Bill Summary & Status for the 107th Congress


Title: Making appropriations for Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies programs for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2002, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep Bonilla, Henry [TX-23] (introduced 6/27/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Related Bills: H.RES.183S.1191
Latest Major Action: 11/28/2001 Became Public Law No: 107-76.
Jump to: Titles, Status, Committees, Related Bill Details, Amendments, Cosponsors, Summary

TITLE(S):  (italics indicate a title for a portion of a bill)
STATUS: (color indicates Senate actions)
6/27/2001 2:03pm:
The House Committee on Appropriations reported an original measure, H. Rept. 107-116, by Mr. Bonilla.
6/27/2001 2:03pm:
Placed on the Union Calendar, Calendar No. 62.
6/27/2001 6:34pm:
Rules Committee Resolution H. Res. 183 Reported to House. Rule provides for consideration of H.R. 2330 with 1 hour of general debate. Previous question shall be considered as ordered without intervening motions except motion to recommit with or without instructions. The amendment printed in the report of the Committee on Rules accompanying this resolution shall be considered as adopted in the House and in the Committee of the Whole. Measure will be read by paragraph. Bill is open to amendments.
6/28/2001 2:00pm:
Rule H. Res. 183 passed House.
6/28/2001 2:01pm:
Considered under the provisions of rule H. Res. 183. (consideration: CR H3744-3787; text of Title I as reported in House: CR H3761, H3763, H3764-3765, H3767, H3769-3770, H3772-3773; text of Title II as reported in House: CR H3773; text of Title III as reported in House: CR H3773-3775; text of Title IV as reported in House: CR H3775-3777; text of Title V as reported in House: CR H3777; text of Title VI as reported in House: CR H3777)
6/28/2001 2:01pm:
House resolved itself into the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union pursuant to H. Res. 183 and Rule XXIII.
6/28/2001 2:01pm:
The Speaker designated the Honorable Bob Goodlatte to act as Chairman of the Committee.
6/28/2001 3:03pm:
H.AMDT.133 Amendment reported by the House Committee on Rules.
An amendment considered as adopted pursuant to H. Res. 183. The amendment strikes section 740(f) in Title VII.
6/28/2001 3:03pm:
H.AMDT.133 On agreeing to the Rules amendment (A001) Agreed to without objection.
6/28/2001 3:03pm:
H.AMDT.134 Amendment (A002) offered by Ms. Kaptur. (consideration: CR H3761-3762; text: CR H3762)
An amendment to reduce the amount in Title I for Office of the Secretary by $1,700 and to increase the amount in Title V for Foreign Agricultural Service--Salaries and Expenses by $1,700.
6/28/2001 3:19pm:
H.AMDT.134 By unanimous consent, the Kaptur amendment was withdrawn.
6/28/2001 3:26pm:
H.AMDT.135 Amendment (A003) offered by Mr. Tierney. (consideration: CR H3765-3767; text: CR H3765)
An amendment numbered 24 printed in the Congressional Record to add a new section providing for a report to Congress regarding genetically engineered foods.
6/28/2001 3:39pm:
H.AMDT.135 By unanimous consent, the Tierney amendment was withdrawn.
6/28/2001 3:39pm:
H.AMDT.136 Amendment (A004) offered by Mr. Smith (MI). (consideration: CR H3767-3768; text: CR H3767)
Amendment authorizes grants for research into improving the nitrogen-fixing ability and efficiency of plants.
6/28/2001 3:41pm:
H.AMDT.136 On agreeing to the Smith (MI) amendment (A004) Agreed to by voice vote.
6/28/2001 3:46pm:
H.AMDT.137 Amendment (A005) offered by Ms. DeLauro. (consideration: CR H3770-3772; text: CR H3770)
An amendment to increase the funding for the Food and Safety and Inspection Service to improve food safety and reduce the incidence of foodborne illnesses by $50,000,000 and to increase the funding for the FDA for an identical purpose by $163,000,000.
6/28/2001 4:06pm:
H.AMDT.137 Mr. Bonilla raised a point of order against the DeLauro amendment (A005). Mr. Bonilla stated that the amendment sought to change existing law and constituted legislation on an appropriation bill. The Chair sustained the point of order.
6/28/2001 4:14pm:
H.AMDT.138 Amendment (A006) offered by Mrs. Clayton. (consideration: CR H3774; text: CR H3774)
6/28/2001 4:14pm:
H.AMDT.138 By unanimous consent, the Clayton amendment was withdrawn.
6/28/2001 4:19pm:
H.AMDT.139 Amendment (A007) offered by Mrs. Davis (CA). (consideration: CR H3775-3776; text: CR H3775)
An amendment to add a new proviso stating that the Secretary of Agriculture may not take into account the availability of basic allowance for housing for members of the Armed Forces when determining the eligibility of persons for free or reduced-price lunch programs.
6/28/2001 4:25pm:
H.AMDT.139 By unanimous consent, the Davis (CA) amendment was withdrawn.
6/28/2001 4:30pm:
H.AMDT.140 Amendment (A008) offered by Mr. Brown (OH). (consideration: CR H3777-3779, H3785-3786; text: CR H3777-3778)
Amendment makes available an additional $2.5 million for the Food and Drug Administration Office of Generic Drugs.
6/28/2001 4:44pm:
H.AMDT.141 Amendment (A009) offered by Mr. Brown (OH). (consideration: CR H3779-3781, H3786; text: CR H3779)
Amendment allocates $5 million to carry out the Food and Drug Administration's antibiotic resistance plan.
6/28/2001 5:01pm:
H.AMDT.142 Amendment (A010) offered by Mr. Engel. (consideration: CR H3781-3783, H3786-3787; text: CR H3781)
Amendment allocates $250,000 to the Food and Drug Administration to develop a label for chocolate products that indicates that no child slave labor was used in the growing and harvesting of cocoa.
6/28/2001 5:15pm:
Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union rises leaving H.R. 2330 as unfinished business.
6/28/2001 5:21pm:
Considered as unfinished business.
6/28/2001 5:21pm:
The House resolved into Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union for further consideration.
6/28/2001 5:22pm:
H.AMDT.143 Amendment (A011) offered by Mrs. Clayton. (consideration: CR H3784-3785; text: CR H3784-3785)
Amendment makes available up to $5.9 million from balances of direct loans in the rural housing insurance account for rural rental assistance agreements and allows priority to prospective tenants who are residing in temporary housing provided by FEMA.
6/28/2001 5:25pm:
H.AMDT.143 On agreeing to the Clayton amendment (A011) Agreed to by voice vote.
6/28/2001 5:51pm:
H.AMDT.140 On agreeing to the Brown (OH) amendment (A008) Agreed to by recorded vote: 324 - 89 (Roll no. 208).
6/28/2001 6:00pm:
H.AMDT.141 On agreeing to the Brown (OH) amendment (A009) Agreed to by recorded vote: 271 - 140 (Roll no. 209).
6/28/2001 6:08pm:
H.AMDT.142 On agreeing to the Engel amendment (A010) Agreed to by recorded vote: 291 - 115 (Roll no. 210).
6/28/2001 6:08pm:
Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union rises leaving H.R. 2330 as unfinished business.
7/11/2001 11:34am:
Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H3874-3927)
7/11/2001 11:34am:
The House resolved into Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union for further consideration.
7/11/2001 11:42am:
H.AMDT.144 Amendment (A012) offered by Ms. Kaptur. (consideration: CR H3877-3878; text: CR H3877)
An amendment numbered 12 printed in the Congressional Record to provide funds for the Centennial of the 4-H Program.
7/11/2001 11:46am:
H.AMDT.144 By unanimous consent, the Kaptur amendment was withdrawn.
7/11/2001 11:47am:
H.AMDT.145 Amendment (A013) offered by Ms. Pelosi. (consideration: CR H3878-3879; text: CR H3878)
Amendment makes available Foods for Peace commodities valued at $25 million to developing nations to assist in mitigating the effects of HIV and AIDS in communities and households, particularly those caring for orphaned children.
7/11/2001 11:53am:
H.AMDT.145 On agreeing to the Pelosi amendment (A013) Agreed to by voice vote.
7/11/2001 11:53am:
H.AMDT.146 Amendment (A014) offered by Mr. Hinchey. (consideration: CR H3879-3880; text: CR H3879)
Amendment prohibits use of funds to eliminate the two river navigator positions, including the contract position, for the Hudson River and Upper Susquehanna/Lackawanna Rivers or to alter the tasks assigned to the persons filling such positions.
7/11/2001 11:58am:
H.AMDT.146 On agreeing to the Hinchey amendment (A014) Agreed to by voice vote.
7/11/2001 11:58am:
H.AMDT.147 Amendment (A015) offered by Mr. Sanders. (consideration: CR H3880-3889, H3904; text: CR H3880)
Amendment sought to prohibit the FDA from enforcing laws that ban the re-importation of drugs originally manufactured in the United States by anyone other than the manufacturer.
7/11/2001 1:00pm:
H.AMDT.148 Amendment (A016) offered by Mr. Lucas (OK). (consideration: CR H3889-3890; text: CR H3889)
Amendment provides $3 million to be used for the rehabilitation of aging watershed dams.
7/11/2001 1:04pm:
H.AMDT.148 On agreeing to the Lucas (OK) amendment (A016) Agreed to by voice vote.
7/11/2001 1:04pm:
H.AMDT.149 Amendments (A017) offered by Mrs. Mink. (consideration: CR H3890; text: CR H3890)
An amendment comprised of amendments numbered 17 and 18 printed in the Congressional Record and offered en bloc. The amendments provide funds for the Hawaii Agriculture Research Center and the Oceanic Institute of Hawaii.
7/11/2001 1:09pm:
H.AMDT.149 By unanimous consent, the Mink amendment was withdrawn.
7/11/2001 1:09pm:
H.AMDT.150 Amendment (A018) offered by Mr. Gutknecht. (consideration: CR H3890-3897, H3904-3905; text: CR H3890)
Amendment allows individuals to import a prescription drug that appears to be FDA approved and manufactured pursuant to the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and does not appear to be a narcotic.
7/11/2001 1:48pm:
H.AMDT.151 Amendment (A019) offered by Mr. Kucinich. (consideration: CR H3897-3901, H3905-3906; text: CR H3897)
Amendment sought to prohibit use of funds for an application for an animal drug for creating transgenic salmon or any other transgenic fish.
7/11/2001 2:24pm:
H.AMDT.152 Amendment (A020) offered by Mrs. Clayton. (consideration: CR H3901-3903; text: CR H3901)
An amendment numbered 5 printed in the Congressional Record to provide increased funding for outreach to disadvantage farmers.
7/11/2001 2:37pm:
H.AMDT.152 By unanimous consent, the Clayton amendment was withdrawn.
7/11/2001 2:37pm:
H.AMDT.153 Amendment (A021) offered by Mr. Baca. (consideration: CR H3903-3904; text: CR H3903)
