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TANF Reauthorization 

Forum: TANF Reauthorization
Date: 2001, Nov 30
From: Debby Wood <>

I believe that the following should be included in TANF reauthorization legislation: 1. Full family sanctions should be allowed. They are much more effective in gaining cooperation with the work requirements than partial family sanctions. Provisions should be included to insure that clients being sanctioned understand why they are being sanctioned and what they can do to comply. 2. Work Participation rate for two parent families should be reduced. In Alabama, our two parent families have more barriers that need to be addressed before they can become self-sufficient than other groups. 3. Expand the activities countable for meeting the federal work participation rate. Allow activities such as education and counseling. 4. Allow carryover money to be spent on more than assistance. 5. Stop the clock at the time the person has a hardship rather than at the end of the five years. 6. Continue to encourage TANF agencies to address domestic violence issues. 7. Continue the financial supplements to poor, small states. 8. Reduce the amount of data reported. Also, get data for bonuses from information already reported instead of requiring additional and totally separate time-consuming reports.

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