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Copyright 2002 St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Inc.  
St. Louis Post-Dispatch

October 31, 2002 Thursday Five Star Lift Edition


LENGTH: 7269 words



Rod R. Blagojevich

Party: Democrat

Incumbent: No

Age: 45

Home: Chicago

Occupation: U.S. Representative

Political experience: Illinois state representative, two terms, 1993-96; U.S. representative, three terms, 1996-present.

If elected, what would be your three main goals?

After 24 years of Republican mismanagement, Illinois can do better. My campaign means opportunity - the opportunity to get a good job; for a secure retirement; for affordable prescription drugs, ensuring no senior has to choose between prescription drugs and food; and the opportunity to get a good education, making sure every child learns to read by third grade.

Other states are doing more - we're stuck in the past. It is time for a new start, in which we reject the politics of cynicism and inaction and embrace a future of optimism and opportunity. My candidacy is about moving forward, creating opportunity and making Illinois better.

If we work together, we can ensure that every child can read at grade level by the third grade, that no senior has to choose between food and medicine; and that everyone has an opportunity to a good job and a secure pension. Do we accept more of the same or do we move forward?

Why are you qualified for this office?

If the question is whether I am qualified to be governor, then I'd say my nearly 10 years in the Legislature and Congress makes the answer yes. But if the question is whether I will follow the traditional, o utdated leadership that has led to failure, then the answer is no.

In the Legislature, I broke with my party to support a cap on property taxes. I also helped lead a bipartisan coalition to fight domestic violence.

In Congress I worked in a bi-partisan way to help restore millions of federal funds to help public school lib- raries replace outdated books. I worked with law enforcement to put more prosecutors into our communities to fight crime. I was part of the delegation that went to Serbia to free three American servicemen held captive there.

Web site:

Jim Ryan

Party: Republican

Incumbent: No

Age: 56

Home: Elmhurst

Occupation: Illinois attorney general

Political experience: DuPage County state's attorney, three terms, 1984-94; Illinois attorney general, two terms, 1994-present.

If elected, what would be your three main goals?

I would make education and health care my highest priorities. I also will restore fiscal integrity to the state budget and restore ethical accountability to Springfield. I want to reform public education with a special focus on improving the shameful statistic that says more than 50 percent of minority students in the third grade can't read at grade level.

I will continue the state's commitment of 51 percent of all new state revenue for education. I support Kid Care, and to the extent we can find state dollars, I will support expanded state programs for the working poor, such as Family Care. Our Medicaid system should be completely reviewed and overhauled to make it more fair and sensible. We still have eligible children not covered by health insurance, and there are seniors and disabled who need state government to be more responsive to health care and prescription drug needs.

I will work to strike a balance between funding the necessary programs and services to better our state and practicing fiscal responsibility. This state has spent too much and not saved enough, and now we are feeling the consequences. I will make sure that we live within our means, build a meaningful Rainy Day Fund and set priorities for the programs that matter most.

Why are you qualified for this office?

My strengths rest on my experience and my commitment to good government. I am finishing my 18th year in public service - 10 years as DuPage County state's attorney and eight years as Illinois attorney genera l. Both positions require administrative ability and a high degree of professionalism. The attorney general's office is a large, statewide constitutional office and I have proven my administrative abilities by making the office more professional and effective.

As attorney general, I have passed more than 50 pieces of anti-crime legislation that have been signed into law. Throughout my public career, I have tried to conduct myself in an honorable and professional manner. I have hired people based on their skills and capabilities, not on their politics. I believe public service is an honorable profession and I have never put politics or personal enrichment before good public service. I want to bring to the governor's office my administrative experience, as well as my values about serving the public honestly and honorably.

Web site:

Cal Skinner

Party: Libertarian

Incumbent: No

Age: 60

Home: Crystal Lake

Occupation: Retired

Political experience: McHenry County Treasurer, 1966-1970; state representative, 1973-1981 and 1993-2001.

If elected, what would be your three main goals?

1. Balancing the budget without a tax increase.

2. Attempting to provide tax cuts, starting with rolling back the unnecessary cigarette tax hike of 69 percent, unnecessary because general revenue fund receipts are down only 2 percent.

3. End the fixer mentality in Illinois government. What's that mean? Decisions need to be made based on need and facts, not who you know or who you hire to lobby for you.

Why are you qualified for this office?

