November 02, 2001

Our wheat farmers are at a critical juncture. Like all commodities, the wheat industry has experienced several years of depressed commodity prices, rising production costs, shrinking shares of foreign markets, and ongoing crop losses due to weather, insects and disease.

However, wheat farmers are unique in that we are even now planting our last winter wheat crop under Freedom to Farm. We do not have the luxury of delaying action on a new Farm Bill.

NAWG CEO, Daren Coppock says, “Our Agriculture Lenders are increasingly nervous about committing themselves to farm loans in light of an uncertain farm policy environment. We need these loans now for the operating capital on our 2002 crop.”

He continued, “Our farmers are increasingly nervous about the uncertain economic future. Their last crop is in the ground. With four years of an ag crisis, we cannot afford to wait until September for a new farm law.”

More importantly, this farm bill is not a new issue. This is the culmination, not the beginning, of years of effort.

“Our farmers realized years ago that our current farm policy provided an inadequate safety net in times of continued depressed prices. We began working to shape a new farm policy that would provide all farmers with the dependability, predictability, and security that they require from federal farm programs,” stated Brian Sweatland, NAWG Director of Environmental Policy.

Two years ago, NAWG entered into a process with the House Agriculture Committee. The Committee, along with NAWG’s representatives, began a lengthy, thorough, deliberative, and inclusive process of developing a new farm bill. The bipartisan, consensus bill NAWG agreed to is H.R. 2646, the Farm Security Act of 2001.

The Wheat Growers are still committed to passing a new Farm Law this year, with H.R. 2646 serving as the foundation of our efforts in the Senate.

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