AWEA News Releases
December 21, 2001
Tom Gray (802) 649-2112
Jon Chase
(202) 383-2507

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Republicans and Democrats Pledge to Extend Credit Next Year

The wind energy Production Tax Credit (PTC) will expire December 31 without being extended.  Congress adjourned for the year without agreeing to an economic stimulus bill containing tax credit extensions, or even passing a routine one-year extension of expiring tax provisions.  Congress is expected to act on a tax credit extension bill in 2002.  The PTC -– which provides a 1.5 cent per kWh credit (adjusted annually for inflation and now 1.7 cents/kWh) -– is an important factor in financing new wind power installations.

A 2-year PTC extension had been included in the so-called “economic stimulus” bill that Congress has been debating for the past few months. Despite agreement on nearly every major issue, negotiations on that legislation ultimately failed due to  partisan differences over how to deliver health care services to unemployed workers.

A last-ditch effort to extend all 17 expiring tax credits, including the PTC, also failed. This effort would have involved attaching the extension to a bill providing financial support for victims of the September 11 terrorist attacks.  The House and Senate adjourned for the year on Thursday, December 20, closing all possibility for additional attempts for this year to extend any of the expiring tax credits.

"Extending the PTC would have allowed the U.S. wind energy industry to continue expanding, producing new high-tech jobs, boosting rural economic development and helping achieve cleaner air,” said American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) executive director Randall Swisher.  “The inability of Congress to extend expiring tax credits means this economic development will be delayed a number of months into next year,” Swisher

Key Senators and House members have indicated they plan to act on a tax extension bill next year.  In the past, such bills have contained retroactive treatment for credits that have expired.  Congress officially returns January 23, 2002, but realistically will not complete action on tax legislation until the spring.  In the interim, AWEA will be seeking a letter from the Republican and Democratic leaders of the House and Senate tax committees indicating their intent to extend the PTC as expeditiously as possible next year. 

"Despite the inability of Congress to extend the PTC this year, we are very gratified by the strong bipartisan support expressed for wind energy in both houses of Congress and from the Bush Administration," said AWEA legislative director Jaime Steve.
"Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Rep. Mark Foley (R-Fla.), both of whom sponsored legislation calling for a five-year extension, provided strong leadership over the last two years," said Steve.  "They have done a tremendous job of lining up support from members of Congress.” 

Key players in AWEA’s ongoing effort include House Ways & Means Committee Chairman Bill Thomas (R-Calif.), Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) and Sens. Tom Daschle (D-S.D.), Jim Jeffords (I-Vt.), Harry Reid (D-Nev.), Frank Murkowski (R-Alaska), Jeff Bingaman (D-N.M.), Mike Crapo (R-Idaho), Byron Dorgan (D-N.D.), Kent Conrad (D-N.D.), Gordon Smith (R-Ore.), Jay Rockefeller (D-W.V.) and others.

Extension of the PTC was included in both the Adminsitration's fiscal 2002 budget proposal and its energy policy plan.  "Within the Bush Administration, David Garman (Assistant Secretary of Energy for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy) was a vigorous advocate for extending the tax credit," said Steve.

"The ongoing PTC effort has spanned the tenure of current AWEA president David Blittersdorf (NRG Systems) and past president Dean Gosselin (FPL Energy).  Each made a significant contribution in building the support necessary to ultimately achieve victory,” Steve said.

"Particular thanks go to AWEA member companies, individual members, component suppliers and utility industry and environmental allies who helped build strong support for an extension,” Steve added. 

Since beginning the PTC effort AWEA and its allies have achieved a number of milestones, including: 

  • Attracting more than 150 sponsors to the House PTC bill (H.R. 876) introduced by Reps. Foley, Robert Matsui (D-Calif.), Jerry Weller (R-Ill.) and Karen Thurman (D-Fla.);

  • Securing 26 sponsors to the Senate PTC bill (S. 530) introduced by Sens. Grassley and Kent Conrad (D-N.D.), both of whom serve on the tax-writing Finance Committee; and

  • Gaining inclusion of the PTC extension within proposed economic stimulus packages put forward in both the House and Senate.


AWEA, formed in 1974, is the national trade association of the U.S. wind energy
industry. The association's membership of more than 700 includes turbine
manufacturers, wind project developers, utilities, academicians, and interested
individuals from 49 states. More information on wind energy is available from the home page
of the AWEA web site: 

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