I have more experience in Springfield than both of my opponents combined. The state is in financial trouble. I know budgets; my opponents are lawyers with no hands-on budgetary experience. My education and exp erience are ideally suited for the coming years. My master's degree is in public administration. My first job was with the U.S. Budget Bureau. While others were voting to increase the state budget 70 percent over the last 10 years, I more often than not voted no.

Further, a hallmark of my career is integrity. I do not know how to cheat and have no interest in learning. I am probably the only politician whom the late, great columnist Mike Royko called honest.

Marisellis Brown

No response received.


Richard J. Durbin

Party: Democrat

Incumbent: Yes

Age: 57

Home: Springfield

Occupation: Lawyer, U.S. senator

Political experience: U.S. House of Representatives, 1982-1996; U.S. Senate, 1996-present.

If elected, what would you do to help your state?

I would continue to promote a legislative agenda that includes funding for security and transportation throughout Illinois; expanding markets for Illinois products through free and fair trade; strengthening education; reducing the cost of health insurance; and protecting Social Security and Medicare.

What legislation would you seek?

We must continue to strengthen our country by improving the security of our food supply; upgrading intelligence information systems for the FBI and other homeland security agencies; protecting employees' pensions and retirees' health care; enhancing our aviation, rail and mass transit infrastructure, including MetroLink and the new Mississippi River bridge; providing quality Medicare with prescription drug coverage for seniors and reining in escalating prescription drug costs; expanding efforts to fight West Nile Virus; and strengthening medical research programs.

Why are you qualified for this office?

During my service in Congress I have worked to be a strong advocate for working families to promote economic growth, combat terrorism, strengthen corporate accountability, enhance public education, improve our transportation, protect public health, reduce crime and protect the environment. I hope to have the opportunity to continue to serve Illinois for a second term.

Web site:

Jim Durkin

Party: Republican

Incumbent: No

Age: 41

Home: Westchester

Occupation: Lawyer, state representative, 44th District, Illinois General Assembly

Political experience: President of Proviso Township Republican Organization since 1991; Triton Community College Board of Trustees, 1992-97; 44th District Illinois representative.

If elected, what would you do to help your state?

As your U.S. Senator, I would bring results to Washington rather than play politics with issues important to Illinois and the nation. I will make the security of our nation a priority in times of peace as well as times of war. The protection of its people is the first and foremost responsibility of the federal government. We must disarm Saddam Hussein and remove him before he is able to develop and use weapons of mass destruction. This action is necessary to protect American citizens and our interests abroad from terrorist attacks and is at the forefront of our future national security.

I will fight for Illinois jobs by creating high-quality jobs by encouraging business growth. Further, we must open new markets for our agricultural and industrial products. Illinois has a wealth of agricultural and industrial resources, and we must have the ability to send the best products in the world to markets throughout the global economy.

What legislation would you seek?

As your senator, I will fight to see that needed legislation is passed to strengthen our national security, stimulate our economy and provide prescription drug coverage for our seniors.

First, the legislation to create the Department of Homeland Security must be passed to ensure our nation's security now and in the future. Such action will provide one department with the responsibility and resources to secure our borders, respond to emergencies and receive and disperse intelligence information.

Second, I would support making the recent tax cuts permanent and repeal the outrageous death tax. I believe that the hard-working men and women of this state and nation know better how to spend their money than bureaucrats and politicians in Washington. Finally, we must pass a prescription drug coverage program immediately so that our seniors must not have to decide between purchasing prescription drugs and food.

Why are you qualified for this office?

I believe that my experiences as a prosecutor, a school board member and a member of the Illinois House have given me a diverse background from which to understand people and government. My career in the Illinois General Assembly has been one of bipartisanship in an attempt to do what is best for the people of Illinois. In fact, I was one of only three Republicans in the House to be named a committee chairman while in the minority party. I chaired the House Committee on Prosecutorial Misconduct to study reforms needed in our death penalty system. This was a controversial task, but I fully aired the issues and developed proposals to reform our death penalty system and ensure that those being put to death were in fact guilty. I believe this is only one example of an independent approach to government, to put aside partisan politics and do what is right for Illinois.

Web site:

Steven Burgauer

Party: Libertarian

Incumbent: No

Age: 49

Home: Peoria

Occupation: Economics professor/science fiction author, self-employed

Political experience: Never elected to public office

Why are you qualified for this office?

