Sen. Orrin Hatch abandons pro-life principle;
'clone and kill' approach destroys human life

"It absolutely baffles me that any intelligent person can claim the 'clone and kill' methods sanctioned in a current legislative proposal can be considered pro-life," said American Life League president Judie Brown. "Sen. Orrin Hatch needs a refresher course in the Ten Commandments if he doesn't understand the simple truth."

Sen. Hatch (R-Utah) agreed to support a bill sponsored by senators Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.) and Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.). This bill purports to ban human cloning, while nevertheless allowing a procedure erroneously referred to as "therapeutic" cloning. Hatch told a Capitol Hill news briefing, "I come to this issue with a strong pro-life and pro-family record. An important aspect of being pro-life is to support the technologies that help the living."

"His record does not excuse the fact that Sen. Hatch has chosen to ignore the truth," said Mrs. Brown. "The cloned human beings created in the research lab are also 'the living.' The process he's talking about guarantees the destruction of these living human beings. That is not pro-life. We're not just talking about isolated cells or spare parts. These are people -- little boys and girls in the earliest stages of life. Good may not come from evil."

Release issued: 1 May 02

©2002 American Life League, Inc.