Spending Outlook
November 22, 2002

Preliminary discussion with Congressional staff indicates that federal spending for many non-defense domestic programs - including agricultural and Farm Bill programs - may be on the chopping block when the new Congress convenes in January. Although the individual Appropriations Subcommittees have not yet been given budget allocation instructions, it is believed that all 11 of the individual 2003 Appropriations bills that were in various stages of consideration when Congress adjourned will be reintroduced in the new Congress with instructions that overall spending levels be reduced. One thing is certain, the first few weeks of January should see considerable action since the Continuing Resolution enacted to keep the government running is set to expire on January 11th. Congress will either have to act on another stop-gap spending resolution or enact all 11 spending bills, most likely wrapped up in one single omnibus bill to send to the White House.

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