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[Time: 00:15]
-- (House of Representatives - July 26, 2002)

[Page: H5961]  GPO's PDF



   (Mr. ARMEY asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)

   Mr. ARMEY. Mr. Speaker, let me say, of course, we are all concerned about just exactly how we will proceed, and let me give Members the best information I have. We have just finished the same day rule. The trade promotion bill has been filed so we will now ask the Committee on Rules as soon as it is possible within their protocols and courtesies that they extend to one another to meet and prepare a rule for consideration of the trade promotion bill.

   In the meantime on the floor of the House in just a few minutes, we are going to ask the Committee on Financial Services to bring their resolution to go to conference on the terrorism reinsurance bill. We will take care of that business and any other business we will be able to work together on.

   We have been working very hard trying to clear some unanimous consent opportunities for several of our Members. We continue to clear as many of those as we can. Insofar as we have completed the intervening work prior to our ability to reconvene the House for the purposes of the rule on trade, we will just have to recess subject to the call of the Chair until we can proceed.

   Also, I should advise Members we have an opportunity to address the bankruptcy reform conference report, and we are checking on that. So it is still possible we might try to consider that before we conclude our business. Members should be advised that as we work through the various problems and delays we have, all these things are possible and all these things are problematic. So we have what is known in Texas as a running gun fight, and I will try to report to Members how it is going as we move along. That is the best information I have at this time.

   Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, will the gentleman yield?

   Mr. ARMEY. I yield to the gentlewoman from California.

   Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Leader, I listened to the reading of the martial law legislation, and it said that we could consider the bankruptcy bill, the trade bill, and also the electoral reform bill. Is it the gentleman's understanding that the electoral reform bill could go to the Committee on Rules for a rule and come to the floor, and I would say this evening, but it is now this morning?

   Mr. ARMEY. Mr. Speaker, I am advised by the chairman of the committee that they have, in fact, just reported out a rule on the trade promotion. Maybe we can move more quickly on that on the floor than I had anticipated.

   We do not expect a conference report on election reform; but we do have a conference report in hand on bankruptcy reform. We are looking at all of the options with scheduling that. As near as I can tell, that plus going to conference on the anti-terrorism reinsurance bill is the work before us.

   If I might ask the Members of this body, we have several Members on both sides of the aisle who have an opportunity to put on behalf of themselves and their constituents, their district interests, some matters before the body by unanimous consent. It is simply a matter of us being willing, all of us, to look at those Member requests. We do as much as we can to take care of Members on both sides of the aisle as possible. Some of these are timely matters. We have one with respect to Indiana which simply would be of no consequence or interest to the gentlewoman's district if we put it off until after.

   When approached or asked about these, give what consideration Members can to colleagues. This is not a matter that the leadership has any particular interest in other than helping as many Members as possible. If we can get some of those cleared, we will help other Members.

   Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, if the gentleman would continue to yield, it is my understanding that the bankruptcy conference report, trade promotion, and terrorism risk insurance are the three bills that may come to the floor tonight?

   Mr. ARMEY. Mr. Speaker, the gentlewoman's understanding is correct.

   Ms. PELOSI. And there is nothing beyond that except the unanimous consent requests?

   Mr. ARMEY. Right.

   Mr. DeFAZIO. Mr. Speaker, will the gentleman yield?

   Mr. ARMEY. I yield to the gentleman from Oregon.

   Mr. DeFAZIO. Mr. Speaker, I would be happy to accommodate the request. Earlier this evening there were a number scheduled, including one of mine which is unanimously supported by the entire Oregon delegation, House and Senate, Republicans and Democrats, to name a new courthouse which has just been authorized and appropriated.

   Unfortunately, I was told that the gentleman from Texas (Mr. DeLay) was upset about the debate over the aviation explosive screening, and he personally said my bill will not be allowed. And if mine will not be allowed, since it was previously scheduled, then I will object to all unanimous consent requests.

   Mr. ARMEY. Mr. Speaker, for the record, we have not received a request from the minority leader relative to the gentleman's bill. We can obviously not respond to a request that has not been made. Again, let me just say we all have disappointments in our life.

[Page: H5962]  GPO's PDF

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