An amendment to increase funding for Hispanic-serving institutions by an amount of $16,508,000.
7/11/2001 2:43pm:
H.AMDT.153 By unanimous consent, the Baca amendment was withdrawn.
7/11/2001 3:08pm:
H.AMDT.147 On agreeing to the Sanders amendment (A015) Failed by recorded vote: 159 - 267 (Roll no. 216).
7/11/2001 3:21pm:
H.AMDT.150 On agreeing to the Gutknecht amendment (A018) Agreed to by recorded vote: 324 - 101 (Roll no. 217).
7/11/2001 3:32pm:
H.AMDT.151 On agreeing to the Kucinich amendment (A019) Failed by recorded vote: 145 - 279 (Roll no. 218).
7/11/2001 3:32pm:
H.AMDT.154 Amendment (A022) offered by Mr. Blumenauer. (consideration: CR H3906-3907; text: CR H3906)
7/11/2001 3:40pm:
H.AMDT.154 By unanimous consent, the Blumenauer amendment was withdrawn.
7/11/2001 3:40pm:
H.AMDT.155 Amendment (A023) offered by Mr. Traficant. (consideration: CR H3907; text: CR H3907)
Amendment prohibits use of funds for individuals or entities which violate the Buy American Act.
7/11/2001 3:42pm:
H.AMDT.155 On agreeing to the Traficant amendment (A023) Agreed to by voice vote.
7/11/2001 3:43pm:
H.AMDT.156 Amendment (A024) offered by Mr. Smith (MI). (consideration: CR H3907-3908; text: CR H3907)
An amendment numbered 21 printed in the Congressional Record.
7/11/2001 3:46pm:
H.AMDT.156 By unanimous consent, the Smith (MI) amendment was withdrawn.
7/11/2001 3:47pm:
H.AMDT.157 Amendment (A025) offered by Mr. Smith (MI). (consideration: CR H3908-3909; text: CR H3908)
An amendment numbered 30 printed in the Congressional Record to establish a $150,000 cap for payments as a result of crop loan forfeitures.
7/11/2001 3:53pm:
H.AMDT.157 Mr. Latham raised a point of order against the Smith (MI) amendment (A025). Mr. Latham stated that the amendment sought to change existing law and constituted legislation in an appropriation bill. The Chair sustained the point of order.
7/11/2001 3:54pm:
H.AMDT.158 Amendment (A026) offered by Mr. Stupak. (consideration: CR H3909-3911; text: CR H3909)
Amendment increases funding for the USDA's Nutrition Program for the Elderly by $10 million.
7/11/2001 4:03pm:
H.AMDT.158 On agreeing to the Stupak amendment (A026) Agreed to by voice vote.
7/11/2001 4:04pm:
H.AMDT.159 Amendment (A027) offered by Mr. Weiner. (consideration: CR H3911-3915, H3925; text: CR H3925)
Amendment sought to prohibit use of funds in the bill for payments to producers of wool or the producers of mohair for the 2000 or 2001 marketing years.
7/11/2001 4:43pm:
H.AMDT.160 Amendment (A028) offered by Mr. Royce. (consideration: CR H3915-3917, H3926; text: CR H3915-3916)
Amendment sought to provide that none of the funds in the bill may be used to award any new allocations under the market access program or to pay the salaries of personnel to award such allocations.
7/11/2001 4:58pm:
H.AMDT.161 Amendment (A029) offered by Ms. Kaptur. (consideration: CR H3917-3918; text: CR H3917)
An amendment numbered 11 printed in the Congressional Record to provide $500,000,000 for programs related to development of biofuels.
7/11/2001 5:04pm:
H.AMDT.161 By unanimous consent, the Kaptur amendment was withdrawn.
7/11/2001 5:05pm:
H.AMDT.162 Amendment (A030) offered by Ms. Kaptur. (consideration: CR H3918; text: CR H3918)
Amendment transfers $2.95 million to the FDA general account for such activities as the prevention of mad cow disease and hoof and mouth disease.
7/11/2001 5:07pm:
H.AMDT.162 On agreeing to the Kaptur amendment (A030) Agreed to by voice vote.
7/11/2001 5:07pm:
H.AMDT.163 Amendment (A031) offered by Mr. Brown (OH). (consideration: CR H3918-3921; text: CR H3918-3919)
Amendment reallocates FDA funding of $1 million to the Office of Generic Drugs to evaluate and review potential patent abuse.
7/11/2001 5:27pm:
H.AMDT.163 On agreeing to the Brown (OH) amendment (A031) Agreed to by voice vote.
7/11/2001 5:27pm:
H.AMDT.164 Amendment (A032) offered by Mr. Allen. (consideration: CR H3921-3922; H3921)
An amendment numbered 4 printed in the Congressional Record to prohibit use of funds for approval of new drug applications without disclosure of the cost of research and development of such new drug and what portion of that cost is made up with public funding.
7/11/2001 5:33pm:
H.AMDT.164 Mr. Bonilla raised a point of order against the Allen amendment (A032). Mr. Bonilla stated that the amendment sought to change existing law and constituted legislation in an appropriation bill. The Chair sustained the point of order.
7/11/2001 5:34pm:
H.AMDT.165 Amendment (A033) offered by Mr. Olver. (consideration: CR H3922-3924; text: CR H3922)
Amendment deletes section 726 that prohibits funding to implement the Kyoto Protocol.
7/11/2001 5:52pm:
H.AMDT.165 On agreeing to the Olver amendment (A033) Agreed to by voice vote.
7/11/2001 6:20pm:
H.AMDT.159 On agreeing to the Weiner amendment (A027) Failed by recorded vote: 155 - 272 (Roll no. 219).
7/11/2001 6:27pm:
H.AMDT.160 On agreeing to the Royce amendment (A028) Failed by recorded vote: 85 - 341 (Roll no. 220).
7/11/2001 6:27pm:
The House rose from the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union to report H.R. 2330.
7/11/2001 6:28pm:
The previous question was ordered pursuant to the rule.
7/11/2001 6:28pm:
The House adopted the amendments en gross as agreed to by the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union.
7/11/2001 6:47pm:
On passage Passed by the Yeas and Nays: 414 - 16 (Roll no. 221).
7/11/2001 6:47pm:
Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.
Received in the Senate and Read twice and referred to the Committee on Appropriations.
Senate Committee on Appropriations discharged by Unanimous Consent.
Measure laid before Senate by unanimous consent. (consideration: CR S10060-11075, S11076-11095)
S.AMDT.1969 Amendment SA 1969 proposed by Senator Kohl. (consideration: CR S11060; text: CR S 11060)
A substitute for the bill.
S.AMDT.1969 Amendment SA 1969 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
S.AMDT.1970 Amendment SA 1970 proposed by Senator Kohl. (consideration: CR S11065; text: CR S11065)
To modify conditions for transfers of funds.
S.AMDT.1971 Amendment SA 1971 proposed by Senator Kohl. (consideration: CR S11065; text: CR S11065)
To strike extraneous language from the Native American Institutions Endowment Fund.
S.AMDT.1972 Amendment SA 1972 proposed by Senator Kohl. (consideration: CR S11065; text: CR S11065)
To make a technical correction to the rural empowerment zones and enterprise communities grants program.
S.AMDT.1973 Amendment SA 1973 proposed by Senator Kohl. (consideration: CR S11065; text: CR S11065)
To make a technical correction to the Rural Utilities Service Rural Electrification and Telecommunications Loans Program Account.
S.AMDT.1974 Amendment SA 1974 proposed by Senator Kohl. (consideration: CR S11065; text: CR S11065)
To make a technical correction to the Rural Utilities Service Distance Learning and Telemedicine Program.
S.AMDT.1975 Amendment SA 1975 proposed by Senator Kohl. (consideration: CR S11065; text: CR S11065)
To include omitted language regarding administration of rural utilities programs.
S.AMDT.1970 Amendment SA 1970 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
S.AMDT.1971 Amendment SA 1971 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
S.AMDT.1972 Amendment SA 1972 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
S.AMDT.1973 Amendment SA 1973 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
S.AMDT.1974 Amendment SA 1974 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
S.AMDT.1975 Amendment SA 1975 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
S.AMDT.1978 Amendment SA 1978 proposed by Senator Levin. (consideration: CR S11065-11070; text: CR S11065-11066)
To provide market loss assistance for apple producers.
S.AMDT.1978 Proposed amendment SA 1978 withdrawn in Senate.
S.AMDT.1981 Amendment SA 1981 proposed by Senator Smith OR. (consideration: CR S11070-11071; text: CR S11071)
To provide assistance for farmers and ranchers in the Klamath Basin, Oregon and California.
S.AMDT.1981 Proposed amendment SA 1981 withdrawn in Senate.
S.AMDT.1984 Amendment SA 1984 proposed by Senator Harkin. (consideration: CR S11076-11082; text: CR S11076)
to prohibit the use of appropriated funds to label, mark, stamp, or tag as "inspected and passes" meat, meat products, poultry, or poultry products that do not meet pathogen reduction performance standards.
S.AMDT.1987 Amendment SA 1987 proposed by Senator Nelson NE to Amendment SA 1984. (consideration: CR S11080-11082; text: CR S11080)
Of a perfecting nature.
S.AMDT.1987 Motion to table amendment SA 1987 rejected in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 45 - 50. Record Vote Number: 314.
S.AMDT.1984 Proposed amendment SA 1984 withdrawn in Senate.
S.AMDT.1987 SA 1987 fell when SA 1984 was withdrawn.
S.AMDT.1988 Amendment SA 1988 proposed by Senator Kohl for Senator Dorgan. (consideration: CR S11089, S11094; text: CR S11089)
To delay collection of marketing assessments for the 2001 crops of sugarcane and sugar beets.
S.AMDT.1989 Amendment SA 1989 proposed by Senator Kohl for Senator Lincoln. (consideration: CR S11089-11094; text: CR S11089)
Regarding Point Remove Arkansas.
S.AMDT.1990 Amendment SA 1990 proposed by Senator Kohl for Senator Johnson. (consideration: CR S1108-11094; text: CR S11089)
To provide funding for rural development.
S.AMDT.1991 Amendment SA 1991 proposed by Senator Kohl for Senator Wyden. (consideration: CR S11089-11094; text: CR S11089)
To provide for temporary use of existing payments to states table, revision of tables, and additional opt-out options.
S.AMDT.1992 Amendment SA 1992 proposed by Senator Cochran for Senator Stevens. (consideration: CR S11089-11094; text: CR S11089-11090)
To amend the definition of income in the Housing Act of 1949.
S.AMDT.1993 Amendment SA 1993 proposed by Senator Kohl for Senator Landrieu. (consideration: CR S11089-11094; text: CR S11090)
To support funding for 1890 land-grant institutions..
S.AMDT.1994 Amendment SA 1994 proposed by Senator Kohl for Senator Harkin. (consideration: CR S11089-11094; text: CR S11090)
To provide funding for the National 4-H Program Centennial Initiative.
S.AMDT.1995 Amendment SA 1995 proposed by Senator Cochran. (consideration: CR S11089-11094; text: CR S11090)
To provide for the transfer of funds provided for the Rural Community Advancement Program for guaranteed business and industry loans to direct business and industry loans.
