the best outcome for the citizens of the 110th District.


AGE: 51

HOME: Hillsboro

OCCUPATION: Farmer, self-employed

POLITICAL CAREER: Never elected to public office

WEB SITE: none

What would you seek to improve your district?

I would seek out legislation that would support new programs that decrease the high school dropout rate, provide better environmental protection of targeted areas, promote new technologies that are more e nvironmentally friendly, and offer incentives for small businesses in rural areas.

Lack of experience in the new legislature:

There are enough experienced legislators serving as much as six years to help freshmen with procedures. The fresh new ideas can be beneficial, and some freshmen like myself already have experience in related government activities in Jefferson City.

What would you do to ensure revenue to meet state needs?

Budget shortfalls are mostly from the downturn of the economy and excessive spending on old and new programs during the boom economy of the past few years. Revenue will increase with the revival of the economy, but legislators need to control spending and fund successful programs.

Why are you qualified for this office?

I have had experience in Jefferson City on two statewide boards, helped write legislation which passed, had substantial interchange with the EPA and the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, plus 30 years of community service that has helped me understand the needs and issues of the district.

JOHN SAUNDERS - Did not respond.


AGE: 68

HOME: Hillsboro


POLITICAL CAREER: Mayor of Hillsboro

What would you seek to improve your district?

Legislation to better care for our elderly, better care for our education system, better roads to bring people to employment and legislation to help bring employment to the district - jobs are critical.

Lack of experience in the new legislature: We have some very astute legislators remaining who can mentor the new freshman class. You also have some mayors who have knowledge of the legislative process.

What would you do to ensure revenue to meet state needs?

It appears cuts are being made to important needs. A study must be made to determine unnecessary programs that could be cut without hurting people. New means must be determined to increase revenue.

Why are you qualified for this office?

I have served as mayor for eight years, during which time the city has grown and become a leader in the county.



CONNIE SAYERS - Is unopposed.

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AGE: 67

HOME: Sullivan

OCCUPATION: Retired educator

POLITICAL CAREER: Never elected to public office

What would you seek to improve your district?

ERA, living wage, education, universal health.

Lack of experience in the new legislature: I met most of the Democrats and I can truthfully say, Missouri will be in good hands, probably better. The people will have dedicated representation, for this is not a career position.

What would you do to ensure revenue to meet state needs?

Big government bureaucrats better look for another job. Also, consolidating services to rid duplication; there are three to five people doing one person's job. Appointees who have been there forever need to move on.

Why are you qualified for this office?

I looked for someone with my qualifications and came up lacking. I was called to run, so I am.


AGE: 40

HOME: Gerald

OCCUPATION: Carpenter / laborer

POLITICAL CAREER: Never elected to public office

What would you seek to improve your district?

Affordable health care for all, tax reform

Lack of experience in the new legislature: There have been many great men in the history of our country. We would have never known their abilities unless they tried.

What would you do to ensure revenue to meet state needs?

I feel the funds are there. The money is being mismanaged.

Why are you qualified for this office?

I am most qualified because I care. Not just for one party or the other, but for all the people in my district.




AGE: 46

HOME: Owensville

OCCUPATION: Presiding commissioner, Gasconade County

POLITICAL CAREER: Presiding commissioner, 1994 and 1998.

WEB SITE: www.schlottachfor

What would you seek to improve your district?

No response received.

Lack of experience in the new legislature:

My background as commissioner has given me many opportunities to work for legislation that has already helped our area. My experience will be an asset in Jefferson City.

What would you do to ensure revenue to meet state needs?

We must make government more efficient, something that we have already done in Gasconade County.

Why are you qualified for this office?

My experience as a family man, farm owner, small-business owner and commissioner will allow me the knowledge and experience to serve.


AGE: 30

HOME: Sullivan

OCCUPATION: Computer consultant, Net Engineers, Inc.

POLITICAL CAREER: 2nd Ward Alderman, city of Sullivan, 2000-2002. Mayor pro-tem, 2001-2002.


What would you seek to improve your district?

I would work on legislation to provide property tax relief for all Missourians and businesses, improve the transportation system, and maintain and improve our quality of education.

Lack of experience in the new legislature:

This is a great opportunity to have a Legislature that isn't bound in the bureaucracy of the past. The lack of experience that the new Legislature may have in bureaucracy will be replaced by much-needed real -world experience.

What would you do to ensure revenue to meet state needs?

State revenue is sufficient to meet the important needs of the people. We must cut the fat out of the budget and do our best with what we are given.

Why are you qualified for this office?

Our state is having budget difficulties and I have successfully worked with others to balance the city of Sullivan's $13.2 million budget, which is 2 1/2 times larger than that of Gasconade County, which my primary opponent is in charge of.


GRAPHIC: PHOTO, GRAPHIC, MAP; (1) Photo headshots - Jean Carnahan, Joseph A. May, Jim Talent, Martin Lindstedt, Scott Craig Babbitt, Doris Bass Landfather, Tamara A. Millay, Al Hanson, Jay L. Kanzler, Jr., Wm. Lacy Clay, Carl E. Harris, Richard A. Gephardt, Mike Steger, Catherine S. Enz, Pat Dougherty, O. L. Shelton, Rita H. Days, John L. Bowman, Molly Tallarico, John B. Lewis, Stephen Banton, John E. Griesheimer, Jim Froelker, Rodney R. Hubbard, Bill Haas, Paris Bouchard, Margaret Donnelly, Dave Brown, Steve Brown, Sam Page, Fred Lagos, Alex Von Zur Muehlen, Diann Bomkamp, Allen Icet, Robin Geppert, Gloria Ventura, Jan Braswell, Alexander Hasler, Jane Cunningham, Charles Portwood, Robert C. Seipp, Jodi A. Stefanick, Carol Veillette, Roby Walker, Tom Herbst, Jeff Maune, Dave Bailey, Chuck Telle, Belinda Harris, Bob Trokey, J. T. Hardy GRAPHIC GRAPHICS; Post-Dispatch Graphic/Maps; (2) U.S. HOUSE PRIMARIES - DISTRICTS WITH PRIMARIES: 1, 2, 3, 9; (3) STATE SENATE PRIMARIES - DISTRICTS WITH PRIMARIES: 4, 14, 24, 26; , (4) STATE REPRESENTATIVE PRIMARIES - DISTRICTS WITH PRIMARIES: 58, 63, 64, 73, 82, 84, 86, 87, 88, 89, 92, 93, 94, 98, 109, 110, 111

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