I am qualified because of my many years of service to my community and my desire to cut taxes and free our children from the economic slavery we've put them in.

If elected, what would you do to help your state?

As I have written extensively in my position papers, which can be found on my Web site, taxes must be cut. This includes income taxes, Social Security taxes, capital gains taxes and death taxes.

What legislation would you seek?

My first and foremost piece of legislation will be to seek a smaller government through a substantial cut in taxes. See my Web site for a fuller discussion of this.

Web site:


Jerry F. Costello

Party: Democrat

Incumbent: Yes

Age: 53

Home: Belleville

Occupation: Congressman Political experience: Chairman, St. Clair County Board; 1980-1988; member of Congress since 1988.

If elected, what would you do to help your district?

I will continue to pursue economic development and transportation projects such as the MetroLink light-rail system, a new Mississippi River bridge and other infrastructure projects for the region and southern Illinois. I will pursue a fair trade agenda that protects American jobs, and I will work to protect Social Security and Medicare.

What legislation would you seek?

I will oppose the privatization of Social Security and seek to add a prescription drug benefit to the Medicare program while restoring funding cut from Medicare and reimbursement cut from health care providers and facilities. I will also focus on the reauthorization of the federal highway bill, particularly on securing funds for infrastructure projects for the St. Louis region and southern Illinois.

Why are you qualified for this office?

I am proud of my record in Congress. It is a record of staying in touch with the people by coming home every weekend - holding hundreds of meetings. It is a record of standing up to protect our jobs by fighting unfair trade agreements and it is a record of bringing home our fair share of the tax money that we send to Washington to keep the regional and local economy strong and to create jobs.

David Sadler

Party: Republican

Incumbent: No

Age: 50

Home: Du Quoin

Occupation: Business owner: client/server/Web software developer, Diversified Computer Applications, Inc

Political experience: Never elected to public office

If elected, what would you do to help your district?

I will work to reverse this so-called free trade policy that is de-industrializing the United States. Exporting our high-paying jobs and destroying the service economy that supports domestic industry and manufacturing is leading to the decline in our economy that we are now seeing. Our economy will not recover until this anti-American policy is reversed. Free trade is a lie and a fraud. Trade something right now with someone else. What is free about that? Free trade is leading to the destruction of the American economy right before our very eyes.

Along with the economy, Americans will lose their national security and national sovereignty. Look around. Our economy is in meltdown. It's time for new leadership. Costello is an arrogant politician unafraid to deal out political favors to his own family. He is not afraid of being defeated. He has it in the bag. Prove him wrong.

What legislation would you seek?

This is a simplistic question that does not consider the breadth and depth of changes that need to come to our government if America is going to survive the next 20 years.

People need to read my Web site - - to see a small fraction of the types of principles this candidate holds. This will give them insight into how I will vote and what legislation I will defeat or vote to victory.

In short, I'm pro-American and pro-Constitution. While others are losing their faith in the Bill of Rights, I champion them. While my opponent votes to dismember it, I will vote to strengthen and defend it as the oath of office directs. While my opponent votes to sell the American economy to the highest-bidding globalist and special interest, I will vote to keep America secure, sovereign and to protect, not restore, its high standard of living. My opponent has presided over failure. It's time for him to go.

Why are you qualified for this office?

As a blue-collar worker, I made my living with my hands. I saw life from the point of view of laborers and union members. I traveled the United States constructing cross-country pipelines. I lived in towns with names such as Thief River Falls, Minn.; Sweetwater, Texas; Plentywood, Montana; and Manila, Utah.

To my blue-collar brothers and sisters, I've been where you've been. I know what you are up against. I haven't forgotten.

As a white-collar independent computer consultant, I've made my living with my head. I've seen life from the point of view of city dwellers. I've created IT solutions for icons of American industrial and technological achievement including Dow Chemical, Union Carbide, Eastman Kodak and Sprint. I've worked in places such as Houston, Denver, Chicago, Philadelphia and Washington, D.C.

To my white-collar colleagues and fellow business owners, I've been where you've been. I know what you are up against. I haven't forgotten.

Web site:

Patricia Elaine Beard

Write-in candidate.


