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Statement on President Bush's Decision On Federal Funding for Embryonic Stem Cell Research

By Lawrence A. Soler, Chairman, CAMR

We understand and appreciate how difficult this decision was for President Bush. This is an enormously complex issue, both morally and scientifically. The President approached this decision in a most thoughtful manner by seeking the advice and counsel of many people and organizations representing a wide array of perspectives.

Embryonic stem cell research utilizing excess embryos from fertility clinics that may otherwise be discarded could alleviate the suffering of millions of people and their families across this country.

We are pleased the President agrees with us about the importance of embryonic stem cell research.

We don't need an unlimited number of lines, but we need to be able to explore a wide variety in order to determine which are most effective and safe. We believe the scientific community is best equipped to set the appropriate number.

To our knowledge, there are fewer than 10 published stem cell lines, and a single biotech company has exclusive rights to them. If the President is correct and there are 60 lines, and they are available in an unrestricted way, that would be a great start. It will be critical for leading scientists to thoroughly examine the cells to determine that they are scientifically adequate. We would look forward eagerly to participating in the President's proposed oversight council.

We want to work with President Bush to create a stem cell research policy that serves the public interest, including the interests of the 100 million American patients who suffer from these diseases and we think that this will best be served by ensuring that scientists have a sufficient number of stem cell lines to use for research.

The stakes are high, and the potential benefits could mean the difference between life and death for the families we represent.

Coalition for the Advancement of Medical Research
2120 L Street, Suite 850
Washington, DC 20037