S.AMDT.1996 Amendment SA 1996 proposed by Senator Kohl. (consideration: CR S11089-11094; text: CR S11090)
To increase reserves of the Food Stamps Program.
S.AMDT.1997 Amendment SA 1997 proposed by Senator Kohl. (consideration: CR S11089-11094; text: CR S11090)
To strike a limitation relating to the Kyoto Protocol.
S.AMDT.1998 Amendment SA 1998 proposed by Senator Kohl for Senator Byrd. (consideration: CR S11089-11094; text: CR S11090)
To make West Virginia State College at Institute, West Virginia, an 1890 Institution.
S.AMDT.1999 Amendment SA 1999 proposed by Senator Cochran for Senator Stevens. (consideration: CR S11089-11094; text: CR S11090)
To authorize a Natural Resources Conservation Service watershed project.
S.AMDT.2000 Amendment SA 2000 proposed by Senator Cochran. (consideration: CR S11089-11094; text: CR S11090)
To restrict the importation of certain fish and fish products.
S.AMDT.2001 Amendment SA 2001 proposed by Senator Cochran for Senator Stevens. (consideration: CR S11089-11094; text: CR S11090)
To authorize transferred funds for avalanche control and the construction of an avalanch control wall to protect a public school.
S.AMDT.2002 Amendment SA 2002 proposed by Senator Cochran for Senator Craig. (consideration: CR S11089-11094; text: CR S11090)
To provide $5,000,000 to the Department of Agriculture, Farm Service Agency, for reimbursement for crop damage resulting from the Bureau's use of herbicides in the State of Idaho.
S.AMDT.2003 Amendment SA 2003 proposed by Senator Kohl for Senator Harkin. (consideration: CR S11089-11094; text: CR S11090)
To clarify that emerging vegetation in water may be enrolled in the pilot program for enrollment of wetland and buffer acreage in the conservation reserve.
S.AMDT.2004 Amendment SA 2004 proposed by Senator Cochran for Senator McConnell. (consideration: S11089-11094; text: CR S11090-11091)
To provide assistance for certain specialty crops.
S.AMDT.2005 Amendment SA 2005 proposed by Senator Kohl for Senator Breaux. (S11089-11094; text: CR S11091)
To improve crop insurance coverage for sweet potatoes during fiscal year 2002.
S.AMDT.2006 Amendment SA 2006 proposed by Senator Kohl for Senator Sarbanes. (consideration: CR S11089-11094; text: CR S11091)
To provide funds for repairs to the Beltsville Agricultural Research Center in the State of Maryland.
S.AMDT.2007 Amendment SA 2007 proposed by Senator Kohl for Senator Graham. (consideration: CR S11089-11094; (text: CR S11091)
Regarding citrus.
S.AMDT.2008 Amendment SA 2008 proposed by Senator Cochran for Senator Bunning. (consideration: S11089-11094; text: CR S11091)
Making available funds to monitor and prevent Mare Reproductive Loss Syndrome in cooperation with the University of Kentucky.
S.AMDT.2009 Amendment SA 2009 proposed by Senator Cochran for Senator Stevens. (consideration: S11089-11094; ; text: CR S11091)
To provide that the Secretary may make grants to regulatory commissions in states with communities without dial-up internet access to establish a competitively neutral grant program to telecommunications carriers that establish facilities and services.
S.AMDT.2010 Amendment SA 2010 proposed by Senator Kohl for Senator Dorgan. (consideration: S11089-11094; text: CR S11091)
To make available funds to purchase bison meat for the FDPIR from producer owned cooperative organizations.
S.AMDT.2011 Amendment SA 2011 proposed by Senator Cochran. (consideration: S11089-11094; text: CR S11091)
Making available funds to carry out a pilot program in cooperation with the Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service to determine migratory bird harvest, including population monitoring, harvest information, and field operations.
S.AMDT.2012 Amendment SA 2012 proposed by Senator Cochran for Senator McConnell. (consideration: S11089-11094; text: CR S11091)
To provide funding for the purchase of conservation easements in the State of Kentucky.
S.AMDT.2013 Amendment SA 2013 proposed by Senator Kohl for Senator Harkin. (consideration: S11089-11094; text: CR S11091)
To enhance FDA enforcement of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994.
S.AMDT.2014 Amendment SA 2014 proposed by Senator Cochran for Senator Voinovich. (consideration: S11089-11094; text: CR S11091)
To set aside funding for a generic drug public education campaign.
S.AMDT.2015 Amendment SA 2015 proposed by Senator Cochran for Senator Collins. (consideration: S11089-11094; text: CR S11091)
To provide a grant to Oklahoma State University to develop chemical and biological sensors, including food safety sensors.
S.AMDT.2016 Amendment SA 2016 proposed by Senator Kohl for Senator Reed. (consideration: CR S11089-11094; text: CR S11091)
To make available funds for the Environmental Biotechnology initiative at the University of Rhode Island.
S.AMDT.1988 Amendment SA 1988 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
S.AMDT.1989 Amendment SA 1989 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
S.AMDT.1990 Amendment SA 1990 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
S.AMDT.1991 Amendment SA 1991 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
S.AMDT.1992 Amendment SA 1992 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
S.AMDT.1993 Amendment SA 1993 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
S.AMDT.1994 Amendment SA 1994 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11089-11094)
S.AMDT.1995 Amendment SA 1995 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11089-11094)
S.AMDT.1996 Amendment SA 1996 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
S.AMDT.1997 Amendment SA 1997 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
S.AMDT.1998 Amendment SA 1998 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
S.AMDT.1999 Amendment SA 1999 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
S.AMDT.2000 Amendment SA 2000 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
S.AMDT.2001 Amendment SA 2001 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
S.AMDT.2002 Amendment SA 2002 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
S.AMDT.2003 Amendment SA 2003 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
S.AMDT.2004 Amendment SA 2004 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
S.AMDT.2005 Amendment SA 2005 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
S.AMDT.2006 Amendment SA 2006 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
S.AMDT.2007 Amendment SA 2007 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
S.AMDT.2008 Amendment SA 2008 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
S.AMDT.2009 Amendment SA 2009 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
S.AMDT.2010 Amendment SA 2010 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
S.AMDT.2011 Amendment SA 2011 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
S.AMDT.2012 Amendment SA 2012 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
S.AMDT.2013 Amendment SA 2013 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
S.AMDT.2014 Amendment SA 2014 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
S.AMDT.2015 Amendment SA 2015 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
S.AMDT.2016 Amendment SA 2016 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
Passed Senate with an amendment by Yea-Nay Vote. 91 - 5. Record Vote Number: 315. (text as passed Senate: CR 10/30/2001 S11236-11247)
Senate insists on its amendment, asks for a conference, appoints conferees Kohl, Harkin, Dorgan, Feinstein, Durbin, Johnson, Murray, Byrd, Cochran, Specter, Bond, McConnell, Burns, Craig and Stevens.
Measure amended in Senate after passage by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11247)
S.AMDT.2037 Amendment SA 2037 proposed by Senator Reid for Senator Kohl. (consideration: CR S11247; text: CR S11247-11248)
To amend H.R. 2330.
S.AMDT.2037 Amendment SA 2037 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
Message on Senate action sent to the House.
10/31/2001 12:08pm:
Mr. Bonilla asked unanimous consent that the House disagree to the Senate amendment, and agree to a conference.
10/31/2001 12:09pm:
On motion that the House disagree to the Senate amendment, and agree to a conference Agreed to without objection. (consideration: CR H7549-7553)
10/31/2001 12:10pm:
Ms. Kaptur moved that the House instruct conferees.
10/31/2001 12:10pm:
DEBATE - The House proceeded with one hour of debate on the motion to instruct conferees. The instructions contained in the motion require the managers on the part of the House to insist on providing the highest level of funding possible for international food activities under Public Law 480, Title II.
10/31/2001 12:40pm:
The previous question was ordered without objection.
10/31/2001 12:40pm:
On motion that the House instruct conferees Agreed to by voice vote.
10/31/2001 12:40pm:
Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.
10/31/2001 12:40pm:
The Speaker appointed conferees: Bonilla, Walsh, Kingston, Nethercutt, Latham, Emerson, Goode, LaHood, Young (FL), Kaptur, DeLauro, Hinchey, Farr, Boyd, and Obey.
11/8/2001 11:26am:
Mr. Bonilla asked unanimous consent that managers on the part of the House have until midnight on Nov. 9 to file a conference report on H.R. 2330. Agreed to without objection.
Conferees agreed to file conference report.
11/9/2001 12:04pm:
Conference report H. Rept. 107-275 filed. (text of coference report: CR H7962-7986)
11/13/2001 5:34pm:
Mr. Bonilla brought up conference report H. Rept. 107-275 by previously agreed to special order. (consideration: CR H8067-8081)
11/13/2001 6:05pm:
The previous question was ordered without objection.
11/13/2001 6:38pm:
The House proceeded to consider the conference report H.Rept. 107-275 as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H8087)
11/13/2001 6:57pm:
On agreeing to the conference report Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: 379 - 33 (Roll no. 436).
11/13/2001 6:57pm:
Motions to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.
Conference papers: Senate report and manager's statement and message on House action held at the desk in Senate. (consideration: CR S11867)
Conference report considered in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
Senate agreed to conference report by Yea-Nay Vote. 92 - 7. Record Vote Number: 339. (consideration: CR S11872-11878)
Message on Senate action sent to the House.
Cleared for White House.
Presented to President.
Signed by President.
Became Public Law No: 107-76.

