

November 13, 2001 

The Honorable Tom Daschle
Majority Leader
United States Senate
Washington, DC  20510

The Honorable Trent Lott
Minority Leader
United States Senate
Washington, DC  20510


Dear Leaders Daschle and Lott:

The Sustainable Energy Coalition is an alliance of more than 30 business, environmental, consumer, and energy policy organizations. We believe that clean energy technologies should play an important role in national energy policy.  Accordingly, when the Senate engages in energy policy debate, we strongly urge you to support the enactment of tax incentives for investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy.   President Bush has noted that "it's important for our national security to have a good energy policy," and we certainly agree.  Now, more than ever, the benefits of energy efficiency and renewable energy should be opened up to American businesses and consumers. 

Clean energy technologies have a critically important role to play in enhancing the energy security of the nation by promoting fuel diversity, harnessing safe and abundant domestic resources, and expanding the use of small-scale, dispersed, and passively-safe technologies – all of which can be built and operated without imposing new security burdens on the nation's energy infrastructure.

Existing tax incentives are weighted toward centralized infrastructure and traditional fossil and nuclear fuels. In our view, the Senate should redress this imbalance and act to improve the nation's energy security with tax incentives that will accelerate both public and private investment in energy efficiency and renewable energy.  This session, a number of bills have been introduced in both the House and Senate that contain strong energy efficiency and renewable energy tax incentives and enjoy broad bipartisan support. A strong Senate energy bill should include well-crafted tax incentives for

·     Distributed forms of clean power generation, including biomass, geothermal, solar and wind energy systems and energy-efficient fuel cells;

·     Extra energy-efficient new homes and commercial buildings;

·     Renewable energy generation for biomass, geothermal, incremental hydro, solar and wind energy resources;

·     Extra energy-efficient new appliances and heating, cooling, and hot water equipment;

·     Highly efficient vehicles, including hybrid and electric vehicles that greatly reduce airborne emissions;

·     Biomass-based alternative fuels and their related fueling infrastructure;

·     Combined heat and power systems, capable of doubling the useful work performed by a given amount of fuel; and

·     Small Producers Tax Credit, making the credit available to farmer cooperatives.          

We urge you to include these critical incentives that will quickly enable more widespread use of clean, safe and secure technologies for improving America's energy efficiency and accelerating our use of domestic renewable forms of energy.


Alaska Wilderness League
American Bioenergy Association
American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy
American Public Power Association
American Solar Energy Society
American Wind Energy Association
Bob Lawrence & Associates
Cascade Associates
Clean Fuels Development Coalition
Communications Consortium Media Center
Environmental and Energy Study Institute
Geothermal Energy Association
National Environmental Trust
National Hydropower Association
New Uses Council
Renewable Fuels Association
Safe Energy Communication Council
Solar Energy Industries Association
The Stella Group, Ltd.
Union of Concerned Scientists



The Hon. Max Baucus
The Hon. Charles E. Grassley
The Hon. Jeff Bingaman
The Hon. Frank Murkowski


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