Pat Quinn

Party: Democrat

Incumbent: No

Age: 53

Home: Chicago

Occupation: Lawyer, Self-employed

Political experience: Illinois state treasurer, 1991-95; commisssioner of the Cook County Board of Appeals, 1982-86; director, Chicago Department of Revenue, 1987; member of the Sayre Local School Council, 1989-90.

If elected, what would be your three main goals?

1. Budget reform - I support the appointment of an independent commission (modeled after successes in Florida and Texas) to review the state budget and tax code and recommend reforms. As State Treasurer, I acquired a comprehensive understanding of the Illinois budget. I cut the budget four straight years and saved taxpayers $6.5 million though the use of the efficient management, competitive bidding and a new ethics code.

2. Education reform, including: an amendment to the Illinois Constitution, similar to the Education Amendment of 1992, which requires the state to have the primary responsibility of financing public education; and additional teacher training initiatives.

3. Health care reform, including passage of the Bernardin Amendment to the Illinois constitution, which would guarantee decent health care as a fundamental right of every Illinois resident; and approval of family care modeled after the successful Kid Care program to expand benefits to another 200,000 Illinoisans who are uninsured.

Why are you qualified for this office?

I have held both countywide and statewide elected office, serving as commissioner of the County Board of (tax) Appeals and Illinois state treasurer. For more than 25 years, I have been in the trenches for con sumer rights, citizen empowerment and open and fair government.

Web site:

Carl E. Hawkinson

Party: Republican

Incumbent: No

Age: 55

Home: Galesburg

Occupation: Illinois state senator

Political experience: Illinois state representative, 94th District, three terms; Knox County state's attorney, two terms, 1976-82.

If elected, what would be your three main goals?

1. To play a significant role in capital punishment reform and homeland security.

2. To work with Jim Ryan to attract business and jobs.

3. To serve as an ambassador for Jim Ryan on legislative issues and help move his agenda through the General Assembly. This will include budget issues as well as other legislative initiatives. I will play a significant role on criminal justice issues because of my professional background and my experiences as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. I will work on issues related to capital punishment reform and criminal justice, and serve as Jim Ryan's point person on homeland security.

I will work with communities all over the state to retain and attract business and jobs and improve the state's business climate. I will also be very active addressing problems in downstate Illinois. Because of my experiences representing west-central Illinois in the legislature, I understand regional economic development and infrastructure concerns. I understand the legislative process and work well with members on both sides of the aisle.

Why are you qualified for this office?

The Legislature has given the lieutenant governor's office a statutory role in several programs and those are important. Beyond those duties, though, the lieutenant governor has two functions.

The constitution makes the lieutenant governor first in line to succeed the governor, should he become incapacitated or unable to fulfill his responsibilities. This is a duty that we all hope never comes to pass, but it is the first consideration that voters should evaluate when examining the credentials of the candidates. I believe I am qualified to serve as governor, should it become necessary. I have served as a state's attorney for six years and as a state legislator for 20 years. Throughout my career, I have tried to be a thoughtful legislator and serve with honor. The voters have returned me to office and I have been praised as a legislator who is fair. I work in a bipartisan manner and welcome views and ideas that are different from my own. I understand Illinois government, the diversity of this state, the need for reform, and the process for getting things done.

Web site:

James L. Tobin

Party: Libertarian

Incumbent: No

Age: 56

Home: Berwyn

Occupation: Tax fighter, Self-employed

Political experience: Never elected to public office

If elected, what would be your three main goals?

1. If elected in November, I would begin by saving Illinois taxpayers $2.2 million right off the bat by reducing the $3.2 million budget of the lieutenant governor's office to $1 million. Then I would ask the legislature to place a referendum on the November 2004 statewide ballot to eliminate this useless office. The office does not need millions of dollars just so a lieutenant governor can wait in the wings for the governor to die, become incapacitated, or go to jail.

2. The state income tax in Illinois has prevented the formation of countless productive jobs. I would work to cut the state income tax.

3. I would work to place the Tax Accountability Amendment on the statewide ballot, which would mandate a two-thirds super-majority in the Legislature to raise taxes or fees.

Why are you qualified for this office?

My background is ideal for understanding and managing state finances. I am a consulting economist and have taught economics for more than 30 years at Elmhurst College, Loyola University of Chicago, and others. In 1976, I founded National Taxpayers United of Illinois. It's the largest taxpayer group in Illinois, with more than 10,000 members, and is affiliated with more than 200 local taxpayer groups. In its 26 years, it has saved Illinois taxpayers over $44 billion.


