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Forum: TANF Reauthorization
Date: 2001, Nov 30
From: Kimberly Walker <>

TO: Assistant Secretary Horn FROM: YWCA of Rochester and Monroe County (NY) RE: TANF Reauthorization Comments DATE: November 30, 2001 The YWCA of Rochester and Monroe County (NY) is dedicated to renewing women and rebuilding lives. In Rochester, New York/Monroe County, the YWCA is the place for women at a crisis or turning point in their lives to overcome unemployment, homelessness, teenage motherhood and substance addiction. We are on the frontline in the battle to help poor and low-income women as they transition to true self-sufficiency. As such, we thank you for this opportunity to comment on the reauthorization of the TANF block grant and we urge you to consider the impact that TANF has, and will have, on the lives of our clients. 1. Increase Emphasis on Real Poverty Reduction New York's welfare rolls are decreasing dramatically as poor New Yorkers are ushered from welfare to work. Although many New Yorkers successfully transition from welfare to self-sufficiency, many more are being left behind. Inadequate training, poor support systems and rigidly enforced compliance mechanisms must not be permitted to disguise the reality of the growing numbers of truly disadvantaged and disenfranchised New Yorker's, many of who are women and children. In New York State, only 18% of children eligible for child-care subsidies are actually being served. In New York State, individuals with post-secondary credentials have the highest rate of labor force participation, and a post secondary degree is one of the most significant factors in finding growth employment opportunities. As no more than 20% of New York's welfare recipients may count education or training towards fulfilling the federal work requirement, New York has a strong incentive to deny most welfare recipients access to education for fear of losing funds. More must be done to help prepare welfare recipients for the transition from welfare to work. In Monroe County (NY) homelessness has increased nearly 50% since 1998 and there has been a 71% increase in the number of homeless children under 16 during that time. These numbers are expected to grow significantly as county residents begin facing their five-year mandatory public assistance cut off deadlines. More needs to be done to prevent today's welfare recipients from becoming tomorrow's homeless population. 2. Enable Poor People to Actually Become Self-Sufficient a. Increase, don't decrease TANF funding b. Permit states flexibility in modifying/extending time limits c. Encourage states to replace individual sanctions with compliance incentives d. Fund Individual Development Accounts (IDA's) e. Include education/vocational training in the definition of "work activity" f. Increase access to educational/vocational programs g. Increase duration of transitional public transportation passes and after one year of successful full time-employment, phase in transportation fees on a sliding scale h. Extend exempt training period for education/vocation to four years i. Extend safeguards to all poor and low income people generally, not just to families with children 3. Encourage State Accountability a. Define "misuse of funds" for which states can be penalized b. Clarify "good cause" required for exemption from participation in work activities c. Increase civil legal service funding to ensure that the rights of America's poor are protected d. Provide loan forgiveness to all post-secondary graduates working to provide services to the poor e. Make reduced homelessness/hunger a performance based outcome and increase/decrease funding accordingly f. Make decreases in welfare rolls which are unaccompanied by comparable increases in employment rates a performance based outcome and increase/decrease funding accordingly g. Replace the minimum wage with a living wage Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Sincerely, Kimberly Y. Walker, JD Member, YWCA of Rochester and Monroe County (NY) Public Policy Committee Member, YWCA of Rochester and Monroe County (NY) Board of Directors

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