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AMSA Bookstore - Clean Water News - August 2002 issue

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Senator Smith Introduces Wastewater Infrastructure Bill

Senator Robert Smith (R-NH), Ranking Member of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, introduced the Water Investment Act of 2002 (S. 2813) on July 29. While AMSA’s initial review of S.2813 reveals that this bill would reverse some of the unnecessary regulatory burdens on municipalities contained in S.1961 – Sen. James Jeffords’ (I-VT) water quality bill – S.2813 does not sufficiently target additional funding for core infrastructure repair and replacement.

While S.1961 would require municipalities to undergo state and/or EPA review of asset management plans, rate structure plans and restructuring options to receive clean water state revolving fund (CWSRF) dollars in excess of $500,000, S.2813 opts for requiring municipalities to certify that they have performed the above requirements to receive the funding. The degree and nature of the state oversight as contained in S.2813, however, remains an issue of concern for municipalities. Additionally, while S.2813 provides the same funding levels for the CWSRF and drinking water SRF as S.1961 ($20 billion and $15 billion respectively over five years), it does not provide the more than $1 billion in sewer overflow grants over six years contained in S.1961.

AMSA will continue to monitor the progression of the Senate’s clean water bills – as well as the more amenable House water infrastructure bill, H.R. 3930 – and will determine its course of action regarding infrastructure legislation as events regarding this legislation continue to unfold on Capitol Hill.