Jesse White

Party: Democrat

Incumbent: Yes

Age: 68

Home: Chicago

Occupation: Illinois secretary of state

Political experience: Prior to being elected Illinois secretary of state in 1998, I served six years as Cook County recorder of deeds and 16 years as an Illinois state representative. I also serve as the Democratic committeeman of the 27th Ward in Chicago.

If elected, what would be your three main goals?

1. Implementing the long-term plan. My goal is to work with the Legislature and the next governor to improve driving and vehicle services throughout the state. We hope to add facilities, especially in high-growth areas. In addition, adding automated teller machines around the state in shopping malls, so that users will be able to obtain safe-driver renewal stickers, license plate renewal stickers and other services through the machines.

2. Expanding Touch Screen Testing. In response to the license-for-bribes scandal, we created a new touch-screen testing system for those seeking a commercial driver's license. I want to expand this successful program to include those who are seeking passenger-vehicle driver's licenses.

3. Strengthening the inspector general's office. I will push to establish into law an independent inspector general with wide-ranging police powers, including subpoena powers.

Why are you qualified for this office?

I have served the Illinois secretary of state's office for three years. When I first started in January 1999, I was faced with an office that was under a cloud of controversy. What was not as well known, but nearly as serious, were Illinois license plates that had not been re-issued in over 17 years; temporary registration permits that were easily tampered with; and disability placards that were being grossly misused. In my first term in office, we changed all of that and more.

We issued the first new license plates in 20 years.

We created the only temporary registration permit in the nation that provides immediate access to vehicle information by law enforcement authorities.

We created new disability placards and strengthened the system to ensure that only those who truly need them are using them.

We have created a strong, independent inspector general's office to root out corruption.

These accomplishments exemplify my qualifications for this post.

Web site:

Kris O'Rourke Cohn

Party: Republican

Incumbent: No

Age: 50

Home: Rockford

Occupation: Winnebago County Board Chairman

Political experience: Winnebago County Board chairman and forest preserve president since December 1996; Winnebago County clerk, 1994-96; Rockford Park District commissioner, 1991-94.

If elected, what would be your three main goals?

As you may know, I have been handing out small bars of soap as I campaign throughout Illinois. The message: It's time to clean up state government. But the soap is just not a gimmick - it is a positive, concrete plan to cut the long lines and clean up the office of secretary of state. Under a Kristine O'Rourke Cohn administration, the secretary of state's office will be secure, organized, accountable and professional. Here are some of the highlights of the plan:

1. Electronic customer service surveys at facilities;

2. Internet postings of wait times at each facility;

3. Same-day license plates

4. Secretary of state service units in private companies, such as Walgreens.

Please visit my Web site to read the complete plan.

Why are you qualified for this office?

I am running for secretary of state because I am a proven, professional administrator who can take control of the office, cut the long lines and stop the scandals.

I am in my second four-year term as the elected Winnebago County Board chairman. I manage a budget of $117 million, supervise 1,800 employees and manage a complex menagerie of government services. During my years in public service, I have been fortunate to receive support from Republicans, Democrats and independents. With your vote, I know we can work together to cut the lines, stop the scandals and restore confidence in the Illinois secretary of state's office.

Web site:

Matt Beauchamp

Party: Libertarian

Incumbent: No

Age: 32

Home: Chicago

Occupation: Hedonist, self-employed

Political experience: Never elected to public office

If elected, what would be your three main goals?

Get your driver's license in 15 minutes or it's free. See Web site.

Why are you qualified for this office?

I have worked in the private sector for the last 10 years and now am retired. My opponents have been feasting on the public teat for decades and will do NOTHING to eliminate fraud.

Web site:


Lisa Madigan

Party: Democrat

Incumbent: No

Age: 36

Home: Chicago

Occupation: State senator, lawyer

Political experience: Illinois State Senate, 17th Legislative District, since 1998.

If elected, what would be your three main goals?

Illinois needs new leadership to improve and protect the lives of our families. That is why I am running for attorney general. As a senator, I have fought for issues important to families, including voting 17 times to toughen laws against sexual predators, passing laws to protect women and children from domestic abuse and working to lower prescription drug prices. As attorney general, I have set out an ambitious, common-sense agenda to protect Illinois families, including: requiring lifetime supervision for sexual predators, shielding women and children from domestic violence, reducing prescription drug prices through aggressive prosecutions, and protecting seniors from fraud and abuse. I will go after employers that violate workplace safety rules, drug companies that inflate prescription drug prices, and HMOs that deny needed care. I will make protecting families my top priority, and I will not stop working until the job is done.