RELATED BILL DETAILS:  (additional related bills may be indentified in Status)


1. H.AMDT.133 to H.R.2330 An amendment considered as adopted pursuant to H. Res. 183. The amendment strikes section 740(f) in Title VII.
Sponsor: House Rules (introduced 6/28/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Committees: House Rules
Latest Major Action: 6/28/2001 House amendment agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Rules amendment (A001) Agreed to without objection.

2. H.AMDT.134 to H.R.2330 An amendment to reduce the amount in Title I for Office of the Secretary by $1,700 and to increase the amount in Title V for Foreign Agricultural Service--Salaries and Expenses by $1,700.
Sponsor: Rep Kaptur, Marcy [OH-9] (introduced 6/28/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 6/28/2001 By unanimous consent, the Kaptur amendment was withdrawn.

3. H.AMDT.135 to H.R.2330 An amendment numbered 24 printed in the Congressional Record to add a new section providing for a report to Congress regarding genetically engineered foods.
Sponsor: Rep Tierney, John F. [MA-6] (introduced 6/28/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 6/28/2001 By unanimous consent, the Tierney amendment was withdrawn.

4. H.AMDT.136 to H.R.2330 Amendment authorizes grants for research into improving the nitrogen-fixing ability and efficiency of plants.
Sponsor: Rep Smith, Nick [MI-7] (introduced 6/28/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 6/28/2001 House amendment agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Smith (MI) amendment (A004) Agreed to by voice vote.

