December 12, 2001

The National Association of Wheat Growers (NAWG) expressed support today for the efforts of western Senators to prevent the expansion of a federal conservation program into acquisition of water rights.

New Mexico Senator Pete Domenici (R-NM) offered the amendment this afternoon to remove the new “Water Conservation Program” provisions from the amended version of S. 1731, the Farm Bill. Domenici was joined in supporting the bill by Senators Craig, Crapo, Burns, Hutchinson, Enzi, Thomas, Kyl, Gordon Smith, Allard, and Campbell.

The provisions were inserted into the Senate Farm Bill after passage of the bill from committee, and only recently came to light.

NAWG believes that water rights regulation was specifically and deliberately left to the States, and that expanding the use of the Conservation Reserve Program to acquisition of water rights is inappropriate. The ability of the proposed program to acquire permanent water rights – separating the water from the land -- interferes with state water law.

Passing a Farm Bill this year is a paramount priority for NAWG. The last crop of winter wheat under the existing farm law has already been planted, and producers are already experiencing difficulty planning and budgeting beyond the 2002 harvest season. Including objectionable amendments in the bill – particularly slipping them in after Committee passage – complicates the overall goal of passing the Bill.

“We encourage the Senate to remove this provision from the bill,” said NAWG President Dusty Tallman. “These provisions turn the Farm Bill into a bitter pill for western Senators, and will only serve to delay completion of a bill.”

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