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Inadequacies of legislation 

Forum: TANF Reauthorization
Date: 2001, Nov 28
From: Ruth Morton <>

Current welfare legislation has reduced welfare roles but not poverty and has created more homeless families. It would be good if lawmakers actually knew what it was like to live on welfare by experience. One case in point. A young single mother with three special needs children was denied assistance because she wanted to attend college to study graphic arts. She is a very talented woman who has since been homeless for many months. 1. Education shold be allowed as work activity and allow eligibility for assistance. 2. Families with speical needs children need extra help with their children. 3. Unemployment and lack of available jobs should be considered when there are no jobs in an area you can't get one. Unemployment in this area of Alaska is over 57 percent. There are no jobs in the villages and salman fishing season has been closed in this area four of the last five years. 4. Cost of living should be considered when writing this law. A loaf of bread here is four dollars and an apple costs more than a dollar. 5. Two parent families with low income should receive benefits. We are creating a generation of children who have inadequate social skills because keeping food in the house and hopfully a roof over the heads of thier children leaves no time to raise them adequately. 6. The way the laws have been written it punishes people for trying to work and it should support graduated reduction of assistance with work rather than cutting them off. If they stumble they have no safety net. One young mother with three children at home earned four-thousand dollars in one year and lost her medicaid benefits. She was unable to provide preventative medical and dental help for her children. Medicaid did help again with a big medical problem that could perhaps have been avoided with prevention. The anxiety and fear created in the minds of parents who have no safety net is enormous.

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