Bill Summary & Status for the 107th Congress


Sponsor: Rep Conyers, John, Jr. [MI-14] (introduced 3/7/2002)
Latest Major Action: 3/18/2002 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Immigration and Claims.
Title: To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to restore fairness to immigration law, and for other purposes.
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TITLE(S):  (italics indicate a title for a portion of a bill)
STATUS: (color indicates Senate actions)
Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary.
Referred to the Subcommittee on Immigration and Claims.





COSPONSORS(41), ALPHABETICAL [followed by Cosponsors withdrawn]:     (Sort: by date)

Rep Abercrombie, Neil - 3/7/2002 [HI-1] Rep Andrews, Robert E. - 3/7/2002 [NJ-1]
Rep Barrett, Thomas M. - 7/17/2002 [WI-5] Rep Berman, Howard L. - 3/7/2002 [CA-26]
Rep Blagojevich, Rod R. - 3/7/2002 [IL-5] Rep Bonior, David E. - 3/7/2002 [MI-10]
Rep Delahunt, William D. - 3/7/2002 [MA-10] Rep Faleomavaega, Eni F. H. - 4/9/2002 [AS]
Rep Fattah, Chaka - 3/7/2002 [PA-2] Rep Filner, Bob - 3/7/2002 [CA-50]
Rep Frank, Barney - 3/7/2002 [MA-4] Rep Gephardt, Richard A. - 3/7/2002 [MO-3]
Rep Gutierrez, Luis V. - 3/7/2002 [IL-4] Rep Hinchey, Maurice D. - 4/18/2002 [NY-26]
Rep Honda, Michael M. - 3/7/2002 [CA-15] Rep Jackson-Lee, Sheila - 3/7/2002 [TX-18]
Rep Jones, Stephanie Tubbs - 3/7/2002 [OH-11] Rep Kleczka, Gerald D. - 5/7/2002 [WI-4]
Rep Kucinich, Dennis J. - 4/9/2002 [OH-10] Rep LaFalce, John J. - 3/7/2002 [NY-29]
Rep Lantos, Tom - 3/7/2002 [CA-12] Rep Lee, Barbara - 3/7/2002 [CA-9]
Rep McDermott, Jim - 3/7/2002 [WA-7] Rep McKinney, Cynthia A. - 4/11/2002 [GA-4]
Rep Meek, Carrie P. - 3/7/2002 [FL-17] Rep Nadler, Jerrold - 3/7/2002 [NY-8]
Rep Owens, Major R. - 4/11/2002 [NY-11] Rep Pascrell, Bill, Jr. - 4/9/2002 [NJ-8]
Rep Payne, Donald M. - 3/12/2002 [NJ-10] Rep Rangel, Charles B. - 3/7/2002 [NY-15]
Rep Reyes, Silvestre - 3/7/2002 [TX-16] Rep Rodriguez, Ciro - 3/7/2002 [TX-28]
Rep Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana - 3/7/2002 [FL-18] Rep Roybal-Allard, Lucille - 3/7/2002 [CA-33]
Rep Schakowsky, Janice D. - 3/7/2002 [IL-9] Rep Serrano, Jose E. - 3/7/2002 [NY-16]
Rep Stark, Fortney Pete - 3/7/2002 [CA-13] Rep Underwood, Robert A. - 3/7/2002 [GU]
Rep Velazquez, Nydia M. - 3/7/2002 [NY-12] Rep Waters, Maxine - 3/7/2002 [CA-35]
Rep Woolsey, Lynn C. - 4/9/2002 [CA-6]


Restoration of Fairness in Immigration Act of 2002 - Amends the Immigration and Nationality Act with respect to due process in immigration proceedings, including due process in expedited removal proceedings, judicial review in immigration proceedings, and detention proceedings and detention alternatives.

Directs the Attorney General to make periodic reports with respect to persons detained after September 11, 2001.

Directs the Secretary of State to establish a Board of Visa Appeals.

Revises provisions with respect to: (1) removal proceedings; (2) five-year bars to admission and other grounds for exclusion; (3) family reunification-related visas and grounds of admissibility; (4) voluntary departure; (5) public charge determinations and affidavits of support; (6) asylum and refugee proceedings; (7) asset forfeiture; (8) parole authority; and (9) State personnel performing immigration functions.

Directs the Commissioner of the Immigration and Naturalization Service to establish an Office of Border Patrol Recruitment and Retention.