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Copyright 2002 The New York Times Company  
The New York Times

August 25, 2002, Sunday, Late Edition - Final

SECTION: Section 4; Page 9; Column 2; Editorial Desk 

LENGTH: 928 words

HEADLINE: Banking's Future Lies in its Past

BYLINE:  By Martin Mayer;  Martin Mayer, author of "The Bankers" and "The Fed," is a guest scholar at the Brookings Institution.


Three years after the much longed-for repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act, the 1933 law that prohibited commercial banks from owning brokers and underwriters, investors are beginning to wonder whether maybe the New Deal had got it right after all. There is speculation that Citigroup is pondering the separation of the commercial bank and the investment bank now conjoined in a financial conglomerate that became entirely legal only in 1999.

Bankers have been aghast as the Enron stain spreads and touches the great names of finance. Last week, for example, Michael J. Kopper, a former Enron executive, pleaded guilty to money laundering and fraud. He gave up nearly $4 million in fees from a limited partnership that served no purpose other than concealment of Enron's debt, and his partners included Citigroup and J.P. Morgan Chase.

Deception is invited by "structured finance," in which a bank's loans are broken into different marketable assets -- each with its own risks, repayment schedules, accounting treatment, tax consequences, even names. Organizing these arrangements, as Citibank and J.P. Morgan Chase did for Enron, facilitates other deceptions. If an institution is both a bank lending its own resources and a broker selling its loans to the public -- and also includes an insurance company with premium income to invest -- its senior officers and its favorite clients are forever under the temptation once felt by the railway conductor who took in cash fares.

It wasn't always this way, of course. Neither the dot-com nor the telecom disasters could have occurred in a world where basic financing for small and ambitious companies had to be funneled through the lending officers of banks, who were trained to ask boring questions about how the investment of the money they lent would pay back the loan and to follow up at regular intervals. An expanding business had to return repeatedly to its bank to finance its growth. Banks expected to have long-term relations with the businesses to which they lent money. And the conditions of the loans forbade the entrepreneur from cashing in his stock while the bank stayed on the hook.

Segue to the modern world, where start-ups are financed by venture capitalists. Once they and their entrepreneurs polish their story to a high shine, both of them get a chance to take a lot of money out of the company with an initial public offering. But the earnings of the business itself are not the source of the repayment of the initial investment in the venture. That money comes out of the pockets of the brokerage customers who buy the stock in the I.P.O. And those customers then sell to those who know even less than they do.

How did this happen? Faith in the mantras of financial engineering bred contempt for the New Deal legislation, which was designed to ensure that publicly traded companies and the financial institutions that dealt with them would have to tell investors what and how their businesses were doing. Legal walls were built to separate functions -- to make commercial banks specialize in short-term loans and investment banks in long-term ones, to insure saving deposits and to leave equity investments at risk -- in the hopes of enforcing clarity.

As the world grew more complicated, these separations became increasingly expensive. Regulators collaborated in finding ways around the law, and eventually Congress removed major restraints that had forbidden firms to mingle apples and oranges and to move important activities "off the balance sheet." Over the counter and behind closed doors, banks and investment banks "shifted their risks" by selling complicated partnerships and derivative instruments to mutual funds, pension funds and especially insurance companies.

It is unrealistic to think we can go back to a time when banks did banking and broker/dealers did markets. Technology has destroyed the information advantages that kept each group profitable in its own area. But that same technology makes it possible for corporations and financial institutions to live up to the spirit of disclosure that was at the heart of the New Deal reforms.

We need legislation and regulation that will guard against more unpublicized over-the-counter derivatives trades, against more unreported sales of stock by chief executives to their own companies, against more off-the-books creation of "special purpose vehicles" for which the special purpose is concealment of losses or invention of revenues, against more unreported giant loans to insiders, against more tie-in deals in which bank secrecy hides favors that will be repaid later with lucrative work on mergers or underwriting.

Most of these scandalous activities were legal, and many still are. (Loans to insiders are now prohibited.) The vice in each is that only the insiders know what is happening. The guiding principle of the New Deal legislation was that sunshine is the best disinfectant, and that's still true. Chanting the mantra that big boys can take care of themselves, Congress in the 1980's and 1990's made it possible for consenting adults to do financially awful things behind closed doors.

The new legislation passed just before Congress left for recess improves disclosure in only one area, closing some shelters that allowed insiders to postpone reporting their trades of their own stock. Congress and the president should stop patting themselves on the back and get to work restoring what is still viable in the intelligent protections put in place during the New Deal.

LOAD-DATE: August 25, 2002

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