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For immediate release Contact:   Laura Johnston
October 21, 2002
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House Leaves Rural America in the Dust

--Representatives Head Home without Passing Disaster Assistance--

WASHINGTON (Oct. 17, 2002) – The U.S. House of Representatives "left rural America in the dust" as it dismissed Wednesday evening for a month-long recess without passing emergency disaster assistance, National Farmers Union President Dave Frederickson said.

"As the House left Washington, it left emergency disaster assistance on the table and farmers and ranchers in an economic bind," Frederickson said. "Farm families across the nation are disappointed, disheartened and discouraged today because the administration and House leadership have essentially ignored their continued pleas for help."

The Senate passed emergency disaster aid three times, with the support of 39 national farm organizations, despite opposition from the Bush administration and House leadership.

"The House has taken no action: no hearings, no votes, no amendments and no consideration of stand-alone legislation," Frederickson said. "In addition, the House blocked inclusion of disaster assistance in the recent farm bill."

Much of the country is in the midst of the worst drought since the Dust Bowl; other areas have experienced floods, insect infestations and disease.

As of Sept. 26, 55.1 percent of U.S. counties were declared disasters by the secretary of agriculture. In 2001, 48.6 percent of U.S. counties were declared disasters. Disasters were declared in nearly 30 percent of all counties in both years, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture data.

Frederickson said National Farmers Union will continue its push for disaster aid for agriculture producers when Congress returns.



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