

in this issue:

activism: FR. WESLIN
birth control: NEW ZEALAND
human cloning: BUSH / FRAUD?
morning-after abortion pill: CALIFORNIA
politics: NEW YORK
population control: UNFPA
publishing: MINNESOTA
reflection for prayer: ROMANS 13:11-12


FR. WESLIN: After completing a five-month sentence for contempt of court, Fr. Norman Weslin was released from prison April 3. He will be back in court next week to argue that a revised version of the injunction he was accused of violating represents an unconstitutional restriction of his free speech rights. Fr. Weslin was imprisoned for praying on the sidewalk within a 25-foot buffer zone outside an abortion mill.

(Reading: "Priest released from jail -- but for how long?" CCN News)

birth control

NEW ZEALAND: The government has approved Implanon, a birth control implant also authorized in Australia and parts of Europe. It was reported that during trials of the implant, there were no pregnancies reported among the 2,000 women who used it for three years. Implanon is an abortifacient. One of its modes of action is listed as: "It changes the lining of the uterus (womb) so a fertilized egg cannot grow."

COMMENT: "Fertilized egg" is, of course, a bogus term. At this stage of life, we're talking about a living human being.

(Reading: "Contraceptive implant approved for use," The Dominion, 4/5/02; "Contraceptive implants -- Implanon," Family Planning Western Australia)

human cloning

BUSH: In supporting a total ban on human cloning, President Bush said, "Life is a creation, not a commodity ... Research cloning would contradict the most fundamental principle of medical ethics, that no human life should be exploited or extinguished for the benefit of another."

COMMENT: Mr. President, the very same logic says Congress should also ban human embryonic stem cell research. Action, please!

(Reading: "President Bush calls on Senate to back human cloning ban," White House news release, 4/10/02)

FRAUD? A report from the Middle East says a woman in Dr. Severino Antinori's cloning program is eight weeks pregnant. The scientific community seems to have answered in unison: "Prove it!" The Washington Post called Antinori's clinic to arrange an interview, but was told the doctor was too busy doing science to come to the phone.

(Reading: "Cloned-fetus rumor stirs talk," Washington Post, 4/6/02)

morning-after abortion pill

CALIFORNIA: The California Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League (NARAL's state affiliate) is commending Walgreen's for "working closely with the Pharmacy Access Partnership to provide EC [so-called emergency contraception] in as many branches as possible" in California. The program was begun following passage of SB1169, a bill that allows pharmacists to dispense the morning-after abortion pill without a doctor's prescription.

(Reading: "Action Alert on Emergency Contraception," CARAL web site)


NEW YORK: Gov. George Pataki has ruffled pro-abortion feathers by nominating the Archdiocese of New York's respect life director to serve as a City University of New York trustee. A clergyman traditionally occupies one seat on the board of trustees. But opponents say Fr. John Bonnici should not serve because "his vocational mission is to oppose abortion and gay rights."

(Reading: "Pataki taps abortion foe for CUNY board," New York Daily News, 4/10/02)

population control

UNFPA: The United Nations Populations Fund has begun its spin campaign in the wake of a Bush Administration decision to withhold $34 million in "family planning" aid. UNFPA spokesman Stirling Scruggs told the New York Times that the lack of funding "could mean 2 million unwanted pregnancies, 800,000 induced abortions, 4,700 maternal deaths and 77,000 infant and child deaths." The article did not explain how Scruggs determined those figures.

(Reading: "U.N. agency on population blames U.S. for cutbacks," New York Times, 4/7/02)


MINNESOTA: Critics say the University of Minnesota Press should fire the people responsible for publishing a highly-charged book by author Judith Levine. The book, "Harmful to Minors: The Perils of Protecting Children From Sex," claims that abstinence-only programs for teens are misguided. In addition, the Associated Press reports, "she cites the Dutch age-of-consent law as a 'good model' -- it permits sex between an adult and a young person between 12 and 16 if the young person consents."

(Reading: "Book on kids' sexuality causes furor," Associated Press, 4/2/02)


WORLD FAMILY CONFERENCE: American Life League's next Celebration of Life World Family Conference is scheduled for July 10-14 in New Orleans. Speakers include Fr. Tom Euteneuer, Joe Scheidler, Bernard Nathanson and Judie Brown. Conference outlines and registration information may be found online.

reflection for prayer

ROMANS 13:11-12: The time has come; the moment is here for you to stop sleeping and wake up, because by now our salvation is nearer than when we first began to believe. The night is nearly over, daylight is on the way, so let us throw off everything that belongs to the darkness and equip ourselves for the light.

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