Organic Agriculture

Organic farming is among the fastest growing segments of agriculture.  Senator Leahy, known as the  Afather@ of the national organic standards, led House and Senate conferees to include expanded organic provisions in this Farm Bill.


NEW!  Exemption of Certified Organic Products from Assessments: The farm bill exempts farmers who produce and market 100% organic products from paying assessments under commodity promotion laws. 


 NEW! National Organic Certification Cost-Share Program:  The 2002 farm bill establishes and provides $5 million in funding for a national organic certification cost share program to assist producers and handlers of agricultural products in obtaining certification under the National Organic Program established under the Organic Foods Production Act of 1990.  Each producer or handler will be eligible for a reimbursement of up to 75 percent of its costs of certification, not to exceed $500.  This program was initially created as a 15-state pilot by Leahy in crop insurance legislation.  Last year, Vermont received $164,000 to assist organic certification.


NEW!  Organic Agriculture Research and Extension Initiative: The farm bill expands this initiative to include on-farm research and development for working organic farms, determination of desirable traits for organic commodities, and identification of marketing and policy constraints on the expansion of organic agriculture.  $15 million is provided to fund these organic farming research initiatives, which will be made available through a competitive grants process ($3 million/year 2003-2007).   In addition, the Secretary of Agriculture is required to facilitate access to organic research conducted outside of the United States.


NEW!  Organic Production and Market Data Initiatives: The Secretary of Agriculture is required to ensure that segregated data on the production and marketing of organic agricultural products is included in the ongoing baseline of data collection regarding agricultural production and marketing