NAWG Applauds Passage of Farm Bill in Senate
May 08, 2002

The National Association of Wheat Growers (NAWG) applauded the successful conclusion of the Farm Bill debate as the Senate today passed a six-year farm bill by a vote of 64 to 35.

The conference report accompanying HR 2646, The Farm Bill, was passed by the House of Representatives on May 2, and following the decisive vote today by the Senate, the bill will be sent to the President for signature.

“The farmer producers of NAWG are indeed thankful for congressional passage of this farm bill,” said Gary Broyles, a Montana farmer and President of NAWG. “Our organization has worked on a farm bill for two years, and it is gratifying to have a bill in place for the 2002 crop year.”

In testimony before the House Committee on Agriculture, NAWG provided recommendations based on the organization’s research. NAWG’s proposal included a well balanced “tool kit” of support, consisting of market loan assistance, as well as fixed and countercyclical payments. The final bill that passed out of the House and Senate represents a compromise that provides broad-based support for agriculture and rural communities.

“Politics has been set aside for policy,” Broyles added, “as Congress has passed a farm bill that will provide security for farmers, as well as for lenders.”

NAWG has been concerned that the insecurity under existing law has resulted in the reluctance of lenders to extend financing. Four consecutive years of emergency payments illustrate the seriousness of the situation in farm country. This bill will give farmers, as well as their lenders and suppliers security for the current crop and the duration of the bill.

“We recognize that many people played a large role in bringing us to this point,” said Daren Coppock, NAWG’s CEO. “We appreciate the many hours and the patience of conferees and staff required to bring this bill to fruition. We look for the President to sign the bill so that the challenges of implementation can be addressed.” ###

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