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AMSA Bookstore - Clean Water News - February 2002 issue

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Senate Environment Committee Introduces Water Infrastructure Bill

Demonstrating the national prominence that AMSA and the Water Infrastructure Network have brought to the water and wastewater infrastructure funding debate, the Senate Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee introduced a water and wastewater infrastructure funding bill, S. 1961, the Water Investment Act of 2002. The bill would significantly amend the funding sections of the Clean Water Act and the Safe Drinking Water Act and would authorize over $35 billion for clean water and the safe drinking water state revolving funds over five years. For the first time, funds would be made available to both public and privately owned systems and it would extend several provisions of the Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Fund to the Clean Water State Revolving Loan Fund and allow for the transfer of funds between the two.

Committee Chairman Jim Jeffords (I-VT) and ranking member Robert Smith (R-NH) were joined by the leadership of the water resources subcommittee, Senators Bob Graham (D-FL) and Michael Crapo (R-ID) in sponsoring the bill.

While boosting funding levels, the bill also focuses extensively on the technical, managerial, and financial capacity of utilities to ensure the accountability of loan recipients and makes asset management and long-term rate structure planning a requirement for receiving loans. AMSA has requested that its members contact their Senators and express the Association’s recommended modifications to S. 1961. AMSA’s February 28 Senate testimony and Association initiatives on S. 1961 and other infrastructure bills will be more fully covered in the next Clean Water News.

You can download a copy of the Water Investment Act of 2002 at and members can access AMSA’s initial analysis of the bill at