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PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION OF H.R. 2505, HUMAN CLONING PROHIBITION ACT OF 2001 -- (House of Representatives - July 31, 2001)
Page: H4906
Mrs. MYRICK. Mr. Speaker, by direction of the Committee on Rules, I call up...
H. Res. 214
Mrs. MYRICK. Mr. Speaker, for the purpose of debate only, I yield the customary...
Ms. SLAUGHTER. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may consume. ...
Page: H4907
Ms. SLAUGHTER. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentlewoman from North Carolina for...
Mrs. MYRICK. Mr. Speaker, I yield 7 minutes to the gentleman from Florida (Mr....
Mr. WELDON of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentlewoman for yielding me...
Page: H4908
Ms. SLAUGHTER. Mr. Speaker, I yield 8 1/2 minutes to the gentleman from...
Mr. DEUTSCH. Mr. Speaker, there are two bills before us today, effectively, the...
Ms. SLAUGHTER. Mr. Speaker, will the gentleman yield?
Mr. DEUTSCH. I yield to the gentlewoman from New York.
Ms. SLAUGHTER. Mr. Speaker, I would ask the gentleman, does it trouble him that...
Mr. DEUTSCH. Mr. Speaker, I agree with the gentlewoman 100 percent, which is...
Ms. SLAUGHTER. Mr. Speaker, it is frightening.
Mr. DEUTSCH. Mr. Speaker, reclaiming my time, why is this about stem cell...
Page: H4909
Mrs. MYRICK. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the gentleman from Florida (Mr....
Mr. WELDON of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentlewoman for yielding time....
Ms. SLAUGHTER. Mr. Speaker, I yield 5 minutes to the gentlewoman from Colorado...
Ms. DeGETTE. Mr. Speaker, today, the House is faced with one of the most...
Mrs. MYRICK. Mr. Speaker, I yield 5 minutes to the gentleman from Pennsylvania...
Mr. GREENWOOD. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentlewoman for yielding time. I also...
Page: H4910
Ms. SLAUGHTER. Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 minutes to the gentlewoman from...
Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. Speaker, it is worth reading the bill that is before us today....
Mrs. MYRICK. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 1/2 minutes to the gentleman from...
Mr. TAUZIN. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentlewoman for yielding time to me.
Page: H4911
Ms. SLAUGHTER. Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 minutes to the gentleman from...
Mr. CAPUANO. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentlewoman for yielding time to me.
Mrs. MYRICK. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gentleman from Iowa (Mr....
Mr. GANSKE. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentlewoman for yielding time to me.
Mr. WELDON of Florida. Mr. Speaker, will the gentleman yield?
Mr. GANSKE. I yield to the gentleman from Florida.
Mr. WELDON of Florida. I would say to the gentleman, yes, that is correct.
Mr. GANSKE. Mr. Speaker, I want to ask the gentleman another question. I wrote...
Mr. WELDON of Florida. If the gentleman will yield further, no, it does not.
Mr. GANSKE. I thank the gentleman. I want to be absolutely clear on this.
Mr. WELDON of Florida. Yes.
Mr. GANSKE. And would the gentleman say that the reason for that is that his...
Mr. WELDON of Florida. If the gentleman would continue to yield, yes, the...
Mr. GANSKE. Reclaiming my time, Mr. Speaker, I believe there are ethical...
Ms. SLAUGHTER. Mr. Speaker, I yield 5 minutes to the gentleman from Florida...
Mr. DEUTSCH. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentlewoman for yielding me this time,...
Page: H4912
Mrs. MYRICK. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may consume to remind...
Mr. FERGUSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise in favor of the rule on House Resolution...
Ms. SLAUGHTER. Mr. Speaker, I yield such time as she may consume to the...
Ms. LOFGREN. I include for the RECORD two articles that outline the...
Team Uses Primate's Own Cells to Repair Spinal Cord Injury
Stem Cell Injection Helps Mice To Walk Again as Scientists Fight for Funding
Page: H4913
Stem Cells Graft In Spinal Cord, Restore Movement In Paralyzed Mice
Page: H4914
Ms. SLAUGHTER. Mr. Speaker, may I inquire if the gentlewoman from North...
Mrs. MYRICK. Yes, I do. I have several more speakers.
Ms. SLAUGHTER. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of my time.
Mrs. MYRICK. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gentleman from Indiana (Mr....
Mr. KERNS. Mr. Speaker, I stand before you today to urge my colleagues' support...
Ms. SLAUGHTER. Mr. Speaker, I continue to reserve the balance of my time.
Mrs. MYRICK. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the gentleman from Indiana (Mr....
Mr. PENCE. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentlewoman for yielding me this time.
Ms. SLAUGHTER. Mr. Speaker, I continue to reserve the balance of my time.
Mrs. MYRICK. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the gentleman from Nebraska (Mr....
Mr. TERRY. Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of this rule and H.R. 2505.
Ms. SLAUGHTER. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may consume.
Page: H4915
Mrs. MYRICK. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may consume.
Mr. WELDON of Florida. Mr. Speaker, let me in closing just say I think this is...
Ms. SLAUGHTER. Mr. Speaker, will the gentleman yield?
Mr. WELDON of Florida. I only have 2 minutes.
Ms. SLAUGHTER. We are not talking about reproductive cloning.
Mr. WELDON of Florida. I will not yield.
Mr. WELDON of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I would be very pleased to discuss the...
Mrs. MYRICK. Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to vote yes on this rule so we...
Ms. SLAUGHTER. Mr. Speaker, I object to the vote on the ground that a quorum is...
Page: H4916
Ms. BALDWIN and Mr. PASTOR changed their vote from ``yea'' to...
Mr. GARY G. MILLER of California and Mr. RADANOVICH changed their...

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