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The reduction of child poverty should become an explicit goal of welfare reform 

Forum: TANF Reauthorization
Date: 2001, Nov 30
From: Robin Harris <>

The reduction of child poverty should become an explicit goal of welfare reform. TANF is not successful if families who leave the system continue to live in poverty. Unfortunately, many families have left welfare only to join the working poor. Many of the jobs available to former recipients did not pay enough, nor provide enough hours, to elevate families from poverty. Those recipients who did not obtain the prerequisite job skills or education to adapt to changing economic circumstances are most vulnerable to unemployment, and are likely to need additional assistance. As the TANF law is currently written, such assistance will not be available to recipients who have reached their time limits for benefits. Replacing the implicit goal of caseload reductions with the explicit goal of poverty reduction would provide an impetus to develop and implement creative strategies for the long-term decrease in dependence on government benefits.

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