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Congressional Record article 26 of 550         Printer Friendly Display - 1,126 bytes.[Help]      

THE NEW FARM BILL -- (Senate - May 13, 2002)

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   Mr. DORGAN. Mr. President, this morning the President signed the new farm bill into law. We worked long and hard on that. It was a long, tortured trail to get it done, but the importance of it cannot be understated.

   In North Dakota, for example, the difference between the first Freedom to

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Farm bill --the current law--and this new farm bill is over $270 million in additional assistance during collapsed prices to family farmers. Now, that help is not just for family farmers; it shows up on many of our main streets and supports our jobs in a rural State such as North Dakota.

   I cannot say strongly enough how important this bill is. It took us too long to get done, but it is done. I appreciate the work that all of us did together and the cooperation in the final analysis to get it to the President. I am pleased and relieved that this morning, finally, this bill is now signed into law.