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Copyright 2001 The New York Times Company  
The New York Times

August 13, 2001, Monday, Late Edition - Final

SECTION: Section B; Page 1; Column 2; Metropolitan Desk 

LENGTH: 1790 words

HEADLINE: Influential Connecticut Welfare Plan Is Tested in Hard Times


Six years after Connecticut began one of the nation's more aggressive welfare reform efforts, the number of people on public assistance has been cut by more than half, to 25,000 from 58,000. Over the full six years, about 60,000 families have moved off the rolls, and state officials and researchers say that many of those former recipients have found work.

The state, which began its effort a year before the 1996 national welfare reform legislation was adopted, used a new financial incentive for those who found work and short but flexible time limits to achieve what even its critics regard as something of a success.

But across the six years, as was true in many other states, Connecticut's welfare experiment was blessed by a helpful constellation of economic stars: a booming economy, a growing state budget surplus and a steady flow of federal welfare dollars all made it easier for people to leave the rolls and easier for the state to be relaxed about families who needed more time to adjust.

Now, however, Connecticut is confronting the question that has hung over the national welfare reform effort since it began: Can success in moving people off the rolls be sustained when the economy weakens and federal money for long-term welfare recipients begins to dry up?

Against a darkening economic backdrop, Connecticut this year had the first major wrangle over its budget since 1991. Fears about declining tax revenues led to an unexpected scramble to limit spending, and Gov. John G. Rowland and legislators ended up cutting into the state's welfare budget for savings.

New legislation, as a result, has hardened the state's time limits on welfare benefits and has made it more difficult for people to qualify for extended support. There will also be tougher penalties for people who do not comply with work requirements or other welfare rules. These changes are expected to bring budget savings of around $28 million over the next two years, largely by a quicker shrinking of the rolls.

State officials argue that the changes are modest; the goal, they say, is simply to re-emphasize some of the tough-love principles of reform.

"The changes that the governor put forward were to try to fine-tune what we already thought was a good program," said Patricia A. Wilson-Coker, the state's commissioner of social services. "It's a continuation of moving people forward and recognizing they're better off for having done so."

But to others, including people directly involved in the variety of welfare-to-work programs under way across Connecticut, the state's action amounts to the retreat from ambitious thinking that they predicted would occur at the first sign of tougher economic times.

"I find it unconscionable," said Shelley Geballe, an official with Connecticut Voices for Children, a New Haven organization that works with welfare recipients. "The changes will stop benefits for people on welfare who are playing by the rules, and cut programs that help low-wage working families. The safety nets and the bootstrap parts of the system are both being cut."

The biggest changes relate to the state time limit, the 21-month cap on benefits that was one of the shortest in the nation when it was instituted in 1995. But in practice, the limits had been only loosely enforced, and officials could grant extensions in benefits to anyone who was making a "good faith effort" to comply with the welfare-to-work program. Around 40 percent, or nearly 4,800 of the families now on welfare, have had their benefits extended beyond the formal time limit.

Under the new rules, most families will not be able to obtain extensions after they have been on welfare for a total of 39 months unless they can show that their efforts to find work have been hampered by severe mental or physical problems or learning disabilities. To push people toward their deadlines faster, the state has also ruled that a single day on welfare in a given month will be officially counted as a month.

For all the tough initial talk by Connecticut officials -- short time limits and reduced benefits to newcomers -- the state has become known for the more generous aspects of its programs, particularly the earnings incentive it extended to people to mix welfare and work.

Before 1995, Connecticut residents on welfare could not earn very much outside income without triggering cuts in their weekly welfare check -- as is still the case in most states. But in its welfare reforms, Connecticut opted to let recipients earn appreciable amounts of outside income and still receive their full welfare allotment, at least for the first 21 months.

The theory behind the earnings incentive was that by making it less risky for people on welfare to take jobs, the state could increase the chance that they might eventually find steady work. By all accounts, the program paid off, helping to move thousands from welfare to work, especially people with little education or experience who would usually find it hardest to find a job.

A three-year study of welfare reform in Connecticut by the Manpower Development Resource Corporation, an independent research organization, tracked people on welfare in the new system alongside a randomly selected group that was still operating on the pre-1996 welfare rules. It found that employment among people with little job experience and no high school diploma was nearly 40 percent higher under the new rules.