5. H.AMDT.137 to H.R.2330 An amendment to increase the funding for the Food and Safety and Inspection Service to improve food safety and reduce the incidence of foodborne illnesses by $50,000,000 and to increase the funding for the FDA for an identical purpose by $163,000,000.
Sponsor: Rep DeLauro, Rosa L. [CT-3] (introduced 6/28/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 6/28/2001 Mr. Bonilla raised a point of order against the DeLauro amendment (A005). Mr. Bonilla stated that the amendment sought to change existing law and constituted legislation on an appropriation bill. The Chair sustained the point of order.

6. H.AMDT.138 to H.R.2330
Sponsor: Rep Clayton, Eva M. [NC-1] (introduced 6/28/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 6/28/2001 By unanimous consent, the Clayton amendment was withdrawn.

7. H.AMDT.139 to H.R.2330 An amendment to add a new proviso stating that the Secretary of Agriculture may not take into account the availability of basic allowance for housing for members of the Armed Forces when determining the eligibility of persons for free or reduced-price lunch programs.
Sponsor: Rep Davis, Susan A. [CA-49] (introduced 6/28/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 6/28/2001 By unanimous consent, the Davis (CA) amendment was withdrawn.

8. H.AMDT.140 to H.R.2330 Amendment makes available an additional $2.5 million for the Food and Drug Administration Office of Generic Drugs.
Sponsor: Rep Brown, Sherrod [OH-13] (introduced 6/28/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 6/28/2001 House amendment agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Brown (OH) amendment (A008) Agreed to by recorded vote: 324 - 89 (Roll no. 208).

9. H.AMDT.141 to H.R.2330 Amendment allocates $5 million to carry out the Food and Drug Administration's antibiotic resistance plan.
Sponsor: Rep Brown, Sherrod [OH-13] (introduced 6/28/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 6/28/2001 House amendment agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Brown (OH) amendment (A009) Agreed to by recorded vote: 271 - 140 (Roll no. 209).

10. H.AMDT.142 to H.R.2330 Amendment allocates $250,000 to the Food and Drug Administration to develop a label for chocolate products that indicates that no child slave labor was used in the growing and harvesting of cocoa.
Sponsor: Rep Engel, Eliot L. [NY-17] (introduced 6/28/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 6/28/2001 House amendment agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Engel amendment (A010) Agreed to by recorded vote: 291 - 115 (Roll no. 210).

11. H.AMDT.143 to H.R.2330 Amendment makes available up to $5.9 million from balances of direct loans in the rural housing insurance account for rural rental assistance agreements and allows priority to prospective tenants who are residing in temporary housing provided by FEMA.
Sponsor: Rep Clayton, Eva M. [NC-1] (introduced 6/28/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 6/28/2001 House amendment agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Clayton amendment (A011) Agreed to by voice vote.

12. H.AMDT.144 to H.R.2330 An amendment numbered 12 printed in the Congressional Record to provide funds for the Centennial of the 4-H Program.
Sponsor: Rep Kaptur, Marcy [OH-9] (introduced 7/11/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 7/11/2001 By unanimous consent, the Kaptur amendment was withdrawn.

13. H.AMDT.145 to H.R.2330 Amendment makes available Foods for Peace commodities valued at $25 million to developing nations to assist in mitigating the effects of HIV and AIDS in communities and households, particularly those caring for orphaned children.
Sponsor: Rep Pelosi, Nancy [CA-8] (introduced 7/11/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 7/11/2001 House amendment agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Pelosi amendment (A013) Agreed to by voice vote.

14. H.AMDT.146 to H.R.2330 Amendment prohibits use of funds to eliminate the two river navigator positions, including the contract position, for the Hudson River and Upper Susquehanna/Lackawanna Rivers or to alter the tasks assigned to the persons filling such positions.
Sponsor: Rep Hinchey, Maurice D. [NY-26] (introduced 7/11/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 7/11/2001 House amendment agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Hinchey amendment (A014) Agreed to by voice vote.

15. H.AMDT.147 to H.R.2330 Amendment sought to prohibit the FDA from enforcing laws that ban the re-importation of drugs originally manufactured in the United States by anyone other than the manufacturer.
Sponsor: Rep Sanders, Bernard [VT] (introduced 7/11/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 7/11/2001 House amendment not agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Sanders amendment (A015) Failed by recorded vote: 159 - 267 (Roll no. 216).

16. H.AMDT.148 to H.R.2330 Amendment provides $3 million to be used for the rehabilitation of aging watershed dams.
Sponsor: Rep Lucas, Frank D. [OK-6] (introduced 7/11/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 7/11/2001 House amendment agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Lucas (OK) amendment (A016) Agreed to by voice vote.

17. H.AMDT.149 to H.R.2330 An amendment comprised of amendments numbered 17 and 18 printed in the Congressional Record and offered en bloc. The amendments provide funds for the Hawaii Agriculture Research Center and the Oceanic Institute of Hawaii.
Sponsor: Rep Mink, Patsy T. [HI-2] (introduced 7/11/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 7/11/2001 By unanimous consent, the Mink amendment was withdrawn.

18. H.AMDT.150 to H.R.2330 Amendment allows individuals to import a prescription drug that appears to be FDA approved and manufactured pursuant to the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and does not appear to be a narcotic.
Sponsor: Rep Gutknecht, Gil [MN-1] (introduced 7/11/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 7/11/2001 House amendment agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Gutknecht amendment (A018) Agreed to by recorded vote: 324 - 101 (Roll no. 217).

19. H.AMDT.151 to H.R.2330 Amendment sought to prohibit use of funds for an application for an animal drug for creating transgenic salmon or any other transgenic fish.
Sponsor: Rep Kucinich, Dennis J. [OH-10] (introduced 7/11/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 7/11/2001 House amendment not agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Kucinich amendment (A019) Failed by recorded vote: 145 - 279 (Roll no. 218).

20. H.AMDT.152 to H.R.2330 An amendment numbered 5 printed in the Congressional Record to provide increased funding for outreach to disadvantage farmers.
Sponsor: Rep Clayton, Eva M. [NC-1] (introduced 7/11/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 7/11/2001 By unanimous consent, the Clayton amendment was withdrawn.

21. H.AMDT.153 to H.R.2330 An amendment to increase funding for Hispanic-serving institutions by an amount of $16,508,000.
Sponsor: Rep Baca, Joe [CA-42] (introduced 7/11/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 7/11/2001 By unanimous consent, the Baca amendment was withdrawn.

22. H.AMDT.154 to H.R.2330
Sponsor: Rep Blumenauer, Earl [OR-3] (introduced 7/11/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 7/11/2001 By unanimous consent, the Blumenauer amendment was withdrawn.

23. H.AMDT.155 to H.R.2330 Amendment prohibits use of funds for individuals or entities which violate the Buy American Act.
Sponsor: Rep Traficant, James A., Jr. [OH-17] (introduced 7/11/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 7/11/2001 House amendment agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Traficant amendment (A023) Agreed to by voice vote.

24. H.AMDT.156 to H.R.2330 An amendment numbered 21 printed in the Congressional Record.
Sponsor: Rep Smith, Nick [MI-7] (introduced 7/11/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 7/11/2001 By unanimous consent, the Smith (MI) amendment was withdrawn.

25. H.AMDT.157 to H.R.2330 An amendment numbered 30 printed in the Congressional Record to establish a $150,000 cap for payments as a result of crop loan forfeitures.
Sponsor: Rep Smith, Nick [MI-7] (introduced 7/11/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 7/11/2001 Mr. Latham raised a point of order against the Smith (MI) amendment (A025). Mr. Latham stated that the amendment sought to change existing law and constituted legislation in an appropriation bill. The Chair sustained the point of order.

26. H.AMDT.158 to H.R.2330 Amendment increases funding for the USDA's Nutrition Program for the Elderly by $10 million.
Sponsor: Rep Stupak, Bart [MI-1] (introduced 7/11/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 7/11/2001 House amendment agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Stupak amendment (A026) Agreed to by voice vote.

27. H.AMDT.159 to H.R.2330 Amendment sought to prohibit use of funds in the bill for payments to producers of wool or the producers of mohair for the 2000 or 2001 marketing years.
Sponsor: Rep Weiner, Anthony D. [NY-9] (introduced 7/11/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 7/11/2001 House amendment not agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Weiner amendment (A027) Failed by recorded vote: 155 - 272 (Roll no. 219).

