
AAU Letter Supporting Frist-Kennedy Bioterrorism Bill

November 28, 2001

The Honorable Bill Frist
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator Frist,

The Association of American Universities commends your efforts, along with those of Senator Kennedy and your other co-sponsors, to strengthen federal law protecting the public from the threat of bio-terrorism. We support your legislation S. 1715 to this end.

Research involving hazardous pathogens and toxic agents is carried out at several of our member universities. As you well know, this research is a crucial component of efforts to protect the public from terrorism and disease, through the development of vaccines, diagnostics and cures. For this reason, we have maintained an active interest in pending legislation in this area. We have appreciated the efforts made by you, Senator Kennedy, and your respective staffs to solicit the views of the research community on this legislation. We look forward to continued dialogue with you and Senator Kennedy to clarify questions that this legislation raises as it proceeds towards Senate passage and eventual enactment.

Thank you for your leadership on this timely and urgent topic. Cordially,

Nils Hasselmo


cc:  Co-sponsors of S. 1715
  American Society for Microbiology
  Association of American Medical Colleges
  National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges