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Copyright 2001 The New York Times Company  
The New York Times

March 5, 2001, Monday, Late Edition - Final

SECTION: Section A; Page 16; Column 1; Editorial Desk

LENGTH: 694 words

HEADLINE: A Narrow Energy Bill

Give Senator Frank Murkowski this much. He has offered the first major bill in a decade aimed at overhauling the country's energy policies. But the Alaska Republican's 300-page measure is not by any stretch a blueprint for a measured policy that balances responsible development with energy conservation. Despite some nods toward energy efficiency, it is essentially an oil driller's bill. The larger danger is that it could serve as a template for the cabinet-level task force appointed by President Bush to devise a comprehensive national energy strategy. That panel, which is led by Vice President Dick Cheney, an oilman himself, is already disposed to honor Mr. Bush's campaign pledge to sweep away regulatory impediments to new exploration. If the panel endorses Mr. Murkowski's approach, environmentalists and their Congressional allies should be ready for a protracted and difficult struggle on Capitol Hill.

Mr. Murkowski's stated purpose is to reduce the nation's use of foreign oil from 56 percent to 50 percent, partly through tax breaks for the oil and gas companies but mainly by opening up more tracts of land for exploration. The bill also includes an array of incentives aimed at encouraging cleaner fuels and alternative fuel sources like wind power, as well as rewarding consumers who buy super-efficient cars and appliances. But these provisions, some of which appeal strongly to environmentalists, are secondary to the main thrust of the bill, which is to increase production. The centerpiece of that strategy, in turn, is to open up the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for exploration.

This page has addressed the folly of trespassing on a wondrous wildlife preserve for what, by official estimates, is likely to be a modest amount of economically recoverable oil. A majority of Mr. Murkowski's colleagues seem to share these doubts. Barring a radical change in sentiment, any measure that seeks to open the refuge to drilling will probably fail in an up-or-down vote in the House and, in the unlikely event that it succeeds there, will not survive a Senate filibuster promised by Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts.

But there are other unsettling aspects of the bill that could survive and, at the very least, could infect the thinking of the White House task force. One of these would transfer to the states the federal government's supervisory authority over drilling operations on federal land. Mr. Murkowski says this is merely an efficiency move. But conservationists fear that once operational control passes to state oil and gas commissions, environmental values like water quality and the protection of fish and wildlife will inevitably be subordinated.

What is especially annoying about this provision is that it is based on the premise, assiduously cultivated by the Bush campaign, that environmental concerns have inhibited exploration on America's public lands. For the most part, they have not. In the so-called overthrust belt in the Rocky Mountain states, only 5 percent of 116 million acres of land managed by the Interior Department's Bureau of Land Management -- containing a mere 2 percent of the lower 48's natural gas reserves -- are off limits, either as wilderness or national monuments. The environmentalists are merely asking that the job of safeguarding the millions of acres that are open to development not be transferred to notoriously indifferent state agencies.

A second worrisome section is a provision that would provide $1 billion for "clean coal" technology, which is aimed at making coal -- the most plentiful but dirtiest of all fossil fuels -- more acceptable environmentally. Washington has already spent $6 billion on clean-coal research. The bill not only would dump an additional $1 billion into an admittedly uncertain technology, but also would temporarily relieve any company investing in such technology from compliance with an important component of the Clean Air Act.

The bill has other problems, but these two alone suggest that it is a bill that will inspire more argument than enlightenment. And enlightenment on energy is what America needs most.

LOAD-DATE: March 5, 2001

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