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Copyright 2001 The Houston Chronicle Publishing Company  
The Houston Chronicle

July 29, 2001, Sunday 2 STAR EDITION


LENGTH: 538 words

HEADLINE: Panel hears predatory lending tales

SOURCE: Knight Ridder Tribune News



WASHINGTON - Heartbreaking tales of lost homes, lost savings and unethical loan officers dominated Senate hearings last week into unethical practices in the high-risk mortgage industry.

Four people told members of the Senate Banking Committee that their own naivete allowed deceptive lenders to stick them with high-interest loans, exorbitant fees, unnecessary insurance and discouraging penalties for prepayment.

The practices, known as "predatory lending," typically target elderly, minority or uneducated borrowers with tarnished credit histories.

Committee chairman Paul Sarbanes, D-Md., is preparing legislation to curb unscrupulous lending and seeks to build support through hearings. "Nearly every banking regulator has recognized this as an increasing problem," Sarbanes said.

A report released this week by the Coalition for Responsible Lending in Durham, N.C., a group of banking, religious and housing officials, estimates that predatory loans cost U.S. borrowers an estimated $ 9.1 billion annually. The costs stem from lost home equity, higher-than-necessary interest rates and foreclosures on loans that never should have been made.

Most of the problems occur among borrowers with poor credit who pay higher interest rates because they pose a greater risk of defaulting. Loans to these borrowers have increased sharply in recent years. Millions of low-income people have obtained credit they might otherwise not have received. At the same time, they've allowed for more exploitation.

In recent weeks, two of the nation's biggest providers of such high-risk loans, Household Finance of Prospect Heights, Ill., and CitiFinancial Credit Co., a unit of Citigroup of New York, have dropped one of the most criticized products, unnecessary loan insurance.

The Federal Reserve Board also is considering expanding consumer protections against unethical lenders.

Sen. Phil Gramm, R-Texas, chairman of the committee until Democrats took over the Senate in June, had declined to schedule hearings, saying predatory lending had not been legally defined. He briefly attended Thursday's hearing, urging senators to act cautiously on any legislative proposals that might keep ethical lenders from serving high-risk borrowers. That would reduce their credit opportunities, he said.

Borrowers who testified Thursday said they had been exploited.

Carol Mackey, 63, of Rochester Hills, Mich., said she'd sought a $ 20,000 home equity loan to pay off bills and make some minor improvements to her condominium. Her mortgage balance was $ 74,000 with a 7.5 percent interest rate and monthly payments of $ 510. A loan officer urged Mackey to refinance.

"Not being a financial whiz, I relied on his expertise," Mackey testified.

Big mistake. Her new mortgage is for $ 100,750 with a 12.8 percent interest rate and monthly payments of $ 1,103. She ended up with $ 18,645 in cash to pay her bills, plus points and other loan fees totaling $ 8,105.

Mary Podelco of Montgomery, W.Va., told senators she lost her home to foreclosure after refinancing it several times.

Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn., said she was the victim of a "financial mugging."

"It took longer. It was more subtle, but it was a mugging," Dodd said.


LOAD-DATE: July 30, 2001

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