28. H.AMDT.160 to H.R.2330 Amendment sought to provide that none of the funds in the bill may be used to award any new allocations under the market access program or to pay the salaries of personnel to award such allocations.
Sponsor: Rep Royce, Edward R. [CA-39] (introduced 7/11/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 7/11/2001 House amendment not agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Royce amendment (A028) Failed by recorded vote: 85 - 341 (Roll no. 220).

29. H.AMDT.161 to H.R.2330 An amendment numbered 11 printed in the Congressional Record to provide $500,000,000 for programs related to development of biofuels.
Sponsor: Rep Kaptur, Marcy [OH-9] (introduced 7/11/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 7/11/2001 By unanimous consent, the Kaptur amendment was withdrawn.

30. H.AMDT.162 to H.R.2330 Amendment transfers $2.95 million to the FDA general account for such activities as the prevention of mad cow disease and hoof and mouth disease.
Sponsor: Rep Kaptur, Marcy [OH-9] (introduced 7/11/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 7/11/2001 House amendment agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Kaptur amendment (A030) Agreed to by voice vote.

31. H.AMDT.163 to H.R.2330 Amendment reallocates FDA funding of $1 million to the Office of Generic Drugs to evaluate and review potential patent abuse.
Sponsor: Rep Brown, Sherrod [OH-13] (introduced 7/11/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 7/11/2001 House amendment agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Brown (OH) amendment (A031) Agreed to by voice vote.

32. H.AMDT.164 to H.R.2330 An amendment numbered 4 printed in the Congressional Record to prohibit use of funds for approval of new drug applications without disclosure of the cost of research and development of such new drug and what portion of that cost is made up with public funding.
Sponsor: Rep Allen, Thomas H. [ME-1] (introduced 7/11/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 7/11/2001 Mr. Bonilla raised a point of order against the Allen amendment (A032). Mr. Bonilla stated that the amendment sought to change existing law and constituted legislation in an appropriation bill. The Chair sustained the point of order.

33. H.AMDT.165 to H.R.2330 Amendment deletes section 726 that prohibits funding to implement the Kyoto Protocol.
Sponsor: Rep Olver, John W. [MA-1] (introduced 7/11/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 7/11/2001 House amendment agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Olver amendment (A033) Agreed to by voice vote.

34. S.AMDT.1969 to H.R.2330 A substitute for the bill.
Sponsor: Sen Kohl, Herb [WI] (introduced 10/25/2001)      Cosponsors: 1
Latest Major Action: 10/25/2001 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 1969 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.

35. S.AMDT.1970 to H.R.2330 To modify conditions for transfers of funds.
Sponsor: Sen Kohl, Herb [WI] (introduced 10/25/2001)      Cosponsors: 1
Latest Major Action: 10/25/2001 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 1970 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.

36. S.AMDT.1971 to H.R.2330 To strike extraneous language from the Native American Institutions Endowment Fund.
Sponsor: Sen Kohl, Herb [WI] (introduced 10/25/2001)      Cosponsors: 1
Latest Major Action: 10/25/2001 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 1971 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.

37. S.AMDT.1972 to H.R.2330 To make a technical correction to the rural empowerment zones and enterprise communities grants program.
Sponsor: Sen Kohl, Herb [WI] (introduced 10/25/2001)      Cosponsors: 1
Latest Major Action: 10/25/2001 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 1972 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.

38. S.AMDT.1973 to H.R.2330 To make a technical correction to the Rural Utilities Service Rural Electrification and Telecommunications Loans Program Account.
Sponsor: Sen Kohl, Herb [WI] (introduced 10/25/2001)      Cosponsors: 1
Latest Major Action: 10/25/2001 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 1973 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.

39. S.AMDT.1974 to H.R.2330 To make a technical correction to the Rural Utilities Service Distance Learning and Telemedicine Program.
Sponsor: Sen Kohl, Herb [WI] (introduced 10/25/2001)      Cosponsors: 1
Latest Major Action: 10/25/2001 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 1974 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.

40. S.AMDT.1975 to H.R.2330 To include omitted language regarding administration of rural utilities programs.
Sponsor: Sen Kohl, Herb [WI] (introduced 10/25/2001)      Cosponsors: 1
Latest Major Action: 10/25/2001 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 1975 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.

41. S.AMDT.1976 to H.R.2330 Purpose will be available when the amendment is proposed for consideration. See Congressional Record for text.
Sponsor: Sen Smith, Gordon [OR] (introduced 10/25/2001)      Cosponsors: 1
Latest Major Action: 10/25/2001 Senate amendment submitted

42. S.AMDT.1977 to H.R.2330 Purpose will be available when the amendment is proposed for consideration. See Congressional Record for text.
Sponsor: Sen Bunning, Jim [KY] (introduced 10/25/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 10/25/2001 Senate amendment submitted

43. S.AMDT.1978 to H.R.2330 To provide market loss assistance for apple producers.
Sponsor: Sen Levin, Carl [MI] (introduced 10/25/2001)      Cosponsors: 13
Latest Major Action: 10/25/2001 Proposed amendment SA 1978 withdrawn in Senate.

44. S.AMDT.1979 to H.R.2330 Purpose will be available when the amendment is proposed for consideration. See Congressional Record for text.
Sponsor: Sen Graham, Bob [FL] (introduced 10/25/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 10/25/2001 Senate amendment submitted

45. S.AMDT.1980 to H.R.2330 Purpose will be available when the amendment is proposed for consideration. See Congressional Record for text.
Sponsor: Sen McCain, John [AZ] (introduced 10/25/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 10/25/2001 Senate amendment submitted

46. S.AMDT.1981 to H.R.2330 To provide assistance for farmers and ranchers in the Klamath Basin, Oregon and California.
Sponsor: Sen Smith, Gordon [OR] (introduced 10/25/2001)      Cosponsors: 1
Latest Major Action: 10/25/2001 Proposed amendment SA 1981 withdrawn in Senate.

47. S.AMDT.1982 to H.R.2330 Purpose will be available when the amendment is proposed for consideration. See Congressional Record for text.
Sponsor: Sen Reed, John F. [RI] (introduced 10/25/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 10/25/2001 Senate amendment submitted

48. S.AMDT.1983 to H.R.2330 Purpose will be available when the amendment is proposed for consideration. See Congressional Record for text.
Sponsor: Sen Clinton, Hillary Rodham [NY] (introduced 10/25/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 10/25/2001 Senate amendment submitted

49. S.AMDT.1984 to H.R.2330 to prohibit the use of appropriated funds to label, mark, stamp, or tag as "inspected and passes" meat, meat products, poultry, or poultry products that do not meet pathogen reduction performance standards.
Sponsor: Sen Harkin, Tom [IA] (introduced 10/25/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 10/25/2001 Proposed amendment SA 1984 withdrawn in Senate.

50. S.AMDT.1985 to H.R.2330 Purpose will be available when the amendment is proposed for consideration. See Congressional Record for text.
Sponsor: Sen Stevens, Ted [AK] (introduced 10/25/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 10/25/2001 Senate amendment submitted

51. S.AMDT.1986 to H.R.2330 Purpose will be available when the amendment is proposed for consideration. See Congressional Record for text.
Sponsor: Sen Stevens, Ted [AK] (introduced 10/25/2001)      Cosponsors: 1
Latest Major Action: 10/25/2001 Senate amendment submitted

52. S.AMDT.1987 to H.R.2330 Of a perfecting nature.
Sponsor: Sen Nelson, E. Benjamin [NE] (introduced 10/25/2001)      Cosponsors: 1
Latest Major Action: 10/25/2001 SA 1987 fell when SA 1984 was withdrawn.

53. S.AMDT.1988 to H.R.2330 To delay collection of marketing assessments for the 2001 crops of sugarcane and sugar beets.
Sponsor: Sen Dorgan, Byron L. [ND] (introduced 10/25/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 10/25/2001 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 1988 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.

54. S.AMDT.1989 to H.R.2330 Regarding Point Remove Arkansas.
Sponsor: Sen Lincoln, Blanche [AR] (introduced 10/25/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 10/25/2001 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 1989 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.

