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For immediate release Contact:   Laura Johnston
July 17, 2002
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NFU Recognizes Efforts of Congressional Rural Caucus

WASHINGTON (July 17, 2002) – National Farmers Union commended members of the Congressional Rural Caucus today during a reception celebrating the group’s accomplishments in the recently passed farm bill on behalf of rural communities.

"The Congressional Rural Caucus, and specifically its co-chairs Jo Ann Emerson (R-Mo.) and Eva Clayton (D-N.C.), have done an outstanding job in bringing to the legislative forefront those issues that make rural America a better place to live and work," said NFU President Dave Frederickson. "The Caucus’ comprehensive plan to revitalize rural America solidified an effective rural development title in the 2002 farm bill."

Farmers Union additionally congratulated Clayton for her years of service to rural America. "We are saddened to see such a strong leader for rural communities step down from congressional service, especially from her role on the House Agriculture Committee," said Frederickson.

The Congressional Rural Caucus is a bipartisan coalition of members of Congress who are committed to building stronger, more prosperous futures for Americans living on family farms and ranches and in rural communities.

National Farmers Union represents 300,000 family farmers and ranchers nationwide through legislative representation, educational opportunities and resources for value-added cooperative ventures.



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