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Let's give this some thought 

Forum: TANF Reauthorization
Date: 2001, Nov 29
From: Aviva Meyer <>

It's true. there are many problems with TANF the way it currently runs. However, it can't be changed if it doesn't exist. Poor people do not go away just because we dismantle the programs that support them. Part of the problem with moving people off of "welfare" is that the jobs they are moving into do not pay them enough to live on. We need to increase funding for job training programs, increase the minimum wage and give serious consideration to other issues that make it difficult for people who are already marginalized to hold a job. They need access to affordable and decent transportation, childcare and healthcare. When we declare that people barely paying the rent make too much to receive support that will keep their children safe and healthy, there is something wrong with the system. Thanks for the chance to comment. Imagine if you were the one who needed help. How would you want it to be run? Imagine your relatives didn't have the money to help you out and you didn't have any money in the bank. What sort of supports would help you get on your feet?

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