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March 2002

A summary of recent NSPE government relations activities

PEs Meet With Lawmakers on Capitol Hill

More than 100 NSPE members and their spouses, from Maine to Hawaii, recently participated in P.E. Day on the Hill. During the event, engineers visited more than 100 congressional offices on Capitol Hill to discuss issues of concern to the engineering community. NSPE members drew the attention of congressional leaders and their staffs to bipartisan legislation responding to the need for increased funding for clean and safe water infrastructure. Engineers encouraged lawmakers to sponsor the legislation, which will soon be introduced.

NSPE also thanked members of the House and Senate for supporting the Math & Science Partnerships program created by the No Child Left Behind Act (H.R. 1). The program would provide teachers with hands-on experience they could take into the classroom, through school district partnerships with higher learning institutions, research facilities, private companies, or other organizations. Engineers urged members of Congress to fully fund that initiative in the FY03 budget.

Senators were also asked to support H.R. 1858, which would authorize $200 million for Math & Science Partnerships through the National Science Foundation (NSF). The program provides funding for states to join with colleges and universities to strengthen math and science education efforts. In addition, NSPE expressed appreciation for the support of the brownfields bill (H.R. 2869), which authorizes $250 million for assessment and cleanup activities.

P.E. Day on the Hill participants stressed the need to adopt a comprehensive energy policy similar to the one passed by the House last year (H.R. 4). Other issues NSPE members raised included association health plans, the permanent extension of the research and development tax credit, and the need to maintain the government's ability to use private sector engineering services.

The NSPE Government Relations staff would like to thank everyone who participated in P.E. Day on the Hill. Without you, the day would not have been successful.

Bush Adds Permanent R&D Tax Credit to Budget

The R&D Credit Coalition, of which NSPE is a member, wrote President Bush and urged him to include a permanent R&D tax credit in his FY03 budget.

The letter noted that private sector research "is vital to our national security, as well as to our economic resilience.... In periods of economic uncertainty, it is particularly difficult for companies to commit to high cost, high-risk long-term R&D projects. If firms can rely with certainty on the long-term availability of the R&D credit, they are better able to plan for and invest now in more long-term research projects in the U.S-providing both an immediate boost to the economy and a stronger foundation for future economic growth."

The president heard the message loud and clear. Included in the FY03 budget is a provision to make the R&D tax credit permanent. The budget notes that the credit "encourages technological developments that are an important component of economic growth." Uncertainty about its availability has diminished its effectiveness. To improve its effectiveness, the R&D credit should be made permanent, the budget reads.

Water Infrastructure Budget Falls Short of Needs

The Water Infrastructure Network (WIN), of which NSPE is a founding member, expressed concern about the Bush administration's FY03 budget for drinking water and wastewater infrastructure funding. For the drinking water state revolving fund, the administration proposed the same amount as last year-$850 million. For the clean water SRF, only $1.25 billion was proposed-$100 million less than last year. The drinking water SRF has never been budgeted at its authorized level of $1 billion annually, and funding for the clean water SRF has remained flat for several years.

NSPE believes this budget falls far short of infrastructure needs. Hearings last year before the Senate Environment & Public Works Committee documented a shortfall of up to $1 trillion in the level of investment needed to meet federal requirements for infrastructure, as well as the repair and replacement of aging infrastructure, over the next 20 years.

WIN is asking Congress to commit $57 billion, over the next five years, for investment in drinking water and wastewater infrastructure.

Education Funds Target Disadvantaged Children

President Bush's budget request for the Department of Education is $56.5 billion, including a record high of $50.3 billion for discretionary programs. The request builds on recent growth in the department's budget, which has more than doubled since 1996.

The request reflects the president's continuing commitment to improve student achievement and to leave no child behind, according to Education Secretary Roderick Paige.

"President Bush's budget demonstrates his continued commitment to meeting the needs of disadvantaged children. The president's proposed investments stretch from early childhood education through college and beyond," Paige said. "They not only will help us ensure every child has access to a quality education, but also will help us keep our economy sound and our homeland strong."

The administration is requesting $12.5 million to fund math and science partnerships-the same amount appropriated in FY02. NSPE supports the partnerships and would like to see them funded at the amount authorized-$450 million.

The president is also proposing $200 million for NSF's five-year Math & Science Partnerships program, which is supported by NSPE. The program provides funding for states to join with colleges and universities to strengthen math and science education efforts. Last year, $160 million was appropriated for the program.

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