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August 09, 2003
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Highway Funding Restoration Act

Government Affairs

U.S. Capitol

March 10, 2002

The Administration’s FY 2003 budget request would fund the federal highway program at $23.2 billion, a 27 percent reduction from the FY 2002 level of $31.8 billion. The reduction is a result of the Revenue Aligned Budget Authority (RABA) provision which requires highway funding to be adjusted annually to reflect gas and related tax receipts. The RABA provision is a component of the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA 21) guaranteed funding clause, unique to the federal highway program. For the first three years of TEA 21, actual Highway Trust Fund Revenues were higher than the projections included in the legislation. This is the first year that RABA has resulted in a decrease in federal highway funding.

The Highway Funding Restoration Act (H.R. 3694/S. 1917) would restore highway funding in FY 2003 to not less than the baseline level authorized in TEA 21. The measure has been introduced in the House and Senate and has broad bi-partisan support.

Just as the economy appears to be growing out of recession, now is not the time to bring about the significant job loss that such a dramatic reduction in highway construction and maintenance programs would cause. Further, the proposed cut would lower the amount of investment that states could use for public transportation solutions sought by state and local officials. According to the Federal Transit Administration, states chose to use over $1.2 billion in flexible funds during FY 2001 for public transportation projects.

The funding reduction would also establish an unrealistic funding baseline for the pending reauthorization of surface transportation programs.


  • APTA supports the Highway Funding Restoration Act (H.R. 3694/S. 1917), which would restore FY 2003 highway funding cuts resulting from application of the revenue aligned budget authority provisions of TEA 21. APTA supports maximum funding for surface transportation infrastructure investment.

Contact: Robert Healy, Director-Government Affairs, (202) 496-4811 or

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