For Immediate Release
Wednesday, February 13, 2002

Contact: Beth Lee

Hagel Opposes Senate Farm Bill

Washington D.C. – U.S. Senator Chuck Hagel (R-NE) today voted against final passage of the Senate farm bill. The following is a statement from Senator Hagel regarding his vote. The bill passed by a vote of 58-40.

"We need to pass a good Farm Bill and that will happen. But this bill is not the best we can do. Our agriculture producers deserve better,” Hagel said. “This bill takes us back down the dark road of antique farm policy - moving our farmers back to the days of more government control. We will live with the results of this farm bill for years to come. In the coming weeks the Senate and House conferees will have an opportunity to produce a responsible farm bill.

“One of the biggest problems with the bill we voted on today is the water conservation provision which would lead to Federal intervention in states’ and individual water rights. This amendment sets very dangerous farm policy precedent.

“Other problems with the Senate Farm bill include a continuation of provisions that continue to subsidize overproduction, increase land prices, and jeopardize our trade agreements. The Senate did, however, pass my payment limits amendment which helps the family farmer and the amendment that prohibits packers from owning and feeding livestock. It is my hope that the Senate-House conferees will keep these improvements in the final Farm Bill,” Hagel concluded.