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Copyright 2001 The New York Times Company  
The New York Times

August 1, 2001, Wednesday, Late Edition - Final

SECTION: Section A; Page 16; Column 1; Editorial Desk 

LENGTH: 532 words

HEADLINE: An Unenlightened Energy Bill

In a rational world, the members of the House of Representatives would disappear on their August vacation this Friday without touching the energy bill that lies before them, then start all over again in September. The bill is a mishmash of four smaller measures written by four separate committees. It runs to 511 pages, which few members have actually digested. It contains some useful suggestions to improve electricity transmission and streamline the distribution of natural gas. It also has modest subsidies for alternative fuels like wind and solar power and modest tax credits for energy-efficient cars and homes. On the whole, however, it is a dismal compendium of tired ideas favoring the coal, oil and gas industries.

Nevertheless, voting is expected to begin today, and since most members are eager to show their constituents that they care about energy, passage is virtually assured. The best one can hope for is a series of ameliorative amendments that strip the bill of its worst provisions while adding others of real value.

Among the most objectionable sections is one that would open the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil exploration, disrupting an ecological treasure. Two members -- Nancy Johnson, Republican of Connecticut, and Edward Markey, Democrat of Massachusetts -- will offer an amendment to strike it. They deserve their colleagues' strong support. Other bad provisions would weaken federal oversight of public lands coveted by the oil and gas industries or would otherwise threaten environmental values in wilderness areas that are best left alone. Republican moderates led by Sherwood Boehlert of New York have been negotiating with the leadership to soften these provisions. They should be struck entirely.

Meanwhile, Mr. Boehlert and Mr. Markey have persuaded the leadership to allow a vote on an amendment that would make meaningful changes in fuel economy standards as opposed to the trivial improvements now contained in the bill. The amendment would close the so-called S.U.V. loophole, under which large vehicles like S.U.V.'s and minivans are classified as light trucks and therefore escape the 27.5-mile-per-gallon standard required of ordinary cars. By some estimates, closing that loophole could result in oil savings of more than one million barrels a day by 2015, considerably more than the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge would be expected to produce in the same time frame.

These and other amendments would do much to redress the imbalance between exploration and conservation that now disfigures the bill, much as it disfigured President Bush's original energy plan. Regrettably, however, the leadership has said that some provisions are untouchable. These include lucrative tax breaks for industry that, in the aggregate, greatly exceed the incentives for conservation. The coal industry benefits more than any other, with billions in subsidies for "clean coal" technologies. The moderates are insisting that some of this be spent on coal gasification, the one technology with real promise. But there are billions in additional tax breaks that offer no apparent yield in terms of efficiency or cleaner air.

LOAD-DATE: August 1, 2001

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