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Copyright 2002 The Hartford Courant Company  

November 14, 2002 Thursday, 7 SPORTS FINAL


LENGTH: 545 words


BYLINE: MICHAEL REMEZ; Courant Staff Writer


As President Bush pressed congressional leaders again Wednesday to enact a terrorism insurance backstop this year, House supporters of the measure began signing off on a pending compromise in hopes of possible action today.

Senate, House and White House negotiators reached agreement in mid-October on a compromise plan to provide federal financial help to insurers in case of a major terrorist attack similar to those of Sept. 11, 2001. But several key House Republicans -- including Rep. James Sensenbrenner, R-Wis., chairman of the Judiciary Committee -- refused to endorse what they saw as insufficient restrictions on lawsuits against property and business owners hit by terror. Now that Republicans have won full control of Congress, some want to put off consideration of the backstop in hopes of getting a better deal next year.

But Bush, who also wanted tougher lawsuit limits, repeatedly has called for action now, saying the measure would provide a needed boost to the economy, better prepare the country for any new acts of terror, and create tens of thousands of construction jobs. Some construction businesses have been hurt by the limited availability or high price of terrorism insurance coverage.

The measure, strongly supported by insurance, business and real estates interests, is intended to help make terrorism insurance coverage more available and affordable.

"The president is very adamant that he wants this done," said House Speaker Dennis Hastert, D-Ill., after a morning meeting with Bush at the White House.

"The underlying issue is that there are some people who have a reluctance to think that we may be opening the taxpayers' deep pockets as a last resort here on suits," Hastert said. "In my mind, it has somewhat been taken care of in the legislation. But this art of legislation is also a game of persuasion, so we'll continue to work on it."

That effort apparently continued Wednesday, though time for action is running short. House leaders hope to end their lame duck session today.

Connecticut Sen. Christopher J. Dodd, the lead negotiator for Senate Democrats, said the compromise should stand, adding that the deal won't get any better next year.

"If they think coming back in January they are going to rewrite this thing, they are kidding themselves," Dodd said. "It's not going to happen."

Meanwhile, House supporters of the compromise began Wednesday to circulate what is known as the conference report, the document spelling out the deal that must be approved by both chambers before it can be sent to Bush for signing.

Among the quick signers was Rep. Christopher Shays, R-4th District, and a member of the House Financial Services Committee.

"Congressman Shays signed the bill because he supports the agreement and wants the bill to be able to move as quickly as possible once agreement with the Judiciary Committee is reached," said Betsy Hawkings, Shays' spokeswoman.

But that agreement is not essential. If a majority of the House conferees sign off on the agreement, it would be ready to go to the House floor at the call of House leaders.

A majority of the Senate conferees already have agreed to the compromise. The Senate can be expected to take up the bill quickly if it is passed by the House.

LOAD-DATE: November 15, 2002

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