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Letter to President Bush

February 15, 2002
Honorable George W. Bush
President of the United States
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC  20500
Dear President Bush:
As debate begins on the federal budget for fiscal year (FY) 2003, our broad coalition of businesses and organized labor is concerned about funding levels for highways and water programs and its impact on the economy.
Investment in our nation’s transportation infrastructure provides critical benefits to the economy.  It creates much-needed new jobs.  According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, every $1 billion invested in transportation construction creates 42,100 new jobs.  A more efficient and safer transportation system is critical to our future economic growth, international competitiveness, quality of life and national security. 
The transportation system is critical for our nation's armed forces.  Through our nation’s airports, highways, ports and waterways, the armed forces must have the means to quickly mobilize.  Furthermore, increased investment in our transportation system relieves congestion and provides environmental improvements.  For example, congestion caused by an inadequate network of roads, highways, bridges and transit systems costs our economy $72 billion a year.
The Highway, Harbor Maintenance and Inland Waterways Trust Funds have significant unobligated balances that should be used to at least maintain FY 2002 funding levels for surface transportation and fund water programs at a $5 billion level.  These trust funds collect revenues from the users of each transportation system and are intended to be used solely for transportation infrastructure improvements.  We understand that the Revenue Aligned Budget Authority (RABA) mechanism was responsible for much of the reduction in the highway program budget submission.  We look forward to working with your Administration and Congress to ensure all user fees from the transportation trust funds are fully utilized to make up the shortfall of $8.5 billion for highways and fund the Army Corps of Engineers Civil Works program at the $5 billion level. 
The over 300 member organizations of the Americans For Transportation Mobility coalition stand ready to work with you and the Congress to grow our nation’s economy and meet the increasing transportation infrastructure needs. 

Americans For Transportation Mobility

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