55. S.AMDT.1990 to H.R.2330 To provide funding for rural development.
Sponsor: Sen Johnson, Tim [SD] (introduced 10/25/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 10/25/2001 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 1990 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.

56. S.AMDT.1991 to H.R.2330 To provide for temporary use of existing payments to states table, revision of tables, and additional opt-out options.
Sponsor: Sen Wyden, Ron [OR] (introduced 10/25/2001)      Cosponsors: 1
Latest Major Action: 10/25/2001 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 1991 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.

57. S.AMDT.1992 to H.R.2330 To amend the definition of income in the Housing Act of 1949.
Sponsor: Sen Stevens, Ted [AK] (introduced 10/25/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 10/25/2001 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 1992 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.

58. S.AMDT.1993 to H.R.2330 To support funding for 1890 land-grant institutions..
Sponsor: Sen Landrieu, Mary [LA] (introduced 10/25/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 10/25/2001 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 1993 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.

59. S.AMDT.1994 to H.R.2330 To provide funding for the National 4-H Program Centennial Initiative.
Sponsor: Sen Harkin, Tom [IA] (introduced 10/25/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 10/25/2001 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 1994 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.

60. S.AMDT.1995 to H.R.2330 To provide for the transfer of funds provided for the Rural Community Advancement Program for guaranteed business and industry loans to direct business and industry loans.
Sponsor: Sen Cochran, Thad [MS] (introduced 10/25/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 10/25/2001 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 1995 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.

61. S.AMDT.1996 to H.R.2330 To increase reserves of the Food Stamps Program.
Sponsor: Sen Kohl, Herb [WI] (introduced 10/25/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 10/25/2001 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 1996 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.

62. S.AMDT.1997 to H.R.2330 To strike a limitation relating to the Kyoto Protocol.
Sponsor: Sen Kohl, Herb [WI] (introduced 10/25/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 10/25/2001 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 1997 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.

63. S.AMDT.1998 to H.R.2330 To make West Virginia State College at Institute, West Virginia, an 1890 Institution.
Sponsor: Sen Byrd, Robert C. [WV] (introduced 10/25/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 10/25/2001 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 1998 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.

64. S.AMDT.1999 to H.R.2330 To authorize a Natural Resources Conservation Service watershed project.
Sponsor: Sen Stevens, Ted [AK] (introduced 10/25/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 10/25/2001 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 1999 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.

65. S.AMDT.2000 to H.R.2330 To restrict the importation of certain fish and fish products.
Sponsor: Sen Cochran, Thad [MS] (introduced 10/25/2001)      Cosponsors: 5
Latest Major Action: 10/25/2001 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 2000 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.

66. S.AMDT.2001 to H.R.2330 To authorize transferred funds for avalanche control and the construction of an avalanch control wall to protect a public school.
Sponsor: Sen Stevens, Ted [AK] (introduced 10/25/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 10/25/2001 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 2001 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.

67. S.AMDT.2002 to H.R.2330 To provide $5,000,000 to the Department of Agriculture, Farm Service Agency, for reimbursement for crop damage resulting from the Bureau's use of herbicides in the State of Idaho.
Sponsor: Sen Craig, Larry E. [ID] (introduced 10/25/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 10/25/2001 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 2002 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.

68. S.AMDT.2003 to H.R.2330 To clarify that emerging vegetation in water may be enrolled in the pilot program for enrollment of wetland and buffer acreage in the conservation reserve.
Sponsor: Sen Harkin, Tom [IA] (introduced 10/25/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 10/25/2001 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 2003 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.

69. S.AMDT.2004 to H.R.2330 To provide assistance for certain specialty crops.
Sponsor: Sen McConnell, Mitch [KY] (introduced 10/25/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 10/25/2001 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 2004 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.

70. S.AMDT.2005 to H.R.2330 To improve crop insurance coverage for sweet potatoes during fiscal year 2002.
Sponsor: Sen Breaux, John B. [LA] (introduced 10/25/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 10/25/2001 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 2005 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.

71. S.AMDT.2006 to H.R.2330 To provide funds for repairs to the Beltsville Agricultural Research Center in the State of Maryland.
Sponsor: Sen Sarbanes, Paul S. [MD] (introduced 10/25/2001)      Cosponsors: 1
Latest Major Action: 10/25/2001 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 2006 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.

72. S.AMDT.2007 to H.R.2330 Regarding citrus.
Sponsor: Sen Graham, Bob [FL] (introduced 10/25/2001)      Cosponsors: 1
Latest Major Action: 10/25/2001 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 2007 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.

73. S.AMDT.2008 to H.R.2330 Making available funds to monitor and prevent Mare Reproductive Loss Syndrome in cooperation with the University of Kentucky.
Sponsor: Sen Bunning, Jim [KY] (introduced 10/25/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 10/25/2001 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 2008 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.

74. S.AMDT.2009 to H.R.2330 To provide that the Secretary may make grants to regulatory commissions in states with communities without dial-up internet access to establish a competitively neutral grant program to telecommunications carriers that establish facilities and services.
Sponsor: Sen Stevens, Ted [AK] (introduced 10/25/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 10/25/2001 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 2009 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.

75. S.AMDT.2010 to H.R.2330 To make available funds to purchase bison meat for the FDPIR from producer owned cooperative organizations.
Sponsor: Sen Dorgan, Byron L. [ND] (introduced 10/25/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 10/25/2001 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 2010 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.

76. S.AMDT.2011 to H.R.2330 Making available funds to carry out a pilot program in cooperation with the Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service to determine migratory bird harvest, including population monitoring, harvest information, and field operations.
Sponsor: Sen Cochran, Thad [MS] (introduced 10/25/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 10/25/2001 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 2011 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.

77. S.AMDT.2012 to H.R.2330 To provide funding for the purchase of conservation easements in the State of Kentucky.
Sponsor: Sen McConnell, Mitch [KY] (introduced 10/25/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 10/25/2001 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 2012 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.

78. S.AMDT.2013 to H.R.2330 To enhance FDA enforcement of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994.
Sponsor: Sen Harkin, Tom [IA] (introduced 10/25/2001)      Cosponsors: 1
Latest Major Action: 10/25/2001 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 2013 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.

79. S.AMDT.2014 to H.R.2330 To set aside funding for a generic drug public education campaign.
Sponsor: Sen Voinovich, George V. [OH] (introduced 10/25/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 10/25/2001 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 2014 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.

80. S.AMDT.2015 to H.R.2330 To provide a grant to Oklahoma State University to develop chemical and biological sensors, including food safety sensors.
Sponsor: Sen Collins, Susan M. [ME] (introduced 10/25/2001)      Cosponsors: 1
Latest Major Action: 10/25/2001 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 2015 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.

81. S.AMDT.2016 to H.R.2330 To make available funds for the Environmental Biotechnology initiative at the University of Rhode Island.
Sponsor: Sen Reed, John F. [RI] (introduced 10/25/2001)      Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 10/25/2001 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 2016 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.

82. S.AMDT.2037 to H.R.2330 To amend H.R. 2330.
Sponsor: Sen Kohl, Herb [WI] (introduced 10/30/2001)      Cosponsors: 1
Latest Major Action: 10/30/2001 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 2037 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.




11/9/2001--Conference report filed in House.    (There are 3
other summaries)

Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2002 - Title I: Agricultural Programs - Appropriates funds for FY 2002 for the following Department of Agriculture programs and services: (1) Office of the Secretary of Agriculture (Secretary); (2) executive operations; (3) Office of the Chief Information Officer; (4) Office of the Chief Financial Officer; (5) Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration; (6) agriculture buildings and facilities and rental payments; (7) hazardous materials management; (8) departmental administration; (9) Office of the Assistant Secretary for Congressional Relations; (10) Office of Communications; (11) Office of the Inspector General; (12) Office of the General Counsel; (13) Office of the Under Secretary for Research, Education, and Economics; (14) Economic Research Service; (15) National Agricultural Statistics Service; (16) Agricultural Research Service; (17) Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service; (18) Office of the Under Secretary for Marketing and Regulatory Programs; (19) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service; (20) Agricultural Marketing Service; (21) Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration; (22) Office of the Under Secretary for Food Safety; (23) Food Safety and Inspection Service; (24) Office of the Under Secretary for Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services; (25) Farm Service Agency; (26) Risk Management Agency; (27) Federal Crop Insurance Corporation Fund; and (28) Commodity Credit Corporation Fund.

