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Provide More Options and Partnerships  

Forum: TANF Reauthorization
Date: 2001, Nov 30
From: Arnold Tompkins <>

As federal officials begin to consider TANF reauthorization, it is crucial that they consider the following elements to ensure ongoin success. PROVIDE MORE OPTIONS FOR ALLOWABLE WORK ACTIVITIES -- This exemption came about in part because of abuses by the system under AFDC job programs. Since there is a time limit, and the caseload exists largely of those clients who are hard to place and have multiple barriers to work, it would be beneficial to expand educational activities. Education programs, like training programs, have a direct link to job placement and should be considered as allowable activities under TANF work requirements. FACILITATE A PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN TANF AND WIA. The Farm Bill that is pending in Congress proposes to align eligibility between TANF, Medicaid and Food Stamp programs.This is a move toward simplification between programs that serve virtually the same individuals. So is the case for TANF and WIA. Both target low income families and assist them in becoming prepared for and gain access to the workforce. At the state level, many states are combining agencies that implement TANF and WIA in order to provide a more streamlined program and to better assist business needs. The federal TANF and WIA laws and regulations also need to be better aligned to enhance states' ability to administer workforce programs. The opportunities that program alignment would provide are endless and would greatly benefit a system where two programs are now competing for the same clients.

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