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Copyright 2001 The New York Times Company  
The New York Times

July 16, 2001, Monday, Late Edition - Final
Correction Appended

SECTION: Section A; Page 1; Column 6; National Desk 

LENGTH: 1306 words




As the Bush administration begins a campaign-style push to drum up support for its energy plan this week, the sense of crisis that had propelled the plan forward has receded while energy shortages ease and fuel prices fall, at least for now.

Gasoline prices have been going down for six weeks straight and now average $1.47 a gallon, compared with $1.71 a gallon during the week of May 14, when the administration unveiled its energy strategy, according to the Department of Energy. Natural gas prices have dropped even faster and now average less than a third of the peak levels they reached early this year. In both cases, high prices spurred fresh production.

In California, where record electricity prices and local blackouts captured national attention for months, wholesale power prices have fallen to the lowest levels in more than a year. Analysts credit new power supplies, a state-led conservation effort and federal price controls for averting what many had feared would be a catastrophic summer of scarcity.

Administration officials said their energy strategy was intended to address long-term shortages, not short-term market fluctuations. But the surge of gasoline, natural gas and electricity supplies appears to undercut the administration's contention, as stated at the beginning of its energy strategy report, that "America in the year 2001 faces the most serious energy shortage since the oil embargoes of the 1970's."

The White House had once counted on a sense of emergency to persuade Congress to allow drilling on more protected lands and to change or abandon some regulations seen as impeding energy production.

Lower prices have diminished the sense of crisis and forced the administration to retreat from some priorities on Capitol Hill. The only energy-related proposals that have garnered broad bipartisan support are those that push energy conservation, a subject that critics say got short shrift in the president's energy plan.

"If we were having blackouts every day you can be sure the president would be out there insisting that we drill in the Arctic or else," said David Freeman, who is coordinating California's response to its electricity shortages for Gov. Gray Davis, a Democrat. "The fact that we've managed to keep the lights on and bring prices way down doesn't help his case much."

The president's case has also been hurt by polls showing that many people view his energy policies as favoring big oil companies at the expense of the environment. Some Republicans said a backlash against the energy plan had diminished the influence of Vice President Dick Cheney, its main architect.

Mr. Bush is still turning to Mr. Cheney, and to members of the cabinet, to stir up public and Congressional enthusiasm for drilling and other measures as the House takes up energy legislation this week.

On Monday, Mr. Cheney is moderating a town hall meeting on energy in Pittsburgh. Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham is in Chicago, Interior Secretary Gale A. Norton is in South Dakota, Commerce Secretary Donald L. Evans is in Charlotte, N.C., and Transportation Secretary Norman Y. Mineta is in Cleveland. Christie Whitman, the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, is in Connecticut.

Yet even House Republicans say prospects for the most contested measures have faded with the price scare. For instance, Representative Sherwood Boehlert, a New York Republican, said there was no chance Congress would approve drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

"A.N.W.R. is to energy policy as vouchers are to education policy," Mr. Boehlert said. "It's going nowhere."

Mr. Boehlert said Mr. Cheney had rebounded from criticism that the administration's energy plan paid only lip service to conservation, energy efficiency and renewable energy.

"That was a misstep," he said. "But since then, there's been a concerted effort by the administration to get other points of view."

Mr. Cheney's aides insist that any miscalculations by the vice president were in tone and not in substance, and that at any rate he is now back on course.

"The main point is that we've been here six months, and not only have we produced a comprehensive energy plan, but specific initiatives are being marked up in Congress," said Mary Matalin, Mr. Cheney's chief political adviser.

The White House got a rare legislative victory on energy last week when the Senate rejected a measure to block new drilling activity in the Gulf of Mexico. But that vote came after the administration scaled back its own plan to drill in the eastern gulf, caving in to criticism from many Florida politicians, including Gov. Jeb Bush, the president's brother.

The administration has fared less well in other votes. The Senate voted last week against opening lands designated national monuments for coal, oil and gas exploration. The House passed a measure that would ban drilling under the Great Lakes.

And though the administration says it is awaiting a scientific analysis before deciding whether to set higher fuel economy standards for cars and light trucks, a pivotal House panel voted last week to mandate that sport utility vehicles and minivans perform more efficiently.

As the administration seeks to cobble together an energy package in Congress, it is not likely to have the backdrop of ever-rising energy prices to help close the sale.

When the White House began preparing its energy plan last winter, Mr. Bush, Mr. Cheney and other top officials, many of whom have had extensive experience in the energy industry, repeatedly sounded the alarm. They said price spikes were the result of chronic underinvestment linked to regulatory impediments.

But independent analysts now argue that the scare may have had more to do with ordinary business decisions by energy companies. Facing record low prices in the late 1990's, companies did not invest much in new oil and gas exploration or gasoline and electricity production, creating shortages. Higher prices since then have had the reverse effect on investment, supply and prices.

The Energy Information Administration of the Department of Energy, for example, notes that gasoline prices have fallen sharply during the summer driving season because of a "dramatic response in gasoline production" last spring, when prices were high. At that time, Mr. Abraham, the energy secretary, warned that prices could hit $3 a gallon this summer because refineries could not produce enough gasoline.

Natural gas markets also seemed deeply troubled a few months back. With the number of rigs drilling gas wells at 550 in early 2000, supplies were thin and prices sky-high. But the industry responded without federal intervention. Now, 1,050 rigs are drilling for natural gas without any new lands opened for exploration. Prices have collapsed.

"We doubled the rig count in less than 18 months, which is phenomenal," said Darryl Smette, senior vice president for marketing at Devon Energy of Oklahoma.

In a widely publicized speech, Mr. Cheney used California, which has prided itself on its low per capita consumption of electricity, to illustrate his contention that conservation cannot be the basis of a sound energy policy.

The administration also steadfastly opposed any federal price controls for wholesale electricity markets in California, arguing that such interference would only distort the market and do little to relieve the state's woes.

California officials now say tht prices have plunged this summer because of a conservation drive that brought electricity consumption down 11 percent compared with last year. They say several new power plants helped increase supply. And they credit federal price controls, which an independent federal agency imposed after resisting the measure for months, with helping to contain prices as well.

CORRECTION-DATE: July 19, 2001, Thursday

A front-page article on Monday about the impact of falling fuel prices on the Bush administration's energy plan misstated comments by Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham about gasoline prices. Mr. Abraham testified to Congress that news reports about inflated prices could become a "self-fulfilling prophecy" and raise prices to $3 a gallon in the summer, but he did not warn that prices could go that high, and he said his information did not support predictions of so steep an increase.

GRAPHIC: Chart: "UPDATE: Falling Energy Prices"
National average prices for gasoline and natural gas have been declining recently.
Graph showing the average price of gasoline per gallon, from January 2000 to May 2001.
Graph showing the average price of natural gas per million B.T.U.'s, from January 2000 to May 2001*.
* May-July 2001 figures are estimates.
(Source: Energy Information Administration)(pg. A10)      

LOAD-DATE: July 16, 2001

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