To be sure, the state's welfare reforms have had their critics among advocates for the poor, who pointed out that the people in the study who had moved out of welfare had not seen any lasting increase in income. But from the standpoint of state officials, the increase in employment, by itself, marked an important victory.

"We have to remember that the goal of the reform program was not to get people out of poverty, but to achieve financial independence, to get off welfare," a senior state official said.

And for those families who reached the 21-month time limit without finding a steady job, even the critics agree that there was usually a second chance.

"When welfare reform was originally introduced, there wasn't much talk about extensions," said the Rev. Bonita Grubbs, director of Christian Community Action, a nonprofit organization that provides support for the homeless in New Haven. "As legislative sessions came and went, we saw a softening of the policy to allow for individuals to get extensions if they could show they were working or looking for work."

As in other states, relaxed enforcement of the time limit helped protect the state against the charge that families were being thrown onto the street.

Until this year's budget debate, it had also helped to postpone a debate about how to handle the families who did not leave the rolls.

Now, 583 families, or just more than 2 percent of households on welfare, are on course to reach the federal five-year limit by October. If the state's rules for extending welfare benefits had not been changed, there was a strong possibility that the families would stay on welfare beyond five years, and the cost of their benefits might have to be met by the state.

With an eye on the weakening economy, Governor Rowland and legislators agreed that a tightening of the state time limits was overdue.

For officials, the changes make good on the founding principles of the reform: that welfare should be temporary and not a way of life. But to critics, the new budget has the state spending less to help people move from welfare to work at just the time when it ought to be spending more, because the remaining families are likely to be those who are least able to find jobs.

Stephen Ristau, president of the Connecticut Council of Family Service Agencies, which runs the state's safety net programs, said the tougher sanctions raise the prospect that for the first time, people who have been actively looking for work will be cut off.

Just over half of the heads of households approaching the five-year deadline are working. Average earnings among this group are about $105 per week, part of which would usually be deducted from their welfare benefits, typically $540 a month for a family of three.

In addition to this group, there are roughly 1,500 families, many of whom are working, who are not yet facing the federal deadline, but who could be cut from the rolls as a result of the state's tougher time limits.

"We all wonder what's going to happen to these people, particularly the ones who have had the most problems finding work," said State Senator Mary Ann Handley, who co-chairs the General Assembly's Human Services Committee. "If you can't find work in this kind of economy, you must have a massive problem."

For Ms. Grubbs, these worries are a natural consequence of the state's earlier, more hands-off approach to moving people off welfare. "The whole emphasis was to push people into getting jobs, and there were a lot of people who actually went to work because they were job-ready and they had skills, and that was fine," she said. "But with that kind of emphasis, a lot of other things get discounted. You end up with a number of people at the bottom of the triangle who have many, many more challenges."

Ms. Wilson-Coker, the state social services commissioner, argues that the budget leaves plenty of room to respond to those challenges as they arise. In principle, a variety of health and family support programs, along with other noncash support, will be available to people whose benefits expire after October.

Under the rules adopted by the legislature, people will also be able to keep their benefits after 39 months if they have two or more serious barriers to employment, like drug addiction, severe learning disabilities and mental or physical health problems. And any teenage mothers on welfare will be exempt from work requirements and required to go to school.

But, as in other states where recipients are approaching the five-year federal limit, many are concerned that just as the demand for real investment in moving the deeply troubled into work is increasing, budget revenues are starting to decline.

One of the casualties of the budget deal, for instance, was a $1 million pilot program to provide work-study stipends to welfare recipients who were trying to go back to school.

"There are a lot of support programs in place here that don't exist in other places: that's the good news for Connecticut," Mr. Ristau said. "The question is: do we have the resources for the second phase of welfare reform and are we willing to commit them to the kind of programs that the hardest-to-serve families may need? The answer coming out of this year's budget debate seems to be: 'not now.' "

GRAPHIC: Chart: "PROFILE: Connecticut's Welfare Families"
A look at the 583 families who are nearing the time limit on welfare benefits. All data are for head of the household.
Are working part- or full-time -- 51%
Are not working at all -- 49%
Have no high school diploma -- 57%
Have a G.E.D. or have attend-ed college -- 43%
Are 30 or older -- 82%
Are younger than 30 -- 18%
Speak English as a first language -- 83%
Speak Spanish* -- 16%
*Other language not shown
(Source: Department of Social Services)(pg. B6)

LOAD-DATE: August 13, 2001

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