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Letter to the United States Senate

May 17, 2002
The Honorable
United States Senate
Washington, DC  20510
Dear Senator :
The 380 member organizations and their employees of our broad coalition of businesses and organized labor is concerned about the proposed funding levels for highways in the fiscal year 2003 budget.   To address this shortfall, we urge you to support efforts to restore the maximum sustainable level from the Highway Trust Fund to meet the growing demands on the transportation system.
The budget submitted to Congress includes an $8.6 billion dollar reduction in federal highway funding due to the Revenue Aligned Budget Authority (RABA) provision of TEA-21.  If this reduction were to occur, up to 360,000 good-paying jobs could be lost.  These jobs should not be sacrificed when there is a $20 billion balance in the Highway Trust Fund.
To avert the possible $8.6 billion reduction in federal highway program investment, the House has passed H.R. 3694.  The House approach is to set FY2003 guaranteed minimum funding levels at the TEA-21 authorized floor of $27.7 billion¾a restoration of $4.4 billion. The House Appropriations Committee version of the FY 2002 Supplemental Appropriations bill includes a similar restoration. The Senate Budget Committee has recommended at least a $28.9 billion or a $5.7 billion restoration for the next fiscal year.  The Congressional Budget Office recently testified before the Senate that the Highway Trust Fund balance could support a $30.1 billion federal highway investment in FY 2003.
While restoring $4.4 billion brings the highway program to a $27.7 billion level is deeply appreciated and an important step forward, it would still result in a $4.1 billion reduction in federal highway funding next year, which would place over 170,000 American jobs in jeopardy.
With our nation continuing its economic recovery, now is the time to utilize part of the unobligated balance to ensure the safety and security of our nation’s transportation system as well as prevent the unnecessary loss of family wage jobs.  Investment in our nation’s transportation infrastructure provides critical benefits to the economy
The members of the American For Transportation Mobility coalition urge you to support restoring at least $5.7 billion to bring the overall program to a $28.9 billion level.
Americans For Transportation Mobility

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