Wheat Growers Applaud Agreement of House and Senate Ag Conferees
May 01, 2002

The National Association of Wheat Growers today applauded the work of House and Senate conferees as they reached agreement on a Farm Bill. The result was a product of compromise and offers badly needed support to wheat producers of the nation.

This legislation is important not only to wheat producers and to all American farmers, but it is important to American consumers. The 6-year bill ensures the continued supply of nutritious, safe and inexpensive food to American consumers.

The conference report makes generous allocation of resources to a variety of programs. The Conservation Title provides a total of over $17 billion dollars, an 80% increase in previous spending. The Conservation Security Act provides $2 billion for maintaining and increasing farm and ranch stewardship practices. Nutrition programs are supported for $6.4 billion. Development in rural America is provided for through funds for communication, value added projects, and for guarantees for rural business investment. The bill also fosters trade and research.

The National Association of Wheat Growers is grateful for the hard work of the House and Senate conferees as they worked long hours over weekends to conclude the conference report. NAWG president Gary Broyles expressed his appreciation not only for the work of conferees, but also for the efforts of the House and Senate Agriculture staffs, and Conferee staff. “They gave generously of their time and energy to make certain that the interests of American producers were represented. We are grateful for their efforts that have paid off in the reaching of a compromise.”

NAWG has been an integral part of the Farm Bill process, offering testimony as the House began its hearings into the matter. While compromises were made in reaching agreement, the Conference report includes the basic elements of support that provide a safety net that NAWG originally requested.

“This bill addresses multiple needs in a balanced way,” said Daren Coppock, CEO of the National Association of Wheat Growers. We look for support from both the House and the Senate for final passage allowing for implementation.”


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