Title II: Conservation Programs - Appropriates funds for the: (1) Office of the Under Secretary for Natural Resources and Environment; and (2) Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Title III: Rural Development Programs - Appropriates funds for the following: (1) Office of the Under Secretary for Rural Development; (2) Rural Housing Service; (3) Rural Business-Cooperative Service; and (4) Rural Utilities Service.

Title IV: Domestic Food Programs - Appropriates funds for the following: (1) Office of the Under Secretary for Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services; and (2) Food and Nutrition Service.

Title V: Foreign Assistance and Related Programs - Appropriates funds for the following: (1) Foreign Agricultural Service; (2) Public Law 480 program account, title I ocean freight differential grants, and title II grants; and (3) Commodity Credit Corporation export loans program account.

Title VI: Related Agencies and Food and Drug Administration- Appropriates funds for the following: (1) Food and Drug Administration; (2) Commodity Futures Trading Commission; and (3) Farm Credit Administration.

Title VII: General Provisions - Specifies certain uses and limits on or prohibitions against the use of funds appropriated by this Act.

(Sec. 723) Prohibits funds under this Act from being used to pay the salaries of personnel to carry out a conservation farm option program, as authorized by the Food Security Act of 1985.

(Sec. 724) Prohibits Food and Drug Administration (FDA) fund use to reduce the FDA District Office in Detroit, Michigan, below specified staffing levels, or to reduce it to a station or modified office. Stipulates that such provision shall not apply to FDA field laboratory facilities in Detroit, except that such personnel shall be assigned to Detroit-vicinity facilities pursuant to cooperative agreements between FDA and other laboratories.

(Sec. 726) Prohibits fund use to relocate a State Rural Development office unless cost and operation effective.

(Sec. 727) Obligates specified amounts of agricultural commodities to assist foreign countries mitigate the effects of HIV and AIDS.

(Sec. 728) Makes additional appropriations for Bill Emerson and Mickey Leland Hunger Fellowships.

(Sec. 729) Permits the deposit of credit card refunds and rebates in the Woking Capital Fund.

(Sec. 731) Amends the Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act to increase available funds for the National Sheep Industry Improvement Center.

(Sec. 732) Prohibits funds appropriated or made available under this Act from being used to issue a proposed rule affecting the definition of "animal" pursuant to the Animal Welfare Act.

(Sec. 733) Makes Cabot, Arkansas, Berlin, New Hampshire, and Cacalia, California, eligible for rural community advancement loans and guarantees.

(Sec. 734) Considers Casa Grande, Arizona, as having met specified rural area requirements under the Housing Act of 1949.

(Sec. 737) Makes Saint Joseph, Missouri, and Hollister, California, eligible for certain rural development mission area assistance.

(Sec. 740) Prohibits FDA fund use to close or relocate the FDA Division of Drug Analysis, St. Louis, Missouri, except that funds may be used to plan a relocation within St. Louis city limits.

(Sec. 741) Provides crop year 2000 market loss assistance for apple producers.

(Sec. 742) Prohibits the use of funds under this Act from being made available to a person or entity that has violated the Buy American Act.

(Sec. 743) Amends the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act to extend private organization eligibility under the child and adult care food program.

(Sec. 744) Directs the Natural Resources Conservation Service to provide specified financial assistance: (1) to the Mallard Pointe project, Madison County, Mississippi; and (2) for a wetlands restoration and water conservation project in the vicinity of Jamestown, Rhode Island.

(Sec. 745) Directs the Secretary, in cooperation with the State of Illinois, to carry out a soil, water, wetlands, and wildlife conservation pilot program in the Illinois River Basin.

(Sec. 747) Authorizes specified rural business and cooperative development funds to be made available for an integrated ethanol plant, feedlot, and animal waste digestion unit if Department of Energy matching funds are committed by July 1, 2002.

(Sec. 748) Directs the Administrator of the Rural Utilities Service to use the authorities of the Rural Electrification Act of 1936 to finance the acquisition of electricity in predominately rural areas.

(Sec. 749) States that certain marketing assessments imposed upon raw cane or beet sugar shall not be required to be remitted to the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) before September 2, 2002.

(Sec. 750) Provides specified emergency watershed protection program funds for completion of the current phase of the Kuhn Bayou (Point Remove) Project, Arkansas.

(Sec. 751) Sets forth provisions respecting specified payment calculations under the secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act of 2000.

(Sec. 752) Amends the Housing Act of 1949 to exclude from "income" for rural housing purposes dividends received from the Alaska Permanent Fund by a person under the age of 18.

(Sec. 753) Makes West Virginia State College at Institute, West Virginia, eligible to receive funds under the Act of August 30, 1890.

(Sec. 754) Provides financial and technical; assistance relating to the Tanana River bordering the Big Delta State Historical Park..

(Sec. 755) Prohibits FDA funds appropriated or made available under this Act from being used to admit fish or fish products labeled as "catfish" unless they are from the family Ictaluridae.

(Sec. 756) Authorizes the Secretary to: (1) accept and retransfer certain Alaska Railroad Corporation avalanche control funds to the City of Valdez to construct an avalanche wall to protect a public school; and (2) use certain CCC funds to pay crop damage claims resulting from the Bureau of Land Management's herbicide use in Idaho during 2001.

(Sec. 758) Amends the Food Security Act of 1985 to permit inclusion of emergency vegetation in water in the pilot program for enrollment of wetland and buffer acreage in the conservation reserve program.

(Sec. 759) Directs the Secretary to: (1) conduct referenda among producers of each type of tobacco eligible for price supports respecting mandatory grading by the Secretary; and (2) make loans (through September 30, 2003) to eligible horse breeders for losses suffered from mare reproductive loss syndrome.

(Sec. 760) Provides FY 2002 crop insurance coverage for sweet potatoes.

(Sec. 761) Amends the Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2001 to extend the citrus canker eradication payment date.

(Sec. 762) Amends the Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act to authorize the Secretary to make grants to State agencies to establish rural broadband service in rural areas without local dial-up Internet access or broadband service.

(Sec. 763) Makes specified funds available to purchase conservation easements or other land interests in Adair, Green, and Taylor Counties, Kentucky.

(Sec. 764) Makes Caldwell, Idaho, and Mt. Vernon, Washington, eligible for certain rural grants and loans for a period of up to one year from the date of enactment of this Act..

(Sec. 765) Amends the Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937 to authorize a producer allotment program and a handler withholding program under the cranberry marketing order within the same crop year based upon recommendation and analysis of the Cranberry Marketing Committee.

(Sec. 766) Amends the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act to: (1) extend the deadline for certain State agencies to identify and assist certain schools in need of special assistance; and (2) include Illinois in the program for at-risk-children.

(Sec. 768) Makes Watershed and Flood Prevention Operation funds available for technical and financial assistance for: (1) the Ferry Creek Mainstream Watershed Plan in DuPage County, Illinois; and (2) the lake level stabilization project in Burnett and Washburn Counties, Wisconsin.

(Sec. 770) Makes any current Rural Utilities Service borrower within 100 miles of New York City eligible for additional financing, refinancing, collateral flexibility, and deferrals for telecommunications, energy, or water projects related to the terrorist events of September 11, 2001.

(Sec. 772) Amends the Agricultural Market Transition Act to: (1) extend the milk price support program through May 31, 2002; and (2) terminate the recourse loan program for commercial processors of dairy products.

(Sec. 773) Directs the Secretary to transfer specified amounts of raw sugar to the Southern Minnesota Beet Sugar Co-op as additional loss compensation for Minnesota sugar producers.

(Sec. 774) Directs the Secretary to use CCC funds for specified payments to eligible tobacco owners, controllers, and growers.

(Sec. 775) Amends the Competitive, Special, and Facilities Research Grant Act to make competitive grants available to improve research capabilities in States in which institutions have been less successful in receiving such grants, based upon a three-year rolling average of funding levels.

(Sec. 776) Limits the use of funds made available under this Act for salaries of Department of Agriculture personnel who carry out FY 2002 education and risk management assistance under the Federal Crop Insurance Act.

(Sec. 777) Amends the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954 to rename the "Farmer-to-Farmer Program" as the "John Ogonowski Farmer-to-Farmer Program."