Why are you qualified for this office?

I have worked as an lawyer, community leader, educator and state senator. Prior to becoming a lawyer, I worked with police and families to implement programs to keep kids away from gangs and crime. From my exp eriences in South Africa educating young women during apartheid, to working with high-risk youths and police on Chicago's west side, to being a leading voice for education in the Illinois Senate, I have a proven record of advocating for people. Because of this experience, I received the endorsement of the Fraternal Order of Police. I will use my experience to be the people's lawyer, advocating for and protecting Illinois' families. That is the critical difference between me and my opponent - I will work tirelessly to put the interests of working families above corporate and special interests.

Web site:

Joe Birkett

Party: Republican

Incumbent: No

Age: 47

Home: Wheaton

Occupation: State's attorney, DuPage County

Political experience: DuPage County state's attorney, two terms, 1996-present.

If elected, what would be your three main goals?

1. To address public corruption in Illinois. I will create a public integrity unit which will be partnered with the Illinois State Police Public Integrity Unit to create a strike force. We will educate public employees in Illinois regarding their duty to report acts of corruption and the consequences when they fail to do so.

2. I will continue to make the protection of society's most vulnerable a top priority. I created an award-winning Seniors and Persons with Disabilities Unit as DuPage County State's Attorney, and it will serve as a model for the unit I will create as attorney general.

3. Protection of consumers will also be a top priority. I will implement reforms to increase the efficiency of the Consumer Fraud Bureau through automation. I will provide ongoing training to state's attorneys and local law enforcement regarding detection, apprehension and prosecution of consumer fraud artists.

Why are you qualified for this office?

I have served the state of Illinois as a prosecutor for the past 21 years. In that time, I gained invaluable experience, having tried over 1,000 felony cases and overseen the prosecution of more than 12,000 cases. As DuPage County state's attorney, I am responsible for the largest Republican state's attorney office in Illinois.

I have been a pro-active advocate throughout my career, working with fellow prosecutors, the police, community leaders and the General Assembly to reduce crime and protect people. I have participated in and chaired task forces that have contributed greatly to improvements in the criminal and civil justice systems.

My opponent has never tried a case on her own and is woefully unqualified to serve as the next attorney general of Illinois.

Web site:

Gary L. Shilts

No response received


Thomas J. Dart

Party: Democrat

Incumbent: No

Age: 40

Home: Chicago

Occupation: State representative Political experience: State representative, 1992-present.

If elected, what would be your three main goals?

If elected, I'd end the politics of self-promotion and restore public faith in state institutions and the political system by:
1. Restoring spending accountability from the general fund and the local government investment pool administrative fund as they relate to the office's overall budget.
2. Increasing investment options and cutting unregulated marketing expenses in the college savings program, providing more money for college investment for children; and
3. Posting the state's investments and their returns on the Internet.

Why are you qualified for this office?

I served on the revenue and appropriations committees during my 10 years in the Legislature. I have an exceptional understanding of state finances. In the Legislature I have been a leading advocate in child welfare, prison and financial service reform. As a former assistant state's attorney, I know how to root out government fraud and corruption. I am eager to bring my record and ideas to the treasurer's office.

Web site:

Judy Baar Topinka

Party: Republican

Incumbent: Yes

Age: 58

Home: Riverside

Occupation: Illinois state treasurer

Political experience: Illinois House, 43rd District, 1980-84; Illinois Senate, 22nd District, 1984-1994; Illinois state treasurer since 1995.

If elected, what would be your three main goals?

I am seeking a third term as Illinois state treasurer because there is still work to be done and I look forward to building upon the success of the past eight years. Investments will continue to break all records of performance; I will complete the implementation of new programs as we continue to develop new initiatives to assist Illinois families.

* Complete the implementation of Our Own Home to assist low- and middle-income families with less than perfect credit purchase a home or avoid a foreclosure by helping them avoid becoming victims of predatory lenders.

* Seek the authority to further diversify the state's investment portfolio through investments, specifically through venture capital firms as a way of promoting job and business growth of the technology sector.

