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To: Sierra Club Activists in CA, FL, KY, LA, Midwest, MO, NC, NM, NY, OK, SC, TX, VA Chapters Interested in Sprawl, CAFOs, Agricultural Policy, and Wetlands; CAFO and Sprawl Organizers
From: Amy Maron, Washington, D.C. Representative, Environmental Quality Program
Re: Take Action on the House Farm Bill
Farm Bill NM Targets

The full House of Representatives is scheduled to take up a reauthorization of the Farm Bill as early as Wednesday, October 3. We need to contact key House members listed in targeted states to urge them to oppose this bill and to support the Boehlert/Kind/Gilcrest/Dingell amendment to increase funding for conservation programs. These are expected to be very close votes and every member counts. Please make some phone calls into the key offices listed, especially those with the *** next to their names.

In July, the House Agriculture Committee passed (by voice vote) an extremely anti-environmental Farm Bill, which would renew several conservation farm programs, but significantly undermine key environmental protections of existing laws. Of most concern to your efforts, the "Dirty Farm Bill" (HR 2646) would

  • Allow the giant animal factories (CAFOs) to receive federal funds for environmentally beneficial projects on farmland through the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP). Current law currently prevents CAFOs from receiving such subsidies.
  • Substantially underfund the Farmland Protection Program, which needs to be significantly increased to help preserve farmland in the path of development; and
  • underfund other key programs that help family farmers protect wetlands and other habitat and provide clean water.

In contrast, the Boehlert/Kind/Gilcrest/Dingell amendment would continue the current law's prohibition on EQIP funding for substantially increase funding for the Farmland Protection Program to help fight sprawl; and substantially increase funding for the Wetlands Reserve Program, the Conservation Reserve Program, and the Wildlife Habitat Improvement Program.

Please feel free to call Amy Maron in the D.C. office at 202-675-2397 or Brett Hulsey in the Midwest office at 608-257-4994 if you have any additional questions.

House Targets

The House members on the list are not currently cosponsors of Rep. Ron Kind's Working Lands Stewardship Act (HR 2375), the bill on which the amendment is modeled. We believe that these members will be inclined to vote for the amendment during full House debate on the Farm Bill. However, calls need to be made to these offices over the next several days and into the week of October 1 to urge them to oppose H.R. 2646 and to vote for the Kind/Gilcrest amendment.

Note: This vote is likely to be scored by the League of Conservation Voters.

Talking Points
The House Agriculture Committee's bill fails to protect clean water, critical habitat and other environmental concerns.
Please vote against this bill (HR 2646) when it comes up for a vote the week of October 1, and vote for the Kind/Gilcrest amendment.
The House Dirty Farm Bill is bad news for the environment, family farms, and our health:
  • It subsidizes giant agricultural operations that pollute our water -- operators who could well afford to pay to clean up their own messes.
  • It fails to protect wetlands that absorb floodwaters and pollution.
  • It fails to reward the conservation of working farms and ranches threatened by sprawling development.
  • It fails to reward family farmers who protect clean water, clean air, and reduce or eliminate pesticide use.
  • It fails to protect wildlife habitat.
  • It fails to provide a separate source of funding for stewardship incentives for farmers on working lands. It fails to protect sensitive forestlands|

Amy Maron
Washington, D.C. Representative
Environmental Quality Program
Sierra Club
408 C Street, NE
Washington, D.C. 20002
(202) 675-2397; fax (202) 547-6009

Webmaster: Matt Heavner