A Quarterly News Publication of the American Highway Users Alliance

America's Highways
Roadway Safety Foundation

                                                                                                                  Fourth Quarter 2002


Save the Date!

Feb. 4, 2003

The next HwyUsers Executive Committee Meeting will feature top policymakers from the staffs of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee and the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. The meeting will be followed by a HwyUsers’ hosted reception and will include opportunities to network with key Congressional staff and other industry leaders. More details coming soon. Mark your calendars!

American Highway Users Alliance

The united voice of the transportation community on highway safety and mobility.

A nonprofit advocacy organization representing over 300 national trade associations, corporations, small businesses, and state and local nonprofit organizations that represent over 45 million highway users.

1776 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Suite 500
Washington, D.C. 20036
202.857.1200       fax 202.857.1220
© Copyright 2002

TEA 21 Reauthorization Strategy

The Highway Users Planning and Government Affairs Committee (PGA) is made up of policy experts from various businesses and organizations within The Highway Users. Over the last six months, the PGA Committee, chaired by Taylor Bowlden of 3M, met several times to outline nine brief policy papers to present pro-highway recommendations to Congress and the Administration on reauthorization of the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA 21).

At The Highway Users Annual Meeting, volunteers from the PGA presented the papers to attendees. The briefs covered the following key issues: Safety, Congestion, Funding, Quality Growth, Non-Metropolitan Roads, Transit, Trade Corridors, Research, and the Environment. After a discussion at the annual meeting, it was agreed to finalize the papers and prepare them for public release. The papers will be bound together and graphics will be added for delivery to Congressional and Department of Transportation staff in January. Copies will be made available to all Highway Users members.