STALLING THE FARM BILL -- (House of Representatives - February 28, 2002)

[Page: H638]


   (Mr. KINGSTON asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)

   Mr. KINGSTON. Mr. Speaker, several months ago back in October the House of Representatives passed a farm bill. Farm bills are important because in our food service delivery production chain, the government is very involved in the production end on the farm; and farmers cannot make planting decisions until the law for the coming year is stipulated. And one reason they cannot is they cannot borrow money to plant their crops because the banks will not lend money until they know what the farm bill says in it.

   Now, because of the House of Representatives return by Republicans is responsible, we passed this many, many months ago. Unfortunately it is across the hall in a body led by the other party, and they are still sitting on it. It is sad when so many people have such a callous disregard for farmers in America and for production agriculture. We need food in this country.

   The miracle of our food, to think that less than 2 percent of the population is serving 100 percent plus the world; and yet we cannot get the other body to pass the farm bill. It is ridiculous. Let us move on for the sake of farmers and for the sake of American consumers and get this thing done.