* Encourage improved health care in Illinois by implementing the recently announced affordable financing program for hospitals throughout the state.

Why are you qualified for this office?

Over the past eight years, I have improved the treasurer's office to benefit all citizens of Illinois through responsible fiscal management and expanded services and programs, including:

Earning nearly $3 billion in investment income for state and local taxpayers through prudent investments.

* Creating and publishing the first-ever comprehensive investment policy for the state treasurer's office.

* Earning Standard and Poor's highest AAA rating for the first time ever and bolstering the treasurer's local government investment pool from $2.1 billion to $5.7 billion.

* Creating the Bright Start College Savings Program to help hard-working families send their children to college.

* Reuniting thousands of Illinoisans with more than $120 million in unclaimed property through the Treasurer's Cash Dash Program.

I remain committed to the belief that the most important work government can do is for the people.

Web site:

Rhys Read

Party: Libertarian

Incumbent: No

Age: 45

Home: Des Plaines

Occupation: Controller, Peer Bearing Co.

Political experience: Trustee, Des Plaines Public Library (appointed), February 2001.

Why are you qualified for this office?

I am a CPA and I have an MBA degree. I have more than 25 years' experience in the financial fields, public accounting, private industry and financial management. In my current position I perform many treasury functions. I have taught seminars and published articles on tax laws, as well as other finance and budgeting issues. I am the only one of the three candidates for treasurer with financial education or experience. We have experienced unprecedented levels of fraud and financial corruption in state government. Neither of the other two candidates has said or done anything to address these scandals. I have designed and implemented internal control systems, and have conducted both fraud and government yellow book audits. I will use my education and experience to bring to light misappropriation of taxpayer funds.

I have not received any campaign contributions from anybody but individuals. When elected, I will serve only one group, the taxpayers of the state.

If elected, what would be your three main goals?

1. Fully inform the taxpayers of Illinois as to where their tax dollars are being spent. To do so I will use a multimedia and pro-active approach to explicitly spell out waste and misspending by the state government.
2. Use my education and experience to safeguard the assets of the state by exposing fraud and misappropriation of funds and providing evidence thereof for the proper prosecution of financial crimes.
3. Provide choice for the users of Section 529 College Savings Funds through the state.

Web site:


Daniel W. Hynes

Party: Democrat

Incumbent: Yes

Age: 34

Home: Chicago

Occupation: State comptroller

Political experience: State comptroller since 1998.

If elected, what would be your three main goals?

1. I will continue to pursue passage and full implementation of my four-point Agenda for Financial Stability, which calls for controlled growth in state spending, paying down our debts and honest budgeting. The Agenda is a workable, realistic blueprint for long-term, responsible management of Illinois' finances that safeguards Illinois taxpayers and ensures the fiscal stability the public deserves from state government.

2. I will also expand my consumer protection efforts, including cracking down on funeral home owners who steal from their clients' trust funds and cemetery owners who don't maintain their properties. Further, I will continue to sponsor the cleanup of dozens of neglected cemeteries across the state.

3. I will continue to be a watchdog for taxpayers, including barring tax scofflaws from securing state contracts and maintaining aggressive debt collection efforts.

Why are you qualified for this office?

I have a proven record of responsible, effective, honest leadership.

As comptroller, I have transformed the office from a largely administrative one into an independent advocate for consumers and taxpayers.

As the state's chief fiscal officer, I have spoken out consistently against irresponsible state spending practices and shortsighted budget decisions. Earlier this year, I froze $116 million in member initiative pork projects in an attempt to force the General Assembly to spare more essential programs from being cut out of the state budget. I also engineered creation of the Rainy Day Fund, which has been used to avoid tax hikes and program cuts.

I made consumer protection a top priority in my office, including spearheading bi-partisan passage of the most sweeping reforms in the funeral home industry in 25 years. And I have made state government more accessible to all taxpayers by greatly expanding the volume of information offered on the comptroller's Web site.

Web site:

Thomas Jefferson Ramsdell

Party: Republican

Incumbent: No

Age: 35

Home: Wilmette

Political experience: Never elected to public office

If elected, what would be your three main goals?

1. We will exercise the comptroller's currently un-utilized power to investigate and crack down on fraud and duplication in state contracts and employment.

