January 24, 2002

Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology
Office of Public Affairs • 9650 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, Md. 20814-3998 • www.faseb.org

Contact: Paulette W. Campbell
(301) 571-7795

More Than 20 Research Organizations Sign on to Letter Endorsing
Feinstein Human Cloning Prohibition Act

Bethesda, Md. — A coalition of research organizations led by the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, has signed a letter endorsing the Human Cloning Prohibition Act of 2001 (S1758), which bans reproductive cloning but allows the use of somatic cell nuclear transfer for therapeutic and scientific purposes.

"We share the concerns of the Congress and the American people about human reproductive cloning, where the goal is implantation, gestation and subsequent birth of a cloned human being," according to the letter, sent today to Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and the other co-sponsors of the bill. "However, any legislative ban on human cloning must not prohibit therapeutic cloning.  This technology employs somatic cell nuclear transfer, a technique that has enormous potential to treat human diseases and repair damaged tissues or organs."

 "We view human reproductive cloning as an unethical and irresponsible act in that it poses considerable safety concerns from a scientific and medical perspective," the letter stated.  "However legislation must not prohibit the use of human somatic cell nuclear transfer technology to produce molecules, cells, and tissues for research and therapeutic use."

 The co-signing organizations are: Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, American Academy of Optometry, American Association of Anatomists, American Association of Immunologists, American Pediatric Society, American Physiological Society, American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, American Society for Clinical Nutrition, American Society of Hematology, American Society for Investigative Pathology, American Society for Nutritional Sciences, American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, Association of American Medical Colleges, Association of Medical School Pediatric Department Chairs, Bay Area Bioscience Center, Biophysical Society, Coriell Institute for Medical Research, Environmental Mutagen Society, Gerontological Society of America, National Caucus of Basic Biomedical Science Chairs, Society for Pediatric Research, Wisconsin Association for Biomedical Research and Education

 FASEB is comprised of 21 societies with more than 60,000 members, making it the largest coalition of biomedical research associations in the United States. FASEB’s mission is to enhance the ability of biomedical and life scientists to improve — through their research— the health, well-being and productivity of all people. FASEB serves the interests of these scientists in those areas related to public policy; facilitates coalition activities among Member Societies; and, disseminates information on biological research through scientific conferences and publications.


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