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The production of cloned and genetically modified children would set in motion a wholly unprecedented set of social, psychological, and political forces that would feed back upon themselves with impacts beyond our ability to imagine, much less control.

Human beings as made-to-order objects

To allow the creation of cloned and genetically modified children would change forever the basis of human individuality, autonomy and relationship. It would undermine values essential to the functioning of democratic societies.

A new eugenics

The production of human clones and "designer babies" would be available disproportionately to the already privileged, threatening our commitments to justice and equality. It would erode our common humanity.

Humans as experimental objects

Trials of human cloning and inheritable genetic modification would be inherently unsafe for the children and women involved. The use of species-altering technologies would constitute an irrevocable experiment on humanity as a whole.

New technologies of discrimination and control

Cloning and genetic redesign would mean unprecedented control by some people over the lives and life prospects of others.

More Information

Analysis: Examine the social, cultural, and economic landscape

Perspectives: Explore various communities' concerns regarding human genetic technologies

Policies: Read about existing and potential regulations

Technologies: Learn the basic science and consider arguments for and against

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