2. All agencies and departments that report to the office will be encouraged to find new and creative ways to save money. We will start the meticulous task of budget trimming on day one in order to avoid the painful shortfalls that result from inadequate fiscal planning.

3. We will explore innovative ways to collect monies owed to the state, including prohibitions on contracts or employment with the state for individuals or companies that owe taxes, are in default on student or other government-backed loans, or otherwise owe money to the state.

Why are you qualified for this office?

Our campaign is based on the principle that to fulfill its constitutional mission, the office of comptroller should be held by a genuine, objective fiscal conservative - not the privileged children of Chicago's Democratic elite. To be an effective fiscal watchdog, it is imperative that the comptroller come with no strings attached. The comptroller must consistently advocate budget trimming and increased efficiency - in financially abundant times and in leaner times.

Web site:

Julie Fox

Party: Libertarian

Incumbent: No

Age: 44

Home: West Dundee

Occupation: Controller, Bell Flavors and Fragrances Inc.

Political experience: Trustee, Dundee Township Library District.

If elected, what would be your three main goals?

I have one main goal: To reduce the state budget through spending cuts and allow Illinois residents to keep as much of their hard-earned income as possible. Three ways I would accomplish this are:

1. Blocking payments of frivolous and/or unconstitutional expenses such as member initiatives;

2. Blocking welfare payments to corporations; and

3. Consolidating the offices of comptroller and treasurer.

Why are you qualified for this office?

I am the most qualified candidate running for state comptroller. I am a certified public accountant and corporate controller. I have 15 years' experience in the field of accounting and have managed budgets of up to $60 million, while both my opponents are lawyers. In addition, I also help manage the budget of my local library district.



Melissa Chapman

Party: Democrat

Incumbent: Yes

Age: 51 Home: Edwardsville

Occupation: Appellate judge

Political experience: Never elected to public office

If elected, what would be your three main goals?

1. Maintain public trust in the judiciary by providing informed, fair and impartial decisions in accordance with Illinois law.

2. Write clear, concise decisions.

3. Promote respect and civility among all parties to the judicial process.

Why are you qualified for this office?

I have done appellate-level work for almost five years, was a trial attorney for 18 years, and worked five years as a mental health professional. I served on the review board of the Illinois Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission and since 1995 have been a co-author of the jury instruction manual used by judges and attorneys throughout Illinois. I understand the Appellate Court and bring a valuable perspective to it.

John Long

Party: Republican

Incumbent: No

Age: 52

Home: O'Fallon (Ill.)

Occupation: Lawyer, self-employed

Political experience: Never elected to public office

If elected, what would be your three main goals?

1. To administer appellate justice impartially, without regard for the insider politics and campaign cash and without deference to the powerful plaintiff's lawyers mentioned in the Post-Dispatch editorial of Thursday, Aug. 15, 2002.

2. To modernize the Appellate Court's procedures for receiving documents in appeals, so that trial transcripts would be submitted in a stable, computer-searchable format (such as Adobe PDF format).

3. To hold seminars for attorneys in the 5th Judicial District to help them improve their skills as appellate advocates.

Why are you qualified for this office?

I learned how to do appellate work as a law clerk for Justice George J. Moran Sr., on the Appellate Court in 1975-1976. I have specialized in handling appeals since 1976, and have been involved in at least 54 appeals (49 of which were before the Appellate Court in Mount Vernon). My fellow attorneys have recognized my expertise as an appellate lawyer and have given me a recommended rating in a poll conducted by the ISBA. The ISBA Committee on Judicial Evaluations recommended me highly for the office of Appellate Court Judge.


GRAPHIC: PHOTO, GRAPHIC, MAP; (1) Photo headshot - Rod R. Blagojevich, Jim Ryan, Cal Skinner, Richard J. Durbin, Jim Durkin, Steven Burgauer, Jerry F. Costello, David Sadler, Pat Quinn, Cal E. Hawkinson, James L. Tobin, Jesse White, Kris O'Rourke Cohn, Matt Beauchamp, Lisa Madigan, Joe Birkett, Thomas J. Dart, Judy Baar Topinka, Rhys Read, Daniel W. Hynes, Thomas Jefferson Ramsdell, Julie Fox, Melissa Chapman, John Long GRAPHIC (GRAPHICS); Graphic / Map - Illinois 5th District Court of Appeals

LOAD-